[comp.lang.smalltalk] ST-80 r2.3 Multiple Inheritance Bug Fixes

eliot@cs.qmw.ac.uk (Eliot Miranda) (03/21/91)

Yet more Smalltalk-80 v2.0 through v2.3 Multiple Inheritance Bug Fixes.
This fixes hierarchy printing.  In the standard code when a non-dynamic super-
class prints its instance variable names it prints ** all ** its instance
variable names, possibly duplicating names already printed by dynamic

!Behavior methodsFor: 'printing' shallowCopy!

	"Answer a description containing the names and instance variable
	names of all of the subclasses and superclasses of the receiver."

	| aStream index supers |
	index _ 0.
	aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 16).
	self allDynamicSuperclasses reverseDo: [:aClass | 
		aStream crtab: index.
		index _ index + 1.
		aStream nextPutAll: aClass name.
		aStream space.
		aStream print: aClass instVarNames.
		supers _ aClass superclasses.
		supers size > 1 ifTrue: [
			| instVars |
			instVars _ aClass superclass allInstVarNames.
			aStream nextPutAll: '  [also'.
			(supers copyFrom: 2 to: supers size) do: [:s |
				aStream space; nextPutAll: s name; nextPutAll: ' ('.
				s allInstVarNames do: [:n|
					(instVars includes: n) ifFalse: [aStream print: n; space]].
				aStream nextPut: $)].
			aStream nextPut: $]  ]].
	aStream cr.
	self printSubclassesOn: aStream callingSuperclass: self dynamicSuperclass level: index.
	^aStream contents! !

!Behavior methodsFor: 'As yet unclassified' shallowCopy!

printSubclassesOn: aStream callingSuperclass: whichSuper level: level 
	"As part of the algorithm for printing a description of the receiver, print the
	subclass on the file stream, aStream, indenting level times."
	| subs supers |
	aStream crtab: level.
	aStream nextPutAll: self name.
	aStream space; print: self instVarNames.
	supers _ self superclasses.
	supers size > 1 ifTrue: [
		| instVars |
		instVars _ superclass allInstVarNames.
		aStream nextPutAll: '  [also'.
		(supers copyWithout: whichSuper) do: [:s |
			aStream space; nextPutAll: s name; nextPutAll: ' ('.
			s allInstVarNames do: [:n|
				(instVars includes: n) ifFalse: [
					aStream print: n; space.
					instVars addLast: n]].
			aStream nextPut: $)].
		aStream nextPut: $]  ].
	subs _ self subclasses.
	self == Class ifTrue:
		[aStream crtab: level+1; nextPutAll: '... all the Metaclasses ...'.
		subs _ subs reject: [:sub | sub isMeta]].
	"Print subclasses in alphabetical order"
	(subs asSortedCollection: [:x :y | x name < y name]) do:
		[:sub |
		sub printSubclassesOn: aStream callingSuperclass: self level: level + 1]! !

Eliot Miranda			email:	eliot@cs.qmw.ac.uk
Dept of Computer Science	Tel:	071 975 5229 (+44 71 975 5229)
Queen Mary Westfield College	ARPA:	eliot%cs.qmw.ac.uk@nsf.ac.uk	
Mile End Road			UUCP:	eliot@qmw-cs.uucp