[comp.lang.lisp] Call For Paper LFP88

chaillou@inria.UUCP (Jerome Chailloux) (09/25/87)

                         CALL FOR PAPERS
                     1988 ACM Conference on
                Snowbird, Utah, July 25-27, 1988

The 1988 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming is the
fifth  in a series of biennial conferences devoted to the theory,
design, and implementation of programming languages  and  systems
that  support  symbolic  computation.   The conference is jointly
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, SIGACT, and SIGART.   Papers  presented
at  the conference must include new ideas or experimental results
that have not been previously published.  The conference  program
is not limited to topics discussed in previous conferences in the
series; authors are strongly encouraged to submit papers that in-
troduce important new topics that are relevant to functional pro-
gramming and symbolic computation.  The major  topics  that  have
been addressed at previous conferences include:

1) programming language concepts and facilities

2) implementation methods

3) machine architectures

4) semantic foundations

5) programming logics

6) program development environments

7) applications of symbolic computation Authors  are  invited  to
submit  11 copies of a technical summary of a prospective confer-
ence paper to the program committee chairman.  The length of  the
summary  should not exceed 3,000 words (10 pages double-spaced or
typeset 10-point on 16-point spacing).  Since the  committee  ex-
pects  to  receive  a  large  number  of submissions, the summary
should be organized so that it is easily understood.  It  is  im-
portant  for  the summary to identify what has been accomplished,
explain why it is significant, and compare it with previous work.
Submissions  must  be  received by Jan 22, 1988.  They should in-
clude a return postal address and an electronic mail  address  if
it  is  available.  Authors will be notified of the acceptance or
rejection of their papers by March 11, 1988.   Full  versions  of
the  accepted  papers  must  be  received in camera-ready form by
April 22, 1988.  Authors of accepted papers will be  required  to
sign ACM copyright release forms.  Proceedings will be distribut-
ed at the conference and will later  be  available  for  purchase
from  the ACM.  The conference site at Snowbird, Utah is a resort
located in the rugged Wasatch  mountain  range  approximately  35
miles  from  Salt  Lake  City.  Summer activities include hiking,
climbing, swimming, tennis, and wildflower photography.

Program Committee Chairman              Program Committee

Robert (Corky) Cartwright               Harold Abelson, MIT
Attn:  LFP 88                           Richard Bird, Oxford University
Rice University                         Luca Cardelli, DEC Systems Res. Ctr.
Department of Computer Science          Robert Cartwright, Rice University
P. O. Box 1892                          Richard Gabriel, Lucid Inc.
Houston, TX  77251-1892                 Christopher Haynes, Indiana University
(713) 527-4834                          Gerard Huet, INRIA Rocquencourt
cork@rice.edu                           Gilles Kahn, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
                                        David Moon, Symbolics Inc.
                                        Guy Steele, Thinking Machines Corp.
                                        Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University

General Chairman                        Local Arrangements Chairman

Jerome Chailloux                        Robert Kessler
INRIA                                   University of Utah
Domaine de Voluceau-Rocquencourt        Department of Computer Science
B.P. 105                                3190 M.E.B.
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex                  Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
France                                  kessler@cs.utah.edu

Jerome Chailloux		UUCP: ...!seismo!mcvax!inria!chailloux
INRIA, Domaine de Voluceau	ARPA: mcvax!inria!chailloux@seismo.css.GOV
B.P. 105  F-78153		tel: +33 (1) 39 63 53 99
Le Chesnay Cedex France		tx: 697 033 F