[comp.lang.lisp] Wanted: a copy of the Boyer Lisp benchmark program

pugh@svax.UUCP (07/07/87)

Robert Boyer wrote a benchmark theorem proving program for Lisp
systems which is described in Richard Gabriel's book on the
performance and evaluation of Lisp systems.  Does anybody have an
on-line copy of the program they could send me, post, or give
me access to.  The program is listed in Gabriel's book, but I would
prefer to not have to type it in.

	  Bill Pugh

pugh@svax.cs.cornell.edu (William Pugh) (07/08/87)

Thanks everyone, I received a copy of it...
	Bill Pugh

pugh@svax.cs.cornell.edu (William Pugh) (07/08/87)

I received a number of requests from others for copies of the benchmark
so I am posting it.  I received a couple of copies - if for some reason this
version is not suitable for you, mail me and I can check the other versions I
	Bill Pugh

>>Here is a copy of the boyer theorem proving benchmark that I used
>>to benchmark Lucid Common Lisp, Data General Common Lisp and Kyoto
>>Common Lisp.  If you are not using Common Lisp you should find it
>>no problem to translate to the dialect of your choice (watch out for
>>the :test in calls to assoc and the :test in calls to member).
>> Hope this helps.
>>Greg Frascadore (frascado@umn-cs.arpa)
>> PS.  To run the benchmark:
>>	(load "boyer")
>>	(setup)
>>	(test)     ;; The call to test is what you want to time
>>		   ;; If you have CommonLisp you could (time (test))
----------------------------------cut here-----------------------------
(defvar unify-subst nil)
(defvar temp-temp nil)


(defun add-lemma (term)
  (cond ((and (not (atom term))
              (eq (car term) 'equal)
              (not (atom (cadr term))) )
	 (setf (get (car (cadr term)) 'lemmas)
                                (cons term (get (car (cadr term))
                                                'lemmas )) ) )
         (error "%ADD-LEMMA did not like the term:" term) ) ) )


(defun add-lemma-lst (lst)
  (cond ((null lst) t)
         (add-lemma (car lst))
         (add-lemma-lst (cdr lst)) ) ) )


(defun apply-subst (alist term)
  (cond ((atom term)
         (cond ((setq temp-temp (assoc term alist :test #'eq))
                (cdr temp-temp) )
               (t term) ) )
         (cons (car term)
               (apply-subst-lst alist (cdr term)) ) ) ) )


(defun apply-subst-lst (alist lst)
  (cond ((null lst) nil)
         (cons (apply-subst alist (car lst))
               (apply-subst-lst alist (cdr lst)) ) ) ) )


(defun falsep (x lst)
  (or (equal x '(f))
      (member x lst :test #'equal) ) )


(defun one-way-unify (term1 term2)
   (setq unify-subst nil)
   (one-way-unify1 term1 term2) ) )


(defun one-way-unify1 (term1 term2)
  (cond ((atom term2)
         (cond ((setq temp-temp (assoc term2 unify-subst :test #'eq))
                (equal term1 (cdr temp-temp)) )
               (t (setq unify-subst (cons (cons term2 term1)
                                             unify-subst) )
                     t ) ) )
        ((atom term1) nil)
        ((eq (car term1) (car term2))
         (one-way-unify1-lst (cdr term1) (cdr term2)) )
        (t nil) ) )


(defun one-way-unify1-lst (lst1 lst2)
  (cond ((null lst1) t)
        ((one-way-unify1 (car lst1) (car lst2))
         (one-way-unify1-lst (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2)) )
        (t nil) ) )


(defun rewrite (term)
  (cond ((atom term) term)
         (rewrite-with-lemmas (cons (car term)
                                    (rewrite-args (cdr term)) )
                              (get (car term) 'lemmas) ) ) ) )


(defun rewrite-args (lst)
  (cond ((null lst) nil)
         (cons (rewrite (car lst))
               (rewrite-args (cdr lst)) ) ) ) )


