[comp.lang.smalltalk] Montana Game

kww@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Dr Kevin Waite) (11/29/90)

My original posting of an implementation of the Montana game
seems to have got lost.   Since I think it is a reasonable example
of simple MVC use (and a reasonable game to boot) I think some
people might find it useful.   If it doesn't get out this time
then too bad.   I hope you enjoy it.   (If Ralph Johnson sees
this could he please acknowledge - thanks for your earlier ACK).

PS  This version includes some heuristics for automatic playing
of the game.   The best one finishes about 1 in 10 games.

-----------------   C U T       H E R E   -----------------

Object subclass: #PlayingCard
	instanceVariableNames: 'value '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
PlayingCard comment:
'I am an abstract superclass for playing cards.  My subclasses
implement the four suits (Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds).
Their instances have a value fixed at creation time.  They can
be displayed graphically.'!

!PlayingCard methodsFor: 'accessing'!


value: anInteger
	value := anInteger.! !

!PlayingCard methodsFor: 'converting'!

	"Return my ancestor card.  This is defined to be the card
	of the same suit but with a face value one lower than the

	| newValue ancestor |

	self value = 1 ifTrue: [self error: 'Aces do not have ancestors.'].
	newValue := self value - 1.
	ancestor := self class value: newValue.

	"Return my descendent card.  This is defined to be the card
	of the same suit but with a face value one higher than the

	| newValue ancestor |

	self value = 13 ifTrue: [^nil  "Kings do not have descendents"].
	newValue := self value + 1.
	ancestor := self class value: newValue.
	^ancestor! !

!PlayingCard methodsFor: 'displaying'!

displayAt: origin
	self displayOn: Display at: origin!

displayOn: aForm at: origin 
		displayOn: aForm
		at: origin
		clippingBox: (0 @ 0 extent: Display extent)!

displayOn: aForm at: origin clippingBox: box
	| image number aRect x y |

	image := self class image.
	number := self formattedNumber asDisplayText.
	aRect := origin extent: self class extent.
	aForm white: aRect.
	aForm border: aRect width: 2.
	x := 3 + ((16 - number width) // 2).
	y := 2 + (aRect height - number height) // 2.
	number displayOn: aForm at: (x@y) + origin clippingBox: box.

	x := aRect width - image width - 4.
	y := 1 + (aRect height - image height) // 2.
	image displayOn: aForm at: (x@y) + origin clippingBox: box.! !

!PlayingCard methodsFor: 'printing'!

	self value = 1 ifTrue: [^'A'].
	self value <= 10 ifTrue: [^self value printString].
	self value = 11 ifTrue: [^'J'].
	self value = 12 ifTrue: [^'Q'].
	self value = 13 ifTrue: [^'K'].

printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self formattedNumber.
	aStream nextPutAll: ' of '.
	self printSuitOn: aStream.!

printSuitOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'Unknown'.! !

!PlayingCard methodsFor: 'testing'!

= otherCard
	"Are the receiver and otherCard the same?"

	self class == otherCard class ifFalse: [^false].
	^self value = otherCard value!

	"Is the receiver an ace?"

	^self value = 1!

	"Is the receiver a King?"

	^self value = 13! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PlayingCard class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PlayingCard class methodsFor: 'constants'!

	"Return the maximum extent of a card's image."

	^44@28! !

!PlayingCard class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

	"Return the ace of the receiver class."

	^self value: 1!

	self error: 'Must use the value: instance creation method.'.!

value: aNumber
	^super new value: ((aNumber max: 1) min: 13)! !
PlayingCard subclass: #Heart
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
Heart comment:
'My instances are those playing cards whose suit is Hearts.'!

!Heart methodsFor: 'printing'!

printSuitOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'Hearts'.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Heart class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Heart class methodsFor: 'constants'!

		extent: 20 @ 18
		fromArray: #(514 0 1285 0 2698 32768 5461 16384 10922 40960 21845 20480 43690 40960 21845 20480 43690 40960 21845 16384 10922 32768 5461 0 2730 0 1364 0 680 0 336 0 160 0 64 0 )
		offset: 0 @ 0! !
PlayingCard subclass: #Spade
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
Spade comment:
'My instances are those playing cards whose suit is Spades.'!

!Spade methodsFor: 'printing'!

printSuitOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'Spades'.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Spade class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Spade class methodsFor: 'constants'!

		extent: 14 @ 20
		fromArray: #(768 1920 4032 8160 16368 32760 65532 65532 65532 65532 65532 65532 31992 15600 1920 768 4032 4032 768 768 )
		offset: 0 @ 0! !
PlayingCard subclass: #Diamond
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
Diamond comment:
'My instances are those playing cards whose suit is Diamonds.'!

!Diamond methodsFor: 'printing'!

printSuitOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'Diamonds'.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Diamond class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Diamond class methodsFor: 'constants'!

	extent: 18@18
	fromArray: #( 128 0 320 0 672 0 1360 0 2728 0 5460 0 10922 0 21845 0 43690 32768 21845 16384 10922 32768 5461 0 2730 0 1364 0 680 0 336 0 160 0 64 0)
	offset: 0@0! !
PlayingCard subclass: #Club
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
Club comment:
'My instances are those playing cards whose suit is Clubs.'!

