[comp.lang.smalltalk] TOOLS USA'91

korson@delft..cs.clemson.edu (Timothy Korson) (12/21/90)

                      TOOLS U.S.A. `91
    Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
     Santa Barbara, California, July 29-August 1, 1991

     Program Co-Chairs: Tim Korson and Vijay Vaishnavi
              Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer

In just two years, TOOLS has established itself as the major
international forum devoted to the practical applications of
object-oriented technology. TOOLS 1, 2, 3  and  4,  held  in
Europe  (Paris)  and  the Pacific (Sydney) have set a unique
standard based on the following principles:

  o  Strong emphasis on the practice of object-oriented
     technology and its application in industrial
     environments, complementing the more academically-
     oriented perspective of traditional conferences.
  o  Solid technical program archived in the refereed
  o  Balanced coverage of the wealth of approaches,
     trends and variants which exists in the object-
     oriented community.
  o  Combination of tutorials by recognized experts,
     up-to-date exhibitions of products and services,
     invited talks by innovators in the field, relevant
     panel discussions, and technical papers targeted to
     industry practictioners.
  o  Allocated time for discussions, user group meetings,
     technical workshops, and working group sessions.

TOOLS 5 will be held from July 29 to August 2 in Santa  Bar-
bara (California) which is home to many high-tech industries
and the University of California, Santa Barbara, one of  the
nine campuses of the UC system.


TOOLS U.S.A. `91 is now soliciting papers on all aspects  of
object-oriented  technology.  All  submitted  papers will be
refereed and judged  not  only  according  to  standards  of
technical quality, but on their usefulness to practictioners
and applied researchers. A non-exhaustive list of  suggested
topics includes:

  o  Object-oriented analysis and design.
  o  Management and training issues.
  o  Reports of actual experiences with object-oriented
     technology including object-oriented databases.
  o  Empirical and field studies.
  o  Reuse and library issues.

TOOLS 5 will feature  a  special  track  on  object-oriented
modeling   and   management.   This   track   will   include
workshop(s),  tutorials,  panel  discussions,  and  featured
speakers.  Technical  papers  in  this  area  are  expressly

If you intend to submit a paper, check the  appropriate  box
on  the coupon below to receive a copy of the Guidelines for
Authors. Papers should be in the range of 8  to  15  single-
spaced  pages.  Six copies of each submission should be sent

     TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair
     ATTN: Vijay Vaishnavi
     Department of Computer Information Systems
     Georgia State University
     P.O. Box 4015
     Atlanta, GA. 30302-4015
     Phone (404) 651-3880 FAX (404) 651-2804


All submissions must be received by February 15, 1990 to  be
considered  for  inclusion  in  the  conference. Submissions
should be in English. Notification  of  acceptance  will  be
mailed by April 1; final manuscripts will be due June 1.


Friday, August 2 has been set aside for independently organ-
ized  events, such as User Group meetings or standardization
committees. The TOOLS U.S.A. `91 organizers will help  coor-
dinate  such events if they fall within the scope of object-
oriented techniques, and will include the  announcements  in
the final TOOLS program. If you are interested in setting up
such a meeting, please  contact  the  conference  chair  for
details at:

     TOOLS U.S.A. `91 Conference Chair
     ATTN: Bertrand Meyer
     Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.
     270 Storke Road, Suite 7
     Goleta, CA 93117 USA
     Telephone (805) 685-1006, Fax (805) 685-6869

Proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials are also soli-
cited and should be sent to:

     TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair
     ATTN: Tim Korson
     Department of Computer Science
     Clemson University
     Clemson, S.C. 29634-1906
     Phone (803) 656-5866 FAX (803) 656-0145
     Email: korson@cs.clemson.edu

For more information, send the following to the conference chair:

Name and Address (Please type, or attach business card):
     Company Name___________________________________________
     Company address________________________________________

Check the following:
     ___Please send me subsequent announcements relative to
        TOOLS U.S.A. `91
     ___I wish to submit a paper. Please send me the guidelines
        for prospective authors. Title:_____________________
     ___My company is interested in exhibiting. Please send me
        exhibitor information.
     ___I would like to purchase the proceedings of:
          ___TOOLS `89   ___TOOLS `90   ___Tools Pacific `90

sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) (12/22/90)

So are we going to be able to anonymously FTP the submissions?

