[comp.lang.lisp] ANSI LISP Committee

wlp@calmasd.GE.COM (Walter L. Peterson, Jr.) (11/22/88)

I understand that an ANSI standards committee ( X3J-something )
has been/is being formed to set an ANSI standard for LISP.
Does any one here know where I can write/call/e-mail to get more
info on the committee, in particular I am interested in a non-voting
membership on it ( I understand that that runs about $150.00 / year ? ).

Thanks in advance


Walt Peterson


Walt Peterson   GE-Calma San Diego R&D (Object and Data Management Group)
"The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those
GE, GE-Calma nor anyone else.
...{ucbvax|decvax}!sdcsvax!calmasd!wlp        wlp@calmasd.GE.COM