!Club methodsFor: 'printing'!

printSuitOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'Clubs'.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Club class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Club class methodsFor: 'constants'!

		extent: 14 @ 18
		fromArray: #(768 1920 4032 4032 4032 1920 13104 31608 65532 65532 65532 65532 31992 14448 768 768 4032 4032 )
		offset: 0 @ 0! !
FormView subclass: #MontanaView
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
MontanaView comment:
'My instances provide a graphical representation of the state of the
board in a game of Montana.  My model is the instance of Montana.
My instances listen for two update messages broadcast by my model.
The first, #game, causes the entire board image to be refreshed.  This
is typically sent when a board is being reshuffled and at the start of a 
game.  The second message, #move, takes an argument describing the
last move made by the player.   This is used to animate the movement
of the card over the board.'!

!MontanaView methodsFor: 'controller access'!

	^MontanaController! !

!MontanaView methodsFor: 'displaying'!

animateCardFrom: start to: finish
	"A card has been moved from start position to finish position.
	Show this move by animating the movement of the displayed
	card between these two positions.  This is done by having the
	card follow a linear trajectory between these two points with
	ten equal steps."

	| startBox finishBox steps delta locus pause trajectory image count |

	startBox := self boundingBoxForPosition: start.
	finishBox := self boundingBoxForPosition: finish.
	steps := 10.
	delta := (finishBox origin - startBox origin) // steps.
	locus := startBox origin.
	pause := Delay forMilliseconds: 50.
	trajectory := [pause wait.  locus := locus + delta].
	image := Form fromDisplay: startBox.
	count := steps.
	Display gray: startBox.
	Cursor execute showWhile:
		[image follow: trajectory 
			while: [count := count - 1.  count > 0]
			within: self insetDisplayBox].

	image displayAt: finishBox origin.!

boundingBoxForPosition: position
	"Return the rectangle (expressed in Display coordinates)
	 giving the bounding box of the Montana board at the given

	| count cardSize offset x y aRect displacement |

	cardSize := PlayingCard extent.
	offset := 5.

	count := position y.
	x := (count * offset) + ((count-1) * cardSize x).

	count := position x.
	y := (count * offset) + ((count-1) * cardSize y).

	displacement := self insetDisplayBox origin.
	aRect := (x@y extent: cardSize) translateBy: displacement.

	"Completely regenerate the display of my model's board state."

	| origin cardSize y offset clipBox |

	Display fill: self insetDisplayBox mask: Form gray.
	origin := self insetDisplayBox origin.
	cardSize := PlayingCard extent.
	offset := 5.
	y := origin y + offset.
	clipBox := self insetDisplayBox.

	self model board do: [:row | | x |
		x := origin x + offset.
		row do: [:card |
			card isNil ifFalse: [
				card displayOn: Display at: x@y clippingBox: clipBox].

			x := x + cardSize x + offset.
		y := y + cardSize y + offset.

highlightPosition: position
	"Highlight the board at the given position by turning
	the image at that location using reverse video."

	| aRect |

	aRect := self boundingBoxForPosition: position.
	Display reverse: aRect.!

showAncestorOfCardAt: position
	"This method highlights the ancestor to the card
	at the given position.  (See the comment of class
	PlayingCard for a definition of ancestor).  If there 
	is no such ancestor then flash the display."   

	| thisCard ancestor locus |

	thisCard := self model cardAt: position.
	(thisCard isNil or: [thisCard value = 2]) 
		ifTrue: [^self flash].

	ancestor := thisCard ancestor.
	ancestor isNil ifTrue: [^self flash].

	locus := self model positionOfCard: ancestor.
	self highlightPosition: locus.
	Sensor waitNoButton.
	self highlightPosition: locus.!

showDescendentOfCardAt: position
	"This method highlights the descendent to the card
	at the given position.  (See the comment of class
	PlayingCard for a definition of descendent).  If there 
	is no such descendent then flash the display."   

	| thisCard desc locus |

	thisCard := self model cardToLeftOf: position.
	thisCard isNil ifTrue: [^self flash].
	desc := thisCard descendent.
	desc isNil ifTrue: [^self flash].

	locus := self model positionOfCard: desc.
	self highlightPosition: locus.
	Sensor waitNoButton.
	self highlightPosition: locus.!

update: aspect with: aMove
	"A change has occurred in the state of my model.  
	Depending upon the aspect, update the display accordingly."

	(aspect == #move and: [aMove notNil])
		ifTrue: [self animateCardFrom: aMove first 
									to: aMove last].

	aspect == #game ifTrue: [self display].! !

!MontanaView methodsFor: 'window access'!

