[comp.lang.lisp] macroexpansion Environments in CL

flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan) (08/09/88)

I admit it is a good thing not to specify the format of environments, but I
wish CL defined a bit more access to them.  The only way I could figure out
to find _any_ environment of any sort in pure Common Lisp is:

(defun print-env  ()
  (macrolet ((fudge (&environment env)
    (print "the environment is:") (terpri)
    (print (fudge) )

It took me entirely too long to figure this out, largely because of appalling
proof-reading in CLtL.

From: flash@ee.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan)
Reply-To: sheridan@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
or_perhaps_Reply_to: flash@cs.qmc.ac.uk