(defun rewrite-with-lemmas (term lst)
  (cond ((null lst) term)
        ((one-way-unify term (cadr (car lst)))
         (rewrite (apply-subst unify-subst (caddr (car lst)))) )
         (rewrite-with-lemmas term (cdr lst)) ) ) )


(defun setup ()
     (equal (compile form)
            (reverse (codegen (optimize form) (nil))) )
     (equal (eqp x y)
            (equal (fix x) (fix y)) )
     (equal (greaterp x y) 
            (lessp y x))
     (equal (lesseqp x y) 
            (not (lessp y x)))
     (equal (greatereqp x y) 
            (not (lessp x y)))
     (equal (boolean x)
            (or (equal x (t))
                (equal x (f)) ) )
     (equal (iff x y)
            (and (implies x y)
                 (implies y x) ) )
     (equal (even1 x)
            (if (zerop x) (t) (odd (1- x))) )
     (equal (countps- l pred)
            (countps-loop l pred (zero)) )
     (equal (fact- i)
            (fact-loop i 1) )
     (equal (reverse- x)
            (reverse-loop x (nil)) )
     (equal (divides x y)
            (zerop (remainder y x)) )
     (equal (assume-true var alist)
            (cons (cons var (t)) alist) )
     (equal (assume-false var alist)
            (cons (cons var (f)) alist) )
    	(equal (tautology-checker x)
             	(tautologyp (normalize x) (nil)) )
     (equal (falsify x)
            (falsify1 (normalize x) (nil)) )
     (equal (prime x)
            (and (not (zerop x))
                 (not (equal x (add1 (zero))))
                 (prime1 x (1- x)) ) )
     (equal (and p q)
            (if p (if q (t) (f)) (f)) )
     (equal (or p q)
            (if p (t) (if q (t) (f)) (f)) )
     (equal (not p)
            (if p (f) (t)) )
     (equal (implies p q)
            (if p (if q (t) (f)) (t)) )
     (equal (fix x)
            (if (numberp x) x (zero)) )
     (equal (if (if a b c) d e)
            (if a (if b d e) (if c d e)) )
     (equal (zerop x)
            (or (equal x (zero))
                (not (numberp x)) ) )
     (equal (plus (plus x y) z)
            (plus x (plus y z)) )
     (equal (equal (plus a b) (zero))
            (and (zerop a) (zerop b)) )
     (equal (difference x x) 
            (zero) )
     (equal (equal (plus a b) (plus a c))
            (equal (fix b) (fix c)) )
     (equal (equal (zero) (difference x y))
            (not (lessp y x)) )
     (equal (equal x (difference x y))
            (and (numberp x)
                 (or (equal x (zero))
                     (zerop y) ) ) )
     (equal (meaning (plus-tree (append x y)) a)
            (plus (meaning (plus-tree x) a)
                  (meaning (plus-tree y) a) ) )
     (equal (meaning (plus-tree (plus-fringe x)) a)
            (fix (meaning x a)) )
     (equal (append (append x y) z)
            (append x (append y z)) )
     (equal (reverse (append a b))
            (append (reverse b) (reverse a)) )
     (equal (times x (plus y z))
            (plus (times x y) (times x z)) )
     (equal (times (times x y) z)
            (times x (times y z)) )
     (equal (equal (times x y) (zero))
            (or (zerop x) (zerop y)) )
     (equal (exec (append x y) pds envrn)
            (exec y (exec x pds envrn) envrn) )
     (equal (mc-flatten x y)
            (append (flatten x) y) )
     (equal (member x (append a b))
            (or (member x a)
                (member x b) ) )
     (equal (member x (reverse y))
            (member x y) )
     (equal (length (reverse x))
            (length x) )
     (equal (member z (intersect b c))
            (and (member a b)
                 (member a c) ) )
     (equal (nth (zero) i)
            (zero) )
     (equal (exp i (plus j k))
            (times (exp i h)
                   (exp i k) ) )
     (equal (exp i (times j k))
            (exp (exp i j) k) )
     (equal (reverse-loop x y)
            (append (reverse x) y) )
     (equal (count-list z (sort-lp x y))
            (plus (count-list z x)
                  (count-list z y) ) )
     (equal (equal (append a b) (append a c))
            (equal b c) )
     (equal (plus (remainder x y) (times y (quotient x y)))
            (fix x) )
     (equal (power-eval (big-plus1 l i base) base)
            (plus (power-eval l base) i ) )
     (equal (power-eval (big-plus x y i base) base)
            (plus i (plus (power-eval x base)
                          (power-eval y base) )) )
     (equal (remainder y 1) 
            (zero) )
     (equal (lessp (quotient i j) i)
            (and (not (zerop i))
                 (or (zerop j)
                     (not (equal j 1)) ) ) )
     (equal (lessp (remainder x y) x)
            (and (not (zerop y))
                 (not (zerop x))
                 (not (lessp x y)) ))
     (equal (power-eval (power-rep i base) base)
            (fix i) )
     (equal (power-eval (big-plus (power-rep i base)
                                  (power-rep j base)