	"Return the window for a graphical display of a Montana board."

	| cardSize offset width height |

	cardSize := PlayingCard extent.
	offset := 5.

	width := self model class cardsPerSuit * (cardSize x + offset) + offset.
	height := self model class numberOfSuits * (cardSize y + offset) + offset.
	^(Rectangle origin: 0 @ 0 extent: width@height) expandBy: self borderWidth! !
Model subclass: #Montana
	instanceVariableNames: 'board shufflesLeft lastMove moveCounter '
	classVariableNames: 'RND '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
Montana comment:
'My instances hold the state of play in the Montana game.  For details 
on how to play the game execute the following expression: 
	(Montana instructions).  

This version is based on the Macintosh version implemented by Eric Snider.  
It has been elaborated slightly so as to illustrate some aspects of the 
Smalltalk Model-View-Controller framework.   This version started out in 
life as a sample solution to an under-graduate Smalltalk introductory 
exercise.   The game could usefully be extended by a facility for the 
program to play the game to completion.

Instance variables:
''rows''		a 4-by-13 array of Cards or nil.  Holds the state of the board.
			Board positions are accessed using a Point where the x value
			is the row number; the y value is the column number.

''shufflesLeft''	an integer saying how many shuffles the player has left.

''lastMove''		a two-element array describing the last move made by the 
				player.  At the start of a game and immediately after a shuffle,
				this value is undefined.   The first element of the array is the
				position of the card before the move; the second element is the
				position after the move.

(c)	Dr. Kevin Waite, 1990.
	Computing Science Department
	University of Glasgow
	United Kingdom
	Email: kww@cs.glasgow.ac.uk'!

!Montana methodsFor: 'accessing'!

cardAt: aPoint
	"Return the given card at the specified location on the
	Montana board or nil if there is no card."

	^(self board at: aPoint x) at: aPoint y!

cardAt: aPoint put: aCard
	"Place the given card at the specified location on the
	Montana board.  A value of nil for aCard means that
	this location no longer has a card."

	(self board at: aPoint x) at: aPoint y put: aCard.!

	"Return the last move made by the player as a
	two-element array whose first element is the
	starting position and the second is the finishing
	position for the card."


lastMove: anArrayOfTwoPoints
	"Set the last move made by the player as a
	two-element array whose first element is the
	starting position and the second is the finishing
	position for the card."

	lastMove := anArrayOfTwoPoints.!


	"Return the next random number; a value in 
	the range 0..1."

	^RND next!

	"How many shuffles does the player have left?"


shufflesLeft: anInteger
	shufflesLeft := anInteger.! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'automatic play'!

	"This method is a stub that calls the actual method that does
	the playing.  This allows alternative methods to be tried quite

	"self randomlyMoveCards."
	"self repeatedPriorityMove."
	self repeatedRunAndJuggle.!

createAGapAt: position
	"Open up a gap at the given position.  This may
	involve moving an arbitrary number of cards.  Return
	a boolean saying whether the gap was actually created."

	| run   |

	run := self getRunStartingAt: position.
 	run isNil ifTrue: [^false].
	run do: [:each | self moveCardAtPosition: each].

getRunStartingAt: position 
	"A run is defined as an OrderedCollection of card positions 
	that moved in order will leave a gap at the specified 
	position. If there is no such run from this position 
	then return nil. If there is already a gap then the 
	run will be empty (but non-nil). A constraint on a 
	run is that a card can only appear once (to avoid 

		getRunStartingAt: position
		building: OrderedCollection new
		fixing: Set new!

getRunStartingAt: position building: aRun fixing: fixedPositions
	"See the method getRunStartingAt: for details of what
	is a run.  This method is trying to find a run building onto
	the one passed as parameter.  Those cards mentioned in
	fixedPositions cannot be moved since other cards are depending
	on them being in their current position."

	| aCard parent holder target |
	(aRun includes: position) ifTrue: [^nil  "Cycle."].
	(fixedPositions includes: position) ifTrue: [^nil  "Need this card here"].
	(self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: position x) >= position y ifTrue: [
		"Prohibit the movement of a card that is in sequence."

	aCard := self cardAt: position.
	aCard isNil ifTrue: [^aRun  "We found it."].

	parent := aCard ancestor.
	parent isAce ifTrue: [
		"This run is only possible if there is a vacant 
		slot in the leftmost column to take aCard (known
		here to be a '2' or if we can create a slot."
		1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
			(self isCardAt: r @ 1) ifFalse: [
				aRun addFirst: position.

		aRun addFirst: position.
		1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
			| trial result |

			trial := aRun deepCopy.
			result := self 
						getRunStartingAt: (r@1) 
						building: trial 
						fixing: fixedPositions.

			result isNil ifFalse: [^result]
		^nil   "No luck in moving this '2'."

	holder := self positionOfCard: parent.
	fixedPositions add: holder.

	holder y = self class cardsPerSuit ifTrue: [
		"Up against the edge of the board.  
		Since nothing will fit in behind it we 
		cannot have a run."