That would be really nice, considering TOOLS is using Usenet to
solicit papers. For once, I'd like to be able to access just the
papers that I want to read, and not have to spend my food money
to get them.

Thanks for keeping things in the spirit of Usenet.


***  Sean Casey <sean@s.ms.uky.edu>

korson@delft..cs.clemson.edu (Timothy Korson) (12/22/90)

The deadline for submission of papers is Feb. 15, 1991 *NOT* Feb 15, 1990

korson@hubcap.clemson.edu (Timothy Korson) (05/31/91)

Status: RO


TOOLS 5, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, continues
the tradition of excellence that established its predecessors as the
major international forum on applications of object-oriented methods,
languages and tools.

For users and prospective users of the technology, this is a unique
opportunity to encounter the best experts in the field during four days
of tutorials, invited lectures, paper presentations and
birds-of-a-feather sessions on all aspects of object-orientedness.  The
magnificent surroundings of the University of California, Santa
Barbara, one of the world's most beautiful campuses, provide a fitting
background to this unique event. Participants who register early enough
have the option of lodging on campus, providing very affordable
accommodation as well as further opportunities for discussion and

The superb tutorial program, traditionally one of the highlights of
TOOLS, is the best opportunity to learn about all aspects of O-O
techniques ath teh appropriate level - beginner, intermediate or
advanced, including many topics which which have never been covered at
any conference.  In all, you may choose between no less than 17
state-of-the art topics.  The titles range from management issues to
formal specifications, re-engineering, advanced design and programming
techniques in various languages, databases and many others.

Wednesday's keynote speaker, Adele Goldberg, will share her unique
experience as a pioneer of the technology.  In Thursday's keynote
speech, John Martin will describe the impact of object-oriented methods
at Intergraph, one of the earliest and most committed adopters. In his
invited paper for Session G, Vania Joloboff of the Open Software
Foundation, will explore the relationship between object-orientedness
and the development of user interface toolkits. The highly diverse
submitted papers, representing all major O-O languages and
environments, emphasize current applications and reflect the growing
maturity of the field.

TOOLS would not be TOOLS without the exhibition of object-oriented
products and services, with a number of new companies making their
TOOLS debut. The presentations in the Product Track will enable
providers and users of object-oriented tools to introduce and explain
their latest offerings.

We hope to meet you in Santa Barbara in July for what will certainly be
the premier US object-oriented event in 1991.

Tim Korson, Vijay Vaishnavi & Bertrand Meyer


  Bertrand Meyer
    Interactive Software Engineering (USA)

  Tim Korson
     Clemson U. (USA)

  Vijay Vaishnavi
    Georgia State University (USA)

  John McGregor
    Clemson U. (USA)

Jean Bezivin
	U. Nantes (France)

John Bruno\fR
	U. California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Peter Coad
	Object International, Inc. (USA)

Steve Coon

Elizabeth Freburger
	Digital Equipment Corporation (USA)

Richard Foster

Simon Gibbs
	Centre Universitaire D'Informatique (Switzerland)

Georg Heeg
	Georg Heeg Software (Germany)

Brian Henderson-Sellers
	U. New South Wales (Australia)

Trevor P. Hopkins
	U. Manchester (United Kingdom)

Richard A. Kemmerer
	U. California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Benigno Cesar Lopez S.
	Ingeniero En Systemas (Mexico)

Boris Magnusson
	Lund U. (Sweden)

James C. McKim, Jr.
	Hartford Graduate Center (USA)

Ephraim R. McLean
	Georgia State U. (USA)

Sham B. Navathe
	Georgia Tech (USA)

John Potter
	U. of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Walter D. Potter
	U. Georgia (USA)

James Rumbaugh
	General Electric Research & Development Center (USA)

James A. Senn
	Georgia State University (USA)

Chris Stone
	Object Management Group (USA)

David A. Taylor
	Management Consultant (USA)

Mario Tokoro
	Keio U. (Japan)

James A. Senn
	Georgia State University (USA)

Michael Melliar Smith
	U. California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Frans Van Assche
	James Martin Associates (Belgium)

Om Vikas
    Indian Institute of Science (India)

Richard J. Welke
	Erasmus Universiteit

Allen Wirfs-Brock
    Instantiations (USA)


Jean-Marc Nerson:
Analysis and Design Methodologies

The principles of object-oriented analysis introduces a new way of
specifying, analyzing, and conceptualizing the architecture of
applications allowing the transition to implementation in an
object-oriented language. This presentation explores these principles
and their implementation. The first section defines principles and
notation for object-oriented analysis favoring reusability.  The second
section reviews existing techniques.  A number of case studies will
then be explored, covering such areas as communication systems,
management applications, graphical simulation and visualization.

