[comp.lang.smalltalk] Object Oriented Software Systems Users Group

tcevans@mishima.mishima.mn.org (Thomas C. Evans) (06/04/91)

Just a reminder of the charter meeting of the
               Object Oriented Software Systems Users Group
                      Tuesday June 4th, 6 - 9 PM
               152 Murry-Herrick, University of St. Thomas
             Goals                              Agenda               
* Create a forum for exchanging     * Who are we?                    
  information on object oriented                                     
  concepts and technologies.        * What activities will serve our needs?
* Attract people applying or        * Self organization              
  interested in applying object       (Time, Place, Affiliation)     
  oriented technology in a                                           
  professional or academic          * Show & Tell                    
  setting.                            O-O products, projects         
                                      [ Please feel free to bring anything
* Develop links to other related        of interest, a PC-AT and a Mac II 
  groups world wide.                    will be available]             
      Park in lot 'H', NE corner of Summit and Cretin.
      Murry-Herrick is the second building east of the parking lot.

For more information:  Thomas C. Evans        Kallestad Diagnostics
                       (612) 368-1205         1000 Lake Hazeltine Drive
                       tcevans@mishima.mn.org Chaska MN 55318