[comp.lang.smalltalk] Using large numbers of MVC triads

ferguson@pleiades.cps.msu.edu (Ron Ferguson) (07/01/91)

Has anyone out there experimented with a large number of 
concurrent MVC triads?  Our group is putting together a tree browser,
and would like to have an individual pop-up menu for each node in the 
tree.  The cleanest way to do this would be to have a separate view and
controller for each node, but with 20-50 nodes being shown in a window
at any one time, I am concerned about performance. 

Given this, which is better--50 very simple controller-views, 
each handling its own node, or one complex controller-view that can 
handle the entire tree?  What kind of overhead is involved in adding
extra controller-views?

Thanks in advance,
Ron Ferguson                   |  "Philosophy is the childhood of the 
ferguson@pleiades.cps.msu.edu  | mind, and the society that avoids it
Michigan State AI/KBS Lab      | will never grow up." -T. Nagel