Jean-Marc Nerson is vice president of Engineering at Interactive
Software Engineering (USA) and Director of Societe des Outils du
Logiciel (Paris).  He holds a Master's degree in engineering from
ENSEEIHT, a PhD from ENST, and a business-administration degree from
l'Id'A ( Paris-Sorbonne).  As an engineer at Thompson until 1985, he
participated in the design and foundation of a software engineering
workbench.  Since then he has directed at Interactive Software
Engineering the technical developments of the Eiffel Environment and
the structural editor ArchiText. He has lectured widely on software
engineering and object-oriented technology, and acted as program
committee member for several conferences.

Level: Intermediate. Code: TN.  Monday 8:00-12:00.

Peter Pircher:
Object-Oriented Structured Design

Object-Oriented Structured Design (OOSD) is a general notation for the
architectural design of software systems. With OOSD, a designer can
capture the overall structure of a software system; classes and their
hierarchies, public and private methods, single and multiple
inheritance, usage relationships, encapsulated data, messages,
exceptional conditions, and concurrency. This tutorial describes the
general OOSD notation and then shows how it can be specialized to the
features of object-oriented programming languages.

Peter A. Pircher is Vice President of IDE and a principal architect of
the Software Through Pictures integrated CASE environment.  He has been
a lecturer at the University of Zurich.

Level: Intermediate. Code: TP. Monday 8:00-12:00.

John Sarkela:

This tutorial will explore the Smalltalk/V language and development
environment, Topics which will be covered include the prototyping style
of development which the Smalltalk environment encourages, an overview
of the Smalltalk/V class library, and mechanisms for generating
standalone applications when development is done.

John Sarkela is a Senior Engineer at Digitalk, Inc. Prior to working at
Digitalk, Mr. Sarkela has worked on operating system intervals at
Motorola, communication protocols at Communication Machinery
Corporation, was a developer of HP NewWave desktop components, and
worked extensively with the Eiffel programming language at ISE.

Level: Intermediate. Code: TV. Monday 8:00-12:00.

Stanley Lippman:
An Introduction to C++

The objectives of this tutorial will be to survey the main features of
C++, illustrating both effective and ineffective uses.  C++ is
considered from three perspectives:  briefly, as a ``better'' C; as a
language supporting abstract data types through its class mechanism;
and, finally, as a language supporting object-oriented programming
through inheritance and dynamic binding.  The tutorial is aimed at
application and system programmers who either have begun to work in C++
or are considering using it.  Some knowledge of C is assumed.
Knowledge of object-oriented programming or data abstraction is not

Stanley Lippman is a member of the technical staff of the C++ Software
Systems Department of AT&T Bell Laboratories.  He has been a member of
the AT&T C++ Translator development team for a number of years.  His
book, A C++ Primer, is considered by many to be the standard
introductory book on C++.

Level: Introductory. Code: TL. Monday 8:00-12:00.

Jean-Pierre Briot:
Concurrency in Object-Oriented Systems

Concurrent programming is one of the key issues in achieving higher
performance in modern computation; it is natural to construct a large
program as a collection of small modules that run and interact
concurrently and capable in exploiting parallel hardware.  This
tutorial introduces the basic concepts and methodology of
object-oriented concurrent programming.  The description starts from
standard OOP, using Smalltalk as a basis; it uses the
ConcurrentSmalltalk language as programming language support, and the
Actalk platform to describe a minimal model and extend it further in
order to survey some of the main OOCP current models (such as the Actor
computation model and the SBCL/1 programming language).

Jean-Pierre Briot is Researcher at CNRS working in the joint
RankXeroxFrance/Litp research team.  He took part in the design of
several OOCP systems and applications to computer music and distributed
AI. He designed the Actalk platform as a means to model, classify and
experiment with various OOCP models in some unified programming

Level: Advanced. Code: TS.  Monday 8:00-12:00.

