[comp.lang.lisp] SCOOPS: new version of send.scm

sherin@linc.cis.upenn.edu.UUCP (06/14/87)

;;;                                                                 ;;;
;;;                     S c o o p s                                 ;;;
;;;                                                                 ;;;
;;;                                                                 ;;;
;;;		Rewritten 5/20/87 for cscheme			    ;;;
;;;		by Steve Sherin--U of P				    ;;;
;;;                   File : send.scm                               ;;;
;;;                                                                 ;;;
;;;                 Amitabh Srivastava                              ;;;
;;;                                                                 ;;;
;;;    One does not have to use the SEND form to invoke methods     ;;;
;;;    in the same class; they can be invoked as Scheme functions.  ;;;
;;;                                                                 ;;;

;;; send

(syntax-table-define system-global-syntax-table 'send
	(macro e

(let ((args (cddr e))
	(msg (cadr e))
	(obj (car e)))
    `(let* ((set-parent! (access system-environment-set-parent! 
	(ep environment-parent)
	(ibot ,obj)
	(itop (ep (ep ibot)))
	(ipar (ep itop))
	(class (access %sc-class ibot))
	(ctop (%sc-class-env class))
	(cpar (ep ctop))
	(cbot (%sc-method-env class))
	(instance-safe? (eq? ipar cbot)))

   (lambda ()
      (lambda ()
        (set-parent! ctop ibot)
	(if instance-safe?
         (set-parent! itop cpar))) 

	(lambda ()
	 (in-package cbot (,msg ,@args)))

      (lambda ()
	  (set-parent! ctop cpar)
	  (set-parent! itop cbot))

;;; send-if-handles

(syntax-table-define system-global-syntax-table 'send-if-handles (macro e
    (let ((obj (car e))
	  (msg (cadr e))
	  (args (cddr e)))
	((self ,obj))

     	     (if (assq ',msg (%sc-method-structure (access %sc-class self)))
			(send self ,msg ,@args)