[comp.lang.lisp] A CL iteration macro, while.

quiroz@cs.rochester.edu (Cesar Quiroz) (12/23/87)



Douglas Roberts (dzzr@beta.UUCP, or is it @lanl.gov?) proposes `a
little non-flamable fun' in the way of asking for a CL "while"
macro, a la GNU Emacs Lisp.  This note offers some comments and a
second implementation.

First of all, Douglas's version:
:(defmacro while (test-form &rest forms)
:  "This macro evaluates test-form, and if the result is non-nil
:	all subsequent forms will be iteratively evaluated until
:	test-form evaluates to nil."
:  (prog ()
:     again 
:	(cond (
:	       (eval test-form) 
:	       (mapcar #'eval forms)
:	       (go again)
:	       ))
:  ))

1-  My first observation is that a macro should return a form to be
    later evaluated.  `While' does all its job during
    macro-expansion (in this, it works as a function!).  Beware of
    this, as this is the first thing to know about macros.  For
    instance, a compiler trying to expand a call to `while' will
    need to know how `test-form' will evaluate!
    So, let me replace the macro above with:
    (defmacro while-2 (test-form &rest forms)
    "This macro evaluates test-form, and if the result is non-nil
 	all subsequent forms will be iteratively evaluated until
 	test-form evaluates to nil."
    `(prog ()
 	(cond (
 	       (eval ,test-form) 
 	       (mapcar #'eval ,forms)
 	       (go again)

2-  CL's eval processes its argument in a *null* lexical
    environment!  Neither `while' nor `while-2' will do their job
    correctly if you intend to control the value of test-form by
    changing local, lexical, bindings.  In general, a good heuristic
    is to feel nervous about a function that calls `eval' directly.
    There are good uses for eval, of course (for instance, when
    writing interpreters for languages embedded in Lisp).

3-  This is a matter of taste and not an absolute rule:  I prefer to
    use mechanisms that are `minimal' to the problem at hand.
    Perhaps `tagbody' is more adequate here.  However, I must grant
    that `prog' permits one to escape the loop with `return'.  I
    leave it to others to criticize such escapes.

4-  A nit: 'again' might be used in one of the forms!  A macro
    should fabricate these local names via gensym or somesuch.
    Imagine the surprise of a user of the macros above when
    discovering that
               ... stuff ...
               ... more stuff ...
               (while (...)
                  (if (something-or-another-p)
                      ;; leave this loop, restart things
                      (go again)) ...))
    doesn't do the obvious.  (Such user, of course, would be guilty
    of horrible style, but I feel he should still be entitled to do
    the kludge above.)

My turn.  Let me propose the following macro in the spirit of
Douglas's posting:
    (defmacro while-3 (test &body forms)
      "[macro] (WHILE TEST &BODY FORMS)
    Evaluate FORMS repeatedly, while TEST evals to true"
      `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@forms))

The idea here is to use the macro to cover the details of `do', not
to reinvent them afresh.  (For instance, I often have trouble
remembering if the condition in the second subform of do/do* is the
condition to stop or the condition to continue iterating.  The macro
above protects the user from such confusions.)

Happy Holidays!


Cesar Augusto  Quiroz Gonzalez
Department of Computer Science     ...allegra!rochester!quiroz
University of Rochester            or
Rochester,  NY 14627               quiroz@cs.rochester.edu