[comp.lang.lisp] WAMs in COMMON LISP

lisplog@uklirb.UUCP (Bernd Bachmann) (05/16/89)

Are there nice WAM emulators (and compilers) implemented in COMMON LISP?
We currently use an undocumented WAM for pure PROLOG, and we have heared
of one other system at ECRC. There should be much more. For our purpose,
a 'nice' WAM need not be very efficient, but should be programmed and
(hopefully) documented in a lucid fashion. That is, it should be easy to
modify it using the clearer features of COMMON LISP. The WPE, nicely
described in the book "Computing with Logic" by David Maier and David S.
Warren (Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Comp. 1988), is our favorite specific WAM
implementation model (perhaps someone has ported their PASCAL code to LISP).

We are mainly looking for public-domain systems. Our implementation target
is LUCID on SUNs. Please send a short description of your LISP WAM to the
below email address; also specify the requirements and media for sending
the complete LISP source and documentation (we prefer email).

Thanks to all who will reply,
The Kaiserslautern University LISP/PROLOG Project.

Email:   lisplog@uklirb.UUCP     - or -     ...!uunet!unido!uklirb!lisplog