flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) (05/18/88)
Does anybody have a set of patches for Steele's CLtL? Here are my additions: in the index: defun is defined on page 67. (This is pretty hard on beginners.) macrolet on page 113 &environment on page 145 (not really) elsewhere: I think page 145 should describe &environment. From: flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) Reply-To: sheridan@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk or_perhaps_Reply_to: flash@cs.qmc.ac.uk
gersh@aplvax.jhuapl.edu (John R. Gersh) (05/22/88)
In article <483@sequent.cs.qmc.ac.uk> sheridan@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk writes: > >Does anybody have a set of patches for Steele's CLtL? >Here are my additions: > >in the index: >defun is defined on page 67. (This is pretty hard on beginners.) >macrolet on page 113 >&environment on page 145 (not really) > All of these index items, and many others, are taken care of in "Common Lisp, The Index," by Rosemary Simpson. It's a pamphlet- sized book, put out by Coral Software and Franz. The book is a full cross-referenced index to CLtL. Coral includes it (along with CLtL) with Coral Common Lisp; they were giving it away at their booth at AAAI last summer. (The index, not the software!) The book shows a price of $4.95, so I suppose Coral will sell it separately; their number is (800) 521-1027, or P.O. Box 307, Cambridge MA 02142.
ilan@lcuxlm.UUCP (05/22/88)
In article <483@sequent.cs.qmc.ac.uk>, flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) writes: > > elsewhere: > I think page 145 should describe &environment. > > From: flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) > Reply-To: sheridan@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk > or_perhaps_Reply_to: flash@cs.qmc.ac.uk &ENVIRONMENT is described on p. 145. The last (indented) paragraph refers to it - unfortunately the keyword &ENVIRONMENT was omitted, so that it seems at first glance to be simply more on &WHOLE. --ilan caron