David Taylor
A New Life Cycle for Object Technology

Many developments are failing to realize more than a small fraction of
the order-of-magnitude benefits made possible by O-O programming,
because they continue to use the standard software development
lifecycle model to construct monolithic applications. It is more
advantageous to build software the way we now build hardware,
constructing layered systems out of reusable components.  Just as
hardware is built on general-purpose PC boards consisting of standard
integrated circuits, so software is built on general-purpose software
models consisting of standard reusable classes.  As in hardware, the
standard software lifecycle must be applied to every class, model and
application. This reuse of all components lifecycle, not just class
definitions, is required of O-O Technology to realize the full

David Taylor is a management consultant specializing in helping Fortune
500 companies understand and adopt object technology. In addition to
his technical and management articles, he is the author of Mind: The
Human Difference (Simon & Schuster, 1982), Object-Oriented Technology:
A Manager's Guide (Servio Corp., 1990).

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TT.   Monday 1:30-5:30.

Brian Henderson-Sellers
Analysis and Design Methodologies and Notations

The ideal adoption process for object-oriented technology is to 
replace existing tools and methods with their object-oriented 
equivalents, providing a seamless transition throughout the lifecycle:
from O-O analysis through O-O design and implementation.
As well as presenting possible methodologies for OOA and OOD, this 
tutorial will incorporate a detailed comparison of various graphical 
representations of objects and their relationship with OOA and OOD 
methodologies.  Such graphics need to represent, at a range of 
resolutions, the features of objects and the different types of 
interaction: association, aggregation and generalization in the 
analysis phase, inheritance and client-server in detailed design.
Recommended notation is presented here as a precursor to the 
incorporation of such techniques into object-oriented CASE tools.

Brian Henderson-Sellers is Associate Professor in the School of
Information Systems at the University of New South Wales (Australia).
He is Convenor of the O-O Special Interest Group  of the Australian 
Computer Society and writes regularly for HOOT.

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TH.   Monday 1:30-5:30.

Stephen Omohundro:
Tutorial on the Sather Language and Libraries

Sather is a new object-oriented computer language derived from Eiffel
and attempting to retain much of that language's theoretical
cleanliness and simplicity while achieving the efficiency of C++. The
compiler and libraries are freely available.  A variety of software
development tools are also included as well as library classes
implementing basic data structures and numerical, geometric,
connectionist, statistical, and graphical abstractions.  This tutorial
will describe the language, libraries and tools and some of the issues
which arose in their development.  The libraries use a number of new
ideas for efficiently implementing algorithmic abstractions and will
also be described.

Stephen Omohundro of received his Ph.D from Berkeley in 1985. He then
went to Thinking Machines Corporation where he codesigned Star Lisp, a
parallel programming language for the Connection Machine.  In 1986 he
joined the faculty of the computer science department at the University
of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana where he also wrote the
three-dimensional graphics code for Mathematica. In 1988 he went to the
International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley where he works on
computer vision and efficient geometric learning algorithms. He is the
author of the Sather language and has been directing the development of
the compiler, debugger, class library and development environment.

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TO.   Monday 1:30-5:30.

Francois Bancilhon: 
Object-Oriented Database Systems

While relational databases systems are currently becoming dominant,
O-O systems are receiving much attention from both experimental and 
theoretical standpoints, driven by the needs of design support systems 
(CAD, CASE, Office Information).  This course provides a complete 
overview of the field: limitations of relational systems and new
application requirements; definition of an O-O DBMS: mandatory and
optional rules, open choices; O-O DBMS technology, implementation
techniques; existing systems and prototypes: complete survey
and comparison of main characteristics. 

Francois Bancilhon is Chairman of Altair S.A. Previously he was a 
researcher at INRIA, professor at Univ. Paris XI and researcher at 
MCC (Austin), working on relational DB theory, DB machines and
deductive databases. His current O-O DBMS work led to the design,
implementation and industrialization of the O2 system.

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TB.   Monday 1:30-5:30.

