[comp.lang.lisp] writing TAR tapes on Symbolix

siegeert@kulcs.uucp (Geert Adriaens) (03/09/89)

Does any user of Lisp-machines have a function that WRITES tar
tapes on them? We can read tar-tapes (there is a function to
do that), but since our Symbolixes are not in a network with
say Vax'es or Suns, if at some point we want to tape everything
we have to reload on such a machine, Symbolix tape-format is
no good. So, if you have a "write-tar-tape" function, please
let me know.
Geert Adriaens, Geert Adriaens SIEMENS-METAL Project        
Maria Theresiastraat 21              siegeert@kulcs.uucp or
B-3000 Leuven                        siegeert@blekul60.bitnet or
tel: ..32 16 285091                  siegeert@cs.kuleuven.ac.be