                                  base )
                        base )
            (plus i j) )
     (equal (gcd x y)
            (gcd y x) )
     (equal (nth (append a b) i)
            (append (nth a i)
                    (nth b (difference i (length a))) ) )
     (equal (difference (plus x y) x)
            (fix y) )
     (equal (difference (plus y x) x)
            (fix y) )
     (equal (difference (plus x y) (plus x z))
            (difference y z) )
     (equal (times x (difference c w))
            (difference (times c x)
                        (times w x) ) )
     (equal (remainder (times x z) z)
            (zero) )
     (equal (difference (add1 (plus y z)) z)
            (add1 y) )
     (equal (lessp (plus x y) (plus x z))
            (lessp y z) )
     (equal (lessp (times x z) (times y z))
            (and (not (zerop z))
                 (lessp x y) ) )
     (equal (lessp y (plus x y))
            (not (zerop x)) )
     (equal (gcd (times x z) (times y z))
            (times z (gcd x y)) )
     (equal (value (normalize x) a)
            (value x a) )
     (equal (equal (flatten x) (cons y (nil)))
            (and (nlistp x)
                 (equal x y) ) )
     (equal (listp (gopher x))
            (listp x) )
     (equal (samefringe x y)
            (equal (flatten x)
                   (flatten y) ) )
     (equal (equal (greatest-factor x y) (zero))
            (and (or (zerop y)
                     (equal y 1) )
                 (equal x (zero)) ) )
     (equal (equal (greatest-factor x y) 1)
            (equal x 1) )
     (equal (numberp (greatest-factor x y))
            (not (and (or (zerop y)
                          (equal y 1) )
                      (not (numberp x)) ) ) )
     (equal (times-list (append x y))
            (times (times-list x)
                   (times-list y) ))
     (equal (prime-list (append x y))
            (and (prime-list x)
                 (prime-list y) ))
     (equal (equal z (times w z))
            (and (numberp z)
                 (or (equal z (zero))
                     (equal w 1) ) ) )
     (equal (greatereqpr x y)
            (not (lessp x y)) )
     (equal (equal x (times x y))
            (or (equal x (zero))
                (and (numberp x)
                     (equal y 1 ) ) ) )
     (equal (remainder (times y x) y)
            (zero) )
     (equal (equal (times a b) 1)
            (and (not (equal a (zero)))
                 (not (equal b (zero)))
                 (numberp a)
                 (numberp b)
                 (equal (1- a) (zero))
                 (equal (1- b) (zero)) ) )
     (equal (lessp (length (delete x l)) (length l))
            (member x l) )
     (equal (sort2 (delete x l))
            (delete x (sort2 l)) )
     (equal (dsort x)
            (sort2 x) )
     (equal (length 
                            	(cons x6 x7) ) ) ) ) ) )
            (plus 6 (length x7)) )
     (equal (difference (add1 (add1 x)) 2)
            (fix x) )
     (equal (quotient (plus x (plus x y)) 2)
            (plus x (quotient y 2)) )
     (equal (sigma (zero) i)
            (quotient (times i (add1 i)) 2) )
     (equal (plus x (add1 y))
            	(if (numberp y)
                 (add1 (plus x y))
                 (add1 x) ) )
     (equal (equal (difference x y)
                   (difference z y) )
            (if (lessp x y)
                (not (lessp y z))
                (if (lessp z y)
                    (not (lessp y x))
                    (equal (fix x)
                           (fix z) ) ) ) )
     (equal (meaning (plus-tree (delete x y)) a)
            (if (member x y)
                (difference (meaning (plus-tree y) a)
                            (meaning x a) )
                (meaning (plus-tree y) a) ))
     (equal (times x (add1 y))
            (if (numberp y)
                (plus x (times x y))
                (fix x) ) )
     (equal (nth (nil) i)
            (if (zerop i)
                (zero) ) )
     (equal (last (append a b))
            (if (listp b)
                (last b)
                (if (listp a)
                    (cons (car (last a)) b)
                    b ) ) )
     (equal (equal (lessp x y) z)
            (if (lessp x y)
                (equal t z)
                (equal f z) ) )
     (equal (assignment x (append a b))
            (if (assignedp x a)
                (assignment x a)
                (assignment x b) ) )
     (equal (car (gopher x))
            (if (listp x)
                (car (flatten x))
                (zero) ) )
     (equal (flatten (cdr (gopher x)))
            (if (listp x)
                (cdr (flatten x))
                (cons (zero)
                      (nil) ) ) )
     (equal (quotient (times y x) y)
            (if (zerop y) 
                (fix x) ) )
     (equal (get j (set i val mem))
            (if (eqp j i)
                (get j mem) ) )
     ) ) )