Meilir Page-Jones:
Relationship Between the Structured and Object-Oriented Worlds

There appears to be two classes of object-oriented methodologists:
revisionists and synthesists. Revisionists believe that 
object-orientation is so new that we basically have to throw away the 
ideas of the past and tackle object-oriented systems development with 
a clean slate.  Synthesists believe that we learned a lot about 
software engineering in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's and that much of 
that knowledge can be reused.  Meilir Page-Jones, an avowed synthesist,
will discuss how we should adapt and extend the past, as well as which 
aspects of structured techniques we should discard.

Meilir Page-Jones is a senior consulting methodologist at Wayland
Systems Inc. in Seattle, Washington.  He was formerly head of the 
Design Department at Yourdon Inc.  He is the author of the
Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design and Practical Project 

Level: Introductory. Code: TJ. Tuesday 8:00-12:00.

John D. McGregor:
An Introduction to Object-oriented Design

This tutorial will provide attendees with an introduction to the basic
concepts of object-oriented design.  The relationships between 
object-oriented analysis, design, and implementation will be considered
to give a perspective on the design process.  Conflicting views and 
definitions will be considered and reconciled to provide a list of 
core concepts common in all the object-oriented models.  This tutorial
will be designed to prepare participants with little or no experience 
for the Advanced Design Techniques tutorial.

John D. McGregor is an associate professor of computer science at
Clemson University.  He is a consultant to AT&T Bell Laboratories on
object-oriented software development.  As an ACM Lecturer, he has given
tutorials to numerous groups and corporations.  He was a co-editor of 
the recent special issue of Communications of the ACM on object-oriented
design and is author of the forthcoming "The Object-oriented Software
Development Process" from Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Level: Introductory. Code: TG. Tuesday 8:00-12:00.

James C. McKim:
Software Development with Eiffel

Eiffel is a powerful tool that supports both the
object-oriented paradigm and software enginering principles.
Because of Eiffel's exceptionally clear syntax, little time
will be spent demonstrating Eiffel's support for such
standard object-oriented features as encapsulation,
inheritance, and dynamic binding. Rather, the presentation
will emphasize features that distinguish Eiffel from most
other object-oriented languages. In particular, the benefits
of Eiffel's extensive assertion checking and complementary
exception handling mechanisms, and the "programming by contract" 
metaphor they make possible, will be explored.

James C. McKim is a professor of Computer Science at the 
Hartford Graduate Center and has more than twenty years 
experience teaching mathematics and computer science. He has 
authored, coauthored and reviewed a number of textbooks and 
articles in both areas.  His research interests include 
object-oriented programming and design in general, and class 
interface specification in particular.

Level: Introductory. Code: TK. Tuesday 8:00-12:00.

Roger Duke:
Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Systems

This tutorial discusses Object-Z, an object-oriented extension to
the Z specification language.  Object-Z adopts the class concept to
encapsulate a description of an object's state with its related 
operations.  Complex specifications involving aggregates of objects 
can be constructed using class inheritance and instantiation. Aspects of
systems such as object integrity and persistence and inter-object
communication can be formally specified. The resulting well-structured
formal specifications assist understanding, provide a sound basis for
verification, and ultimately facilitate object-oriented implementation.

Roger Duke is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Queensland (Australia) and
a member of the Key Centre for Software Technology, undertaking research
into formal methods.  Recent work has led to the development of 

Level: Intermediate.   Code: TD. Tuesday 8:00-12:00.

Frederick Eddy
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design

This tutorial presents an object-oriented approach to software 
development based on modeling objects from the application domain and 
then transforming the model into a design.  The Object Modeling 
Technique (OMT) is a methodology based on graphic notations for 
capturing the static, dynamic, and functional aspects of a system.  
The notation is applied with progressively more detail as the system 
model evolves seamlessly into a design. Although OMT designs are 
language-independent, they can be implemented in any object-oriented 
language.  OMT has also been used to design large database applications.
This session will focus on analysis, introducing the OMT notation and 
methodology, and showing how to apply them in examples.

Frederick Eddy is a member of the research staff at General Electric's
Corporate R&D Center, and is a co-author of the recent book 
"Object-Oriented Modeling and Design". He has applied the OMT 
methodology over several years on applications including graphical 
editors, a production planning system, and a prototyping environment. 
He is also involved in consulting and training activities for other 
components of GE.

