[comp.lang.lisp] S.O.S. LISP and Starbase problem.

ibm@bosco.dit.upm.es (Ignacio Bellido Montes) (04/11/89)

	Hello, this is an S.O.S. call for all the people who knows something
about HP-Common Lisp II (from Lucid) and Starbase.

	Whe are trying to call some code written in C (that uses Starbase and
Windows 9000) from LISP. The libraries used are charged on the Lisp 
environment, that only tells a warning telling that a symbol
(asm_strlenfieldwidth) si not defined.

	This is not a great problem (I hope) (where is this symbol defined?),
the real problem apears when trying to initialize Starbase, it returns an 

Starbase Error 8: Hardware especified is not installed on this system.
	procedure name   : gopen
	file descriptor  : 5
	device file name : /dev/screen/FOO
	library location : HP300 driver (4)

The function perror() prints out "Invalid argument".

This is not all, if we compile and run the program out of the LISP environment,
as an executable program...

		IT WORKS !!! (funny, isn't it?)

	The order of the libraries used when loading them on the LISP 
environment must be the next one (using the LISP command):

    (load-foreign-libraries nil '("-lc" "-ldd300h" "-lsb1" "-lsb2" "-lwindow"))

	If some one of you knows the answer, please answer us by News or

	For more help, we have an HP 9000-350 Workstation with HP-UX 6.21 and
an 98547A High Resolution Display Adaptor (6 planes).

Ignacio Bellido Fernandez-Montes,

Departamento de Ingenieria de           Department of Telematic
Sistemas Telematicos (dit),		Systems Engineering,
Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial.	Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.	Madrid University of Technology.

e-mail:	ibellido@dit.upm.es or	  Phone: Work: 34 - 1 - 5495700 (62) ext 368
	ibellido@goya.uucp		 Home: 34 - 1 - 2533365
TELEX:  47430 ETSIT E			 Fax:  34 - 1 - 2432077

knish@hpcllld.HP.COM (Doreen Kawanishi) (04/19/89)


In response to your S.O.S., here is a possible solution:

>	This is not a great problem (I hope) (where is this symbol defined?),
>the real problem apears when trying to initialize Starbase, it returns an 
>Starbase Error 8: Hardware especified is not installed on this system.
>	procedure name   : gopen
>	file descriptor  : 5
>	device file name : /dev/screen/FOO
>	library location : HP300 driver (4)
>The function perror() prints out "Invalid argument".

Make sure /dev/screen/FOO is defined (is a VALID device file).  You will get
"Invalid argument" if it is not defined correctly.  For more info on this,
please refer to the "HP-UX System Administrator Manual" under Device files.
Also refer to INSF (Insert Special File function).

>This is not all, if we compile and run the program out of the LISP environment,
>as an executable program...
>		IT WORKS !!! (funny, isn't it?)

Here, /dev/screen/FOO could have been defined correctly; hence, no error.

This is just a possible solution.  Would need more information to determine
what the problem is.  In the future, please contact the European HP Response
Center, as NOTES is not monitored regularly for bugs/problems.    

HP Lisp Support staff