	target := holder + (0@1).   "Look at slot one to the right."
	aRun addFirst: position.
	^self getRunStartingAt: target building: aRun fixing: fixedPositions!

placeOrderedCardAt: position
	"This method tries to replace the card this position
	with the one that should be here given its neighbour.
	This first involves opening up a gap here and then 
	moving in the appropriate card.  If we cannot open 
	a gap then return false otherwise true."

	| success locus |

	success := self createAGapAt: position.
	success ifFalse: [^false].
	position y = 1 ifTrue: [ | aTwo |
		"In the left most column.  Move in an unplace '2'."
		aTwo := self findAnUnplacedTwoForRow: position x.
		aTwo isNil ifTrue: [^false].
		locus := self positionOfCard: aTwo.
	] ifFalse: [ | neighbour |
		neighbour := self cardToLeftOf: position.
		neighbour isNil ifTrue: [^false].
		locus := self positionOfCard: neighbour descendent.

	self moveCardAt: locus to: position.

	"Return a two-variable block that sorts cards into 
	decreasing order of preferrance for a move."

	^[:aCard :bCard |
		(self priorityOfCard: aCard) > 
		(self priorityOfCard: bCard)]!

	| movers priorityMovers start  |

	movers := self allCardsThatCanMove.
	movers isEmpty ifTrue: [^false].
	priorityMovers := movers asSortedCollection: self priorityBlock.
	start := self positionOfCard: priorityMovers first.
	self moveCardAtPosition: start.

priorityOfCard: aCard
	"Return an integer giving the priority that should be
	assigned to the moving of this card.  The high value
	means that this card should always be moved earlier, 
	a low value means move this later."

	| position neighbour dest destNeighbour ordered |
	position := self positionOfCard: aCard.
	neighbour := self cardToLeftOf: position.
	dest := self destinationForCardAt: position.
	destNeighbour := self cardToLeftOf: dest.

	"Case:  Moving a card to its final position."
	destNeighbour == aCard ancestor ifTrue: [^20].

	"Case: 	Moving a card that will leave a gap that when
			filled will extend a sequence."

	ordered := self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: position x.
	position y = (ordered + 1) ifTrue: [^30].

	"Case: Moving a card that is to the right of a gap."
	neighbour isNil ifTrue: [^10].
	"Case:	Moving a card that is to the right of a King."
	neighbour isKing ifTrue: [^0].

	"Otherwise case:  Moving a card nearer its final position."
	^(aCard value - position y) abs + 5!

	"This method tries to play the game by randomly moving
	cards until it cannot move anymore.  It then reshuffles and
	continues until it runs out of moves and shuffles."

	| moves |

		[moves := self randomlyMoveCardsIntoGaps.
		moves > 0] whileTrue.
		(self numberOfCardsInOrder < self class placeableCards)
		and: [self shufflesLeft > 0]
	] whileTrue: [self shuffle].!

	"This method tries to play the game by randomly moving cards
	in the hope that this will eventually converge on the solution."

	| gaps moves |

	gaps := self positionsOfTheGaps.
	moves := 0.

	1 to: gaps size do: [:k |
		| gap parent position aCard |

		gap := gaps at: k.
		parent := self cardToLeftOf: gap.
		aCard := parent isNil 
					ifFalse: [parent descendent] 
					ifTrue: ["Move a '2' into this gap."  
							gap y = 1 
								ifTrue: [self findAnUnplacedTwoForRow: gap x]	
								ifFalse: [nil]].
		aCard isNil ifFalse: [
			position := self positionOfCard: aCard.
			self moveCardAt: position to: gap.
			gaps at: k put: position.
			moves := moves + 1.

		[self priorityMove] whileTrue.
		(self numberOfCardsInOrder < self class placeableCards)
		and: [self shufflesLeft > 0]
	] whileTrue: [self shuffle].!

		[self runAndJuggle] whileTrue.
		(self numberOfCardsInOrder < self class placeableCards)
		and: [self shufflesLeft > 0]
	] whileTrue: [self shuffle].!

	"This method tries to fill the rows with the proper cards
	by moving in the proper cards.  It tries this for each row
	in turn.   If it cannot do a move in any row it performs a 
	priority-based move in an attempt to free up some space
	that can be used as part of a run-based move.  This continues
	until no more cards can be moved."

	| ordered moved |

	ordered := Array new: self class numberOfSuits.
	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		ordered at: r put: (self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: r)].

	moved := false.
	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		| attempt |

		attempt := (ordered at: r) + 1.
		[attempt < self class cardsPerSuit and: [
		 self placeOrderedCardAt: r @ attempt]] whileTrue: [
			attempt := attempt + 1.
			moved := true 

		ordered at: r put: (attempt-1).
	^moved or: [self priorityMove]! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"Prepare the receiver for the start of play."

	board := Array new: self class numberOfSuits.
	1 to: board size do: [:k | | row |

		row := Array new: self class cardsPerSuit.
		board at: k put: row.