(defun tautologyp (x true-lst false-lst)
  (cond ((truep x true-lst) t)
        ((falsep x false-lst) nil)
        ((atom x) nil)
        ((eq (car x) 'if)
         (cond ((truep (cadr x) true-lst)
                (tautologyp (caddr x) true-lst false-lst) )
               ((falsep (cadr x) false-lst)
                (tautologyp (cadddr x) true-lst false-lst) )
                (and (tautologyp (caddr x)
                                 (cons (cadr x) true-lst)
                                 false-lst )
                     (tautologyp (cadddr x)
                                 (cons (cadr x) false-lst) ) ) ) ) )
        (t nil) ) )


(defun tautp (x)
  (tautologyp (rewrite x) nil nil) )


(defun test ()
  (tautp (apply-subst
          '((x f (plus (plus a b)
                       (plus c (zero)) ) )
            (y f (times (times a b)
                        (plus c d) ) )
            (z f (reverse (append (append a b) (nil))))
            (u equal (plus a b)
                     (difference x y) )
            (w lessp (remainder a b)
                     (member a (length b)) ) )
          '(implies (and (implies x y)
                         (and (implies y z)
                              (and (implies z u)
                                   (implies u w) ) ) )
                    (implies x w) ) ) ) )


(defun truep (x lst)
  (or (equal x '(t))
      (member x lst :test #'equal) ) )


mike@yetti.UUCP (Mike Clarkson ) (07/10/87)

In article <1473@svax.cs.cornell.edu> pugh@svax.cs.cornell.edu (William Pugh) writes:
>I received a number of requests from others for copies of the benchmark
>so I am posting it. 

I have a complete set of the Gabriel Benchmarks in Common Lisp, kindly
provided to me by Stan Shebs at Utah.  If there is sufficient
demand, say 10-15 requests and not too many nays, I'd be happy to
post them.  Let me know *by mail* if you want/don't want me to post them.

decvax!utzoo!yetti!mike or seismo!mnetor!yetti!mike or SYMALG@YUSOL.BITNET

Mike Clarkson,		  ...!allegra \			BITNET:	mike@YUYETTI or
CRESS, York University,	  ...!decvax   \			SYMALG@YUSOL
4700 Keele Street,	  ...!ihnp4     > !utzoo!yetti!mike
North York, Ontario,	  ...!linus    /		     
CANADA M3J 1P3.		  ...!watmath /		Phone: +1 (416) 736-2100 x 7767

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