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TE. Tuesday 1:30-5:30.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Design

Object-oriented technology enables us to produce reusable,
refinable, adaptable software. But how can we actually accomplish 
these results? This tutorial presents a number of practical 
techniques and considerations for achieving a sound design. 
Topics covered include: impacts of modeling approaches on class 
designs, a strategy for developing class hierarchies and 
abstract classes, tradeoffs in factoring object behavior, 
understanding and designing subsystems of cooperating objects, and 
techniques for modeling
object interactions (e.g. a client/server model and contracts).
The attendees of this tutorial should be familiar with object 
oriented concepts, and ideally have been exposed to an object
oriented programming language. 

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock is a principal software engineer at
Tektronix, Inc. and lead author of Designing Object-Oriented 
Software (Prentice-Hall, 1990). She has fifteen years of experience, 
designing, implementing and managing software products. The last 
seven years she has focused on object-oriented software. She
managed the development of Tektronix Color Smalltalk, an
object-oriented design and implementation project of industrial
proportions. She has developed and taught an object-oriented design
approach, "Responsibility-Driven Design."

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TW. Tuesday 1:30-5:30.

Tim Korson:
The Specification and Design of Object-Oriented Class Libraries

Object-oriented technology not only affects the way we design
individual applications, it holds the potential of ushering in the 
"software industrial revolution." A key to this revolution is the
widespread availability of high quality class libraries. These class
libraries are the reusable parts of the software industry.
The current OOP directory lists 95 entries under "Class Libraries."
We have found that these libraries vary widely in quality. This
tutorial presents criteria for the evaluation of commercial
object-oriented libraries as well as criteria for the specification and
design of in-house corporate software libraries. In addition to these
technical criteria, the corporate infrastructure necessary for enabling
large scale reuse is discussed.

Timothy Korson is an assistant professor of Computer Science at Clemson
University in Clemson, South Carolina. He was a guest co-editor of the
recent CACM special issue on object-oriented design, has worked at the
Software Engineering Institute as a visiting scientist and serves as a
consultant to AT&T. His current research interests include developing
metrics and specialized CASE tools for the management of information
assets with emphasis on managing a corporate transition to
object-oriented technology.

Level: Intermediate.  Code: TR.  Tuesday 1:30-5:30.

Lois Wolf
Introduction to CLOS

The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) is a powerful and flexible
language for object-oriented programming. This tutorial will
provide an introduction to CLOS, iincluding a discussion of the
meta-object protocol, which allows extensive customization of
classes, methods, and inheritance. Knowledge of Lisp programming is
not required.

Lois Wolf is Manager of Education and Customer Support of Franz
Inc. She has taught Lisp and object-oriented programming in
industry for eight years. She has held management and training
positions at both Franz and Symbolics, Inc.

Level: Introductory.  Code: TC.  Tuesday 1:30-5:30.

                    CONFERENCE PROGRAM

Wednesday, July 31, 1991

7:45-8:30     Registration and Coffee

8:30-10:00    Keynote Lecture: Adele Goldberg, ParcPlace (USA)

10:00-10:30   Break


10:30-11:45   O-O Modeling Panel (Madhu Singh, Bellcore)

11:45-1:15    LUNCH

1:15-2:30     Modeling Session (Eddy, GE)

12:30-3:00    Break (Exhibits open)

3:00-4:15     O-O Management Panel (Tom Cooper, AT&T)

4:15-5:30     Exhibition Open


10:30-11:45   Tools Session (Rick Foster, AT&T)

11:45-1:15    LUNCH

1:15-2:30     User Interface Session (G)

2:30-3:00     Break (Exhibits open)

3:00-4:15     Exhibitors Session

4:15-5:30     Exhibition Open

Thursday, August 1, 1991

7:45-8:30     Registration and Coffee

8:30-10:00    Keynote Lecture: John Martin, Intergraph (USA)

10:00-10:30   Break


10:30-11:45   O-O Redesign Panel (Chandra Kintala, AT&T)

11:45-1:15    LUNCH

1:15-2:30     Applications Session (E)

12:30-3:00    Break (Exhibits open)

3:00-4:15     Reuse Session/Panel (H)

4:15-5:30     Exhibition Open


10:30-11:45   Distributed Processing Session (A)

11:45-1:15    LUNCH

1:15-2:30     Data Base Session (B)

2:30-3:00     Break (Exhibits open)

3:00-4:15     Languages Session (D)

4:15-5:30     Exhibition Open

7:15- ?       Birds of a Feather Sessions

                 SOCIAL PROGRAM
available to Conference Attendees at no extra cost:

* Beach Barbecue (July 29, 6:00), extra tickets $15 each.