	"Initialize this instance of the game with a random
	distribution of cards."

	|  cards |

	cards := OrderedCollection new: self class numberOfCards.
	1 to: self class numberOfCards do: [:k | cards add: (self convertToCard: k)].
	self shuffleCards: cards ordered: #(0 0 0 0).
	self resetShuffleCount.
	self resetMoveCounter.
	self changed: #game.! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'moving functions'!

	"Return a collection of the cards that could move 
	given the current state of the board."

	| movers gaps |

	movers := Set new.
	gaps := self positionsOfTheGaps.
	gaps do: [:gap |
		| parent aCard |

		parent := self cardToLeftOf: gap.
		aCard := parent isNil 
					ifFalse: [parent descendent] 
					ifTrue: ["Move a '2' into this gap."  
							gap y = 1 
								ifTrue: [self findAnUnplacedTwoForRow: gap x]	
								ifFalse: [nil]].
		aCard isNil ifFalse: [movers add: aCard].

cardToLeftOf: position
	"Return the card that appears in the same row as 
	the given position but one column to the left.  If there
	is no card at the new location, return nil."

	| row col newCol thisCard |

	row := position x.
	col := position y.
	newCol := col - 1.
	newCol = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].

	thisCard := self cardAt: row @ newCol.

destinationForCardAt: index
	"The card at the given index is about to be moved.  Return
	the index of the position where it should go to.  If there is
	already a card there then return nil otherwise return the
	position.  Note that '2' cards must go the first column:  if
	there is no free slot then return nil.  If the index argument
	corresponds to the first column then return the next free
	position in that column that is free or nil if none."

	| thisCard |
	thisCard := self cardAt: index.
	thisCard value = 2 ifTrue: [
		| r c |

		r := index x.   c := index y.
		c = 1 ifTrue: [ "Move to next free slot in first column."
			[r := r = 4 ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [r+1].
			 r = index x ifTrue: [^nil].
			 self isCardAt: r@c] whileTrue.
			^r @ c
		] ifFalse: [
			1 to: 4 do: [:s | (self isCardAt: s@1) ifFalse: [^s @ 1]].
	] ifFalse: ["Not a '2':  find its ancestor."
		| locus destLocus |

		locus := self positionOfCard: thisCard ancestor.

		"Are we at the end of the row?"
		locus y = self class cardsPerSuit ifTrue: [^nil].

		destLocus := locus x @ (locus y + 1).
		^(self isCardAt: destLocus) ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [destLocus]

moveCardAt: start to: finish
	"Move the card currently at location 'start' to its new
	location 'finish'.  This leaves a gap at start.   It is assumed
	that initially there is a gap at finish.  Once the board has 
	been updated, announce the change giving details of the 
	move so that any graphical display of the board can be 
	updated appropriately."

	|  thisMove |

	self simplyMoveCardAt: start to: finish.
	thisMove := Array with: start with: finish.
	self lastMove: thisMove.
	self oneMoreMove.
	self changed: #move with: thisMove.
	self changed: #status.!

moveCardAtPosition: position
	| destination |

	(self isCardAt: position)
		ifFalse: [^self error: 'There is no card here.'].

	destination := self destinationForCardAt: position.
	destination isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'This is an illegal move.'].

	self moveCardAt: position to: destination!

	"Return the number of cards that are in the proper order.
	This is used to compute the current score in the game."

	^(1 to: self class numberOfSuits) inject: 0 into: [:total :r |
				total + (self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: r)]!

numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: r
	"How cards are in their correct position in the 
	given row?  A card N is in its proper position if it
	is a member of the sequence 2, 3,...,N with the 
	sequence starting in the leftmost column of the row."

	| suit |

	suit := nil.
	1 to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c | 
		| v thisCard |

		v := c + 1.
		thisCard := self cardAt: r @ c.
		suit isNil 
			ifTrue: [suit := thisCard class] 
			ifFalse: [suit == thisCard class 
						ifFalse: [^c-1]].

		(thisCard isNil or: [
		thisCard value ~= v]) ifTrue: [^c-1]
	^self class cardsPerSuit!

positionOfCard: aCard
	"Return the position of the given card as an instance
	of Point with the x value denoting the row and the y
	value denoting the column occupied by aCard."

	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		1 to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			(self cardAt: r @ c) = aCard ifTrue: [^r @ c]]].

	self error: 'Could not find the given card.'.!

simplyMoveCardAt: start to: finish
	"Move the card currently at location 'start' to its new
	location 'finish'.  This leaves a gap at start.   It is assumed
	that initially there is a gap at finish."

	| thisCard  |

	(self isCardAt: finish) ifTrue: [self error].
	thisCard := self cardAt: start.
	self cardAt: start put: nil.
	self cardAt: finish put: thisCard.! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'private'!

