[comp.lang.smalltalk] Smalltalk/V Win. Standalone Apps

rogers@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Bob Rogers) (02/20/91)

I've just received Digitalk's new Smalltalk/V for Windows and have a "few"
questions about creating standalone Windows applications:

Will a run-only application always look for .dll files in the same
disk/directory that contained them on the machine that the app was developed 
on?  If so, how can this be changed?  If not, where does the app look for 
the Smalltalk DLLs?

Can several seperate run-only apps be developed in a single development 
environment?  If so, how can different .exe files be created for each one?

Exactly which Digitalk files (DLLs and ?) should be distributed with run-only 

Are there any version/source control tools suitable for use with V Windows?

I've tried making the Puzzle15 class a stanalone app as per instructions in 
the the devtopix.txt file profided with Smalltalk/V Window.  The size of the 
resulting .exe file seems to vary.  What's the explanation for this and what 
steps can I take to minimize .exe file sizes?

Bob Rogers                         bob.rogers@stpaul.ncr.com  
NCR Network Products Div.          GEnie: R.C.ROGERS
St. Paul, MN