* Reception and concert (July 31, 6:30); extra tickets $30 each.

* Early riser breakfast & cross-campus jogging (6:30 am)

    Distributed Object Oriented Programming: Mechanism and Experience
    Douglas Steel, Queen Mary & Westfield College (UK)

    Supporting Object Oriented Languages in a Distributed Environment: 
    The COOL Approach
    Rodger Lea, Chorus-KSystems (France) and James Weightman, 
    University of Lancaster (UK)

    Distribution in Trellis/DOWL
    Bruno Achauer, University of Kaiserslautern (Germany)

SESSION B: DATABASE (Chair: Francois Bancilhon, Altair)
    A Class Normalization Approach to the Design of O-O Databases
    Shuguang Hong, Georgia State University (USA)

    h-KDL: A Historically Extended Functional O-O Database System
    Krys Kochut, John Miller, Anthony Wright, Walter Potter,
    University of Georgia (USA)

SESSION C: TOOLS (Chair: Richard Foster, AT&T)
    Tool Integration Approaches in an O-O IPSE
    Eric Black, Atherton Technology (USA)

    Database Programmers are Handcrafters: They Need Appropriate Tools
    Anne Doucet, Gip Altair (France) & Patrick Pfeffer, University 
    of Colorado (USA)

    A Graphical Debugger for O-O Distributed Programs
    H. Jamrozik, C. Roisin, M. Santana, Unite Mixte Bull-IMAG (France)

    A Visual Programming Environment for O-O Languages
    J. Grundy, John Hosking, John Hamer, University of Auckland (New

Graduate Center)
    C++ Adequacy for Software Engineering Concepts
    Guy Rosuel, Alcatel Alsthorn Recherche, Jean-Louis Giavitto,
    Universite Paris Sud, Agnes Devarenne, Alcatel Alsthorn Recherche

    An O-O Language for Advanced Applications
    Yves Caseau, Bellcore (USA)

    Using Desciptor Classes in O-O Systems
    Sidney W. Kitchel & Nancy L. Martin, Indiana U. (USA)

    An O-O Approach Toward Semantic Interpretation of Indian Languages
    P. Nagvar, V. Sridhar, G. Krishna, Indian Institute of Science 

    Insecurities in O-O Programming
    Bruce A. Conrad, A. Lewis Bastian, Word Perfect Corporation (USA)

    Designing a Class Hierarchy
    Everton G. de Paula, CTA (Brazil) and Michael L. Nelson, Naval
    Postgraduate School (USA)

    Object-Oriented Modeling in the Apparel Industry
    David A. Sykes & John D. McGregor, Clemson University (USA)

    Change Propagation in Object Dependency Graphs
    Michael R. Wilk, Cornell University (USA)

    Experiencing Applying Object-Oriented Analysis
    Gail Murphy, MPR Teltech Ltd. (Canada)

    Object-Oriented Structuring: An Alternative to Hierarchical Models
    Philippe Desfray, Softeam (France)

SESSION G: USER INTERFACE (Chair: Philippe Stephan, ISE)
    MERCY - High Level Control for Declarative User Interface
    Christian Stary, Florida International University (USA) and Klaudius
    Messner, Technical University of Vienna (Austria)

    INGRID - an Object-Oirented Interface Builder
    Luis Carrico, Nuno Guimaraes, Pedro Antunes, INESC (Portugal)

SESSION H: REUSE (Chair: John McGregor, Clemson)
    SoftClass: An Object-Oriented Tool for Software-Reuse
    Hafedh Mili, University of Quebec at Montreal (Canada)

    Documenting Reusable Components: An Engineering Approach
    Claudio Horvilleur & Gerardo Horvilleur, Cromasoft (Mexico)

    Design Considerations for a Standard C++ Container Class Library
    Cay S. Horstmann, San Jose State University (USA)

NOTE: You may register by Email (tools@eiffel.com) if you use a credit card.