	"Returns the current state of the board."


board: anArrayOfRows
	"Assigns the argument to be the new state of the board."

	board := anArrayOfRows!

convertToCard: index
	"The argument 'index' is an integer in the 
	range [1,52].  Convert this number into a 
	unique card instance."

	| suit number cardClass aCard ind |

	ind := index - 1.
	suit := ind // self class cardsPerSuit.
	number := (ind - (suit * self class cardsPerSuit)) + 1.
	cardClass := 	suit = 0 ifTrue: [Club] ifFalse: [
					suit = 1 ifTrue: [Heart] ifFalse: [
					suit = 2 ifTrue: [Spade] ifFalse: [
					suit = 3 ifTrue: [Diamond]]]].

	aCard := cardClass value: number.

findAnUnplacedTwoForRow: row
	"Return a '2' card that would best fit into the given
	row.  There are various situations were one '2' is better
	than another."

	| twos preferred neighbour ordered first |

	"Is there already a '2' as the first card in this row but 
	not in the left-most column?  If so then move it so that
	it is in that column."

	first := self firstCardInRow: row.
	first value = 2 ifTrue: [^first].

	"See if there is already a sequence 3,4,... in place that 
	needs a start."

	twos := OrderedCollection new.
	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		ordered := self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: r.
		"Don't consider solitary '2's as being immovable."
		(ordered max: 1) to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			| aCard |

			aCard := self cardAt: r @ c.
			(aCard notNil and: [aCard value = 2])
				ifTrue: [twos add: aCard]

	neighbour := self cardAt: row @ 2.
	preferred := twos detect: [:card | neighbour = card descendent] 
						ifNone: [nil].

	"If there was no preferred two then return one that
	is not already in the leftmost column."

	^preferred isNil 
		ifFalse: [preferred]
		ifTrue: [twos 
					detect: [:card | (self positionOfCard: card) y > 2]
					ifNone: [twos first]]!

firstCardInRow: r
	"Return the left-most card in the given row."

	1 to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
		| aCard |

		aCard := self cardAt: r @ c.
		aCard isNil ifFalse: [^aCard].

	"The player has used up one more shuffle 
	of the unordered cards."

	shufflesLeft := shufflesLeft - 1.
	self changed: #status.!

	moveCounter := moveCounter + 1.!

	"Return an array giving the positions of the
	gaps in the board."

	| gaps |

	gaps := OrderedCollection new.
	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		1 to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			(self isCardAt: r @ c) ifFalse: [gaps add: r @ c]

	"Remove the aces from the board in order to create the
	gaps necessary for moving the other cards."

	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		1 to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			| aCard |

			aCard := self cardAt: r @ c.
			(aCard notNil and: [aCard isAce])
				ifTrue: [self cardAt: r @ c put: nil].

	moveCounter := 0.!

	"Reset the number of available shuffles to the starting value."

	shufflesLeft := 2.
	self changed: #status.!

shuffleCards: cards ordered: orderedColumns
	"This method randomly fills the non-ordered columns
	of the board with cards picked from 'cards'.  This set
	is destroyed by this method.   The orderedColumns
	argument states how many columns are ordered for 
	each row."

	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		| start |

		start := (orderedColumns at: r) + 1.
		start to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			| index thisCard |

			"Get an integral random number in the range [1, cards size]."
			index := (self random * (cards size-1)) rounded + 1.  

			thisCard := cards removeAtIndex: index.
			self cardAt: r @ c put: thisCard.
	self removeAces.!

	"Prevent the player from performing an undo last move
	command.  This is necessary at the start of a game and 
	immediately after a shuffle command."

	self lastMove: nil.! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'statistics'!

collectStatistics: count
	| results log tock tick ticker moves max |

	results := Array new: self class numberOfCards.
	moves := Dictionary new.
	results atAllPut: 0.
	tock := (count // 100) rounded.
	tick := tock.
	ticker := 0.

	count timesRepeat: [
		| placed remaining used |

		self automaticPlay.
		placed := self numberOfCardsInOrder.
		remaining := self class placeableCards - placed + 1.
		results at: remaining put: (results at: remaining) + 1.
		used := moves at: self moveCounter ifAbsent: [0].
		moves at: self moveCounter put: used+1.
		self newGame.
		tick := tick - 1.
		tick = 0 ifTrue: [
			ticker := ticker + 1.
			Transcript show: ticker printString, '% at ', Time now printString; cr.
			tick := tock.

	log := 'Remaining.results' asFilename writeStream.
	log nextPutAll: 'Remaining'; tab.
	log nextPutAll: 'Count'; cr.

	1 to: results size do: [:k |
		log nextPutAll: (k-1) printString.
		log tab.
		log nextPutAll: (results at: k) printString.
		log cr.
	log close.

	log := 'Moves.results' asFilename writeStream.
	log nextPutAll: 'Moves'; tab.
	log nextPutAll: 'Count'; cr.
	max := moves keys inject: 0 into: [:big :k | big max: k].
	1 to: max do: [:k |
		log nextPutAll: k printString.
		log tab.
		log nextPutAll: (moves at: k ifAbsent: [0]) printString.
		log cr.
	log close.! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'testing'!

	"Do we have a valid last move that can be undone?"

	^self lastMove notNil!

isCardAt: index
	"Is there a card at the given location?"

