apollo@ecf.toronto.edu (Vince Pugliese) (02/15/88)
i would first like to thank those who took the time to respond to my request for information regarding prolog implementations for apollo. aside from a considerable number of public-domain prologs we were able to discover that quintus has a version for the apollo as well. while most of the members of our research group recognize that often the working environment is more important than just blinding speed it would still be nice to be able to compare different implementations on a quantitative basis i.e. performance. it is for this reason that i am asking, yet again, for some assistance from my fellow netters if anyone knows of a standard benchmark programs for prolog. if i'm not mistaken, lisp has the gabriel suite and i'm curious to know if such a similar situation exists for prolog. either e-mail or post though i believe posting would be of greater benefit to the community. vince pugliese apollo@ecf.toronto.edu