                            REGISTRATION FORM

FEES                             Paid Before July 1  Paid Thereafter

Tutorials only*                        $690.00        $790.00 
Conference only                        $360.00        $420.00
Tutorials and Conference               $980.00        $1,120.00
Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only)     $450.00        $500.00
Full Time Faculty (Conference only)    $250.00        $300.00
Full Time Faculty (Conf. & Tutorials)  $690.00        $790.00
Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only)     $200.00        $250.00
Full Time Students (Conference)        $120.00        $150.00
Full Time Students (Conf. & Tutorials) $300.00        $350.00

*For pricing on individual tutorials, please call (805) 685-1006.

PRICES include a copy of the tutorial notes for each tutorial
attending, a copy of the coference proceedings for all conference
attendees, breaks, beach barbeque on July 29, concert and conference
reception on July 31 as well as free access to the exhibit.  Fee should
be paid in United States dollars. Payment should be made by check or 
international money order to TOOLS USA '91 and accompany the 
registration form. The "Before July 1" fee only applies if both payment
and registration form are received before July 1. Substitutions 
will be accepted at any time. Written cancellations received by 
July 1 will be liable to a 50 percent service fee. After this date 
there will be no refund.

LODGING: TOOLS USA '91 will be held at the University of California, 
Santa Barbara. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the 
on-campus housing package plan. UCSB's lodging facilities overlook the 
ocean, and are located within a five minute walk from dining and 
meeting facilities and the beach.

Rest rooms and private showers are located on each floor and daily
maid/linen service is provided. Parking on campus is included in the
package price.  Please check the appropriate box on the envrollment
application to reserve space.  Confirmation and information wil be sent
upon receipt of enrollment.

Single occupancy     per day, per person (incl. meals)    $63.00
Double occupancy     per day, per person (incl. meals)    $50.00
2 Bdrm. Apartments  per apt., per week (no meals incl.)  $406.00

On-campus meals: Breakfast, $5.50; lunch, $8.00; dinner, $10.00

For off-campus housing, the TOOLS organizers have selected the
following hotels: 

Quality Suites, (805) 683-36722; Hampton Inn, (805) 967-3200;
Holiday Inn, (805) 964-6241; El Encanto Hotel, (805) 687-5000.
Please identify yourself as a TOOLS attendee when registering.

Persons staying off campus are advised to have access to a
car. There is a $3 daily charge for parking on campus.

Santa Barbara is served by the United/United Express, American/American
Eagle, America West, US Air Express, Sky West, and the Delta
Connection. The airport is less than five minutes from campus and is
fifteen minutes from downtown Santa Barbara. Free shuttle service from
the airport to the campus is available by calling (805) 893-2469 upon
arrival.  American Airlines, (800) 433-7300, star number S0171UV and
United Airlines (800) 521-0810, tour code 506TN CF45M have been
selected as TOOLS USA '91 preferred airline carriers for domestic
flights. For more information, please contact International Travel of
Santa Barbara, (800) 735-2118.

Please circle the tutorial(s) you wish to attend:

TB   TC   TD   TE   TG   TH   TJ   TK
TL   TN   TO   TP   TR   TT   TS   TV   TW    

I wish to attend (check box):

/ /  Conference
/ /  Conference & Tutorial
/ /  Barbecue at the beach
_____ extra tickets at $15 each
/ /  Conference Dinner
_____ extra tickets at $30 each


Tutorials: ___________  Conference: __________    $___________________
Lodging: Sg. _____  Dbl. ______  Apt. ________    $ __________________
Meals: Brkfst x ____  Lunch x ___  Dinner x ____  $ __________________

                                            Total $ __________________

/ / Check or International money order
/ / VISA     / / Mastercard   / / American Express

Card Number _______________________________ Exp.  ____________________

 Signature ___________________________________________________________

/ /  My company is interested in exhibiting. Send exhibitor kit.

 Name and address (please type, or attach business card):

Name _______________________________________________________________

 Name ______________________________________________________________

 Address ___________________________________________________________

City _______________________________________________________________
                                           State             Zip

Phone ____________________________   Fax ___________________________

Send payment & registration form to:
TOOLS USA '91, Attention: Registration, 270 Storke Road, Suite 7, 
Goleta, CA 93117 (USA)

For further information, please contact:
Phone: (805) 685-1006  Fax: (805) 685-6869, Email: tools@eiffel.com

Note: You may register by Email if you use a credit card.