	^(self cardAt: index) notNil! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'view adaptor'!

	| title info |

	title := Text string: 'Montana Instructions' emphasis: 5.
	info := Text string: '

Montana is a solitaire card game where the player tries to order cards
by suit from 2 to king.  A new game starts with all the cards dealt at
random in four rows of thirteen columns.   Then all the aces are removed
to leave four gaps.

Cards can only be moved into the gaps.   A card can only be moved to 
the right of the card of the same suit but with face value one lower.
For example, if there is a gap to the right of the 3 of spades then
the only card that can be moved there is the 4 of spades.   Any gap
to the right of a king is dead since no card has higher value and so
nothing can be moved there.   If there is a gap in the leftmost column
then any 2 may be moved there.  To move a card, simply click on it using
the left mouse button.   If that card cannot move then the card it should 
go behind is highlighted.   Clicking on a gap highlights the card that can be 
moved to that gap.   An illegal action causes the board to flash.

Once there are no more mores available, you can shuffle all the cards
that are no in the correct order.   You are allowed two shuffles per
game.   Commands to shuffle the cards, start a new game, and undo the
last move are selected from a pop-up menu on the middle mouse button.

The status window below the board tells you how many cards
are in order and the the number of shuffles remaining.

(c)  Kevin Waite, 1990.' emphasis: 1.

	^title, info!

	"Returns a text string that is used in displaying the score."

	| comment remaining percentage placed |

	placed := self numberOfCardsInOrder.
	remaining := self class placeableCards - placed.
	comment := 'Cards still to position = ', remaining printString.
	percentage := ((placed / self class placeableCards) * 100) rounded.
	comment := comment, '   Score = ', percentage printString, '%.   '.
	comment := comment, '   Number of moves = ', self moveCounter printString, '    '.
	^Text string: comment withCRs emphasis: 2!

	"Return a text string saying how many shuffles are
	left in the game."

	| comment |

	comment := 'Remaining shuffles = ', self shufflesLeft printString.
	^Text string: comment emphasis: 2!

	"The complete status message for the game is a
	concatenation of the score and the remaining shuffles."

	^self scoreText, self shuffleText! !

!Montana methodsFor: 'menu functions'!

	| topView infoView |

	topView := StandardSystemView new model: self.
	topView borderWidth: 2.
	topView label: 'Montana Instructions'.

	infoView := TextView on: self aspect: #instructions change: nil menu: nil.
	infoView borderWidth: 1.
	topView addSubView: infoView.

	topView minimumSize: 500@500.
	topView controller open.!

	"Randomly re-arrange those cards that 
	are not in correct order."

	|  ordered cards aces |

	self shufflesLeft = 0 ifTrue: [^self "Cannot shuffle any more."].
	aces := ReadStream on: self class aces.
	cards := OrderedCollection new: self class numberOfCards.

	"Find where the ordered part of each row ends and collect
	together all those cards that appear in the unordered part."

	ordered := Array new: self class numberOfSuits.
	1 to: self class numberOfSuits do: [:r |
		| count |

		count := self numberOfPositionedCardsInRow: r.
		ordered at: r put: count.

		(count+1) to: self class cardsPerSuit do: [:c |
			| thisCard |

			thisCard := (self isCardAt: r @ c)
							ifTrue: [self cardAt: r @ c]
							ifFalse: [aces next].

			cards add: thisCard.
	self shuffleCards: cards ordered: ordered.
	self changed: #game.
	self oneLessShuffleLeft.
	self undefinedLastMove.!

	"The last move made by the player is reversed with the
	property that two consecutive undo operations leave the
	board untouched.
	The move information is held as an array of two points.
	Note that undoing the last move DOES increment the
	move counter."

	| start finish |

	start := self lastMove first.
	finish := self lastMove last.
	self moveCardAt: finish to: start.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Montana class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Montana class methodsFor: 'constants'!

		with: Club ace
		with: Diamond ace
		with: Spade ace
		with: Heart ace!

	"Return the number of cards in each suit."


	"Return the total number of cards in the pack."


	"Return the number of suits."


	"How many cards does the user have to arrange to 
	complete the game?"

	^self numberOfCards - 4 "Number of aces"!

	"What is the height of the status panel of the game?"

	^40! !

!Montana class methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"Reset the random number generator."

	RND := Random new.! !

!Montana class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

	"Provide some help information on how to play the game."

	self new openInstructions!

	self initialize.
	^super new initialize!

	"Create a new instance of the game and open a graphical
	display of the board and a textual summary of the game status."

	"Montana open"

	| montana topView montanaView boardSize statusView size |

	montana := self new newGame.
	topView := StandardSystemView new model: montana.
	topView borderWidth: 2.
	topView label: 'Montana'.

	montanaView := MontanaView new model: montana.
	topView addSubView: montanaView.

	statusView := TextView on: montana aspect: #status change: nil menu: nil.

	topView addSubView: montanaView in: (0@0 extent: 1@0.8) borderWidth: 2.
	topView addSubView: statusView in: (0@0.8 extent: 1@0.2) borderWidth: 2.

 	boardSize := montanaView defaultWindow extent.
	size := boardSize + (0 @ self statusHeight).
	topView minimumSize: size.
	topView maximumSize: size.

	topView controller open.! !

Montana initialize!

MouseMenuController subclass: #MontanaController
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'Game GameAndUndo GameMenu Shuffle ShuffleAndMove ShuffleAndUndo ShuffleMenu '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Montana'!
MontanaController comment:
'My instances control the user interaction in a game of Montana.
The  red mouse button is used to control the movement of the cards.
To move a card, simply click on it using the left mouse button. If that 
card cannot move then the card it should go behind is highlighted. 
Clicking on a gap highlights the card that can be moved to that gap. 
An illegal action causes the board to flash. 

Commands to shuffle the cards, start a new game, and undo the
last move are selected from a pop-up menu on the middle mouse button.'!

!MontanaController methodsFor: 'control activity'!

	^super isControlActive & sensor blueButtonPressed not! !

!MontanaController methodsFor: 'menus'!

	^self model hasLastMove
		ifTrue: [GameAndUndo]
		ifFalse: [Game]!

	"Return an ActionMenu offering the commands that
	are applicable to this state of the game."

	^self model shufflesLeft > 0 
		ifTrue: [self shuffleMenu]
		ifFalse: [self gameMenu]!

	^self model hasLastMove
		ifTrue: [ShuffleAndUndo]
		ifFalse: [Shuffle]! !

!MontanaController methodsFor: 'menu functions'!

moveCardAtPosition: position 
	"Move the card at the specified position. See my class 
	comment for details of what happens when an attempt 
	is made to move a card."

	| destination doAFullRun |

	doAFullRun := Sensor leftShiftDown.
	doAFullRun ifTrue: [ |success |
		success := self model placeOrderedCardAt: position.
		success ifFalse: [self view flash].

	(self model isCardAt: position)
		ifFalse: [^self view showDescendentOfCardAt: position].

	destination := self model destinationForCardAt: position.
	destination isNil ifTrue: [^self view showAncestorOfCardAt: position].

	self model moveCardAtPosition: position.! !

!MontanaController methodsFor: 'mouse activity'!

	"Convert the current mouse position into a Point that
	describes the position of the mouse on the Montana
	board.  The x position refers to the row number;  the
	y value gives the column number."

	| origin locus cardSize offset increment count row col |

	origin := self view insetDisplayBox origin.
	locus := sensor mousePoint - origin.
	cardSize := PlayingCard extent.
	offset := 5.
	increment := cardSize y + offset.
	count := (locus y \\ increment) - offset.
	row := count >= 0 
				ifTrue: [(locus y // increment) + 1]
				ifFalse: [^nil].

	increment := cardSize x + offset.
	count := (locus x \\ increment) - offset.
	col := count >= 0 
				ifTrue: [(locus x // increment) + 1]
				ifFalse: [^nil].

	^row @ col!

	| locus |	

	locus := self mousePositionAsBoardLocation.
	locus isNil ifFalse: [self moveCardAtPosition: locus].!

	| aMenu index selector saved  |

	sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [
		self model priorityMove.
		sensor waitNoButton.

	aMenu := self menu.
	aMenu isNil ifFalse: [
		self controlTerminate.
		index :=  aMenu startUp.
		index ~= 0 ifTrue: [
			selector := aMenu selectorAt: index. 
			saved := Cursor currentCursor.
			Cursor currentCursor: Cursor execute.
			self model perform: selector.
			Cursor currentCursor: saved.
		self controlInitialize.
	].! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

MontanaController class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!MontanaController class methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"MontanaController initialize."

	Game := ActionMenu
					labels: 'Start New Game\Instructions' withCRs
					lines: #(1)
					selectors: #(newGame openInstructions).	

	GameAndUndo := ActionMenu
					labels: 'Start New Game\Undo Last Move\Heuristic Play\Instructions' withCRs
					lines: #(1)
					selectors: #(newGame undoLastMove automaticPlay openInstructions).	

	Shuffle := ActionMenu
					labels: 'Start New Game\Shuffle Unordered Cards\Heuristic Play\Instructions' withCRs
					lines: #()
					selectors: #(newGame shuffle automaticPlay openInstructions).	

	ShuffleAndUndo := ActionMenu
					labels: 'Start New Game\Shuffle Unordered Cards\Undo Last Move\Heuristic Play\Instructions' withCRs
					lines: #()
					selectors: #(newGame shuffle undoLastMove automaticPlay openInstructions).! !

MontanaController initialize!

-------------------   C U T      H E R E     ---------------------

Email:   kww@uk.ac.glasgow.cs  (JANET)
	 kww%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk  (INTERNET)
Address: Dept. of Computing Science,  University of Glasgow,
	 17 Lilybank Gardens,  Glasgow,  United Kingdom.  G12 8QQ