[comp.lang.lisp] Changing fonts to differentiate comments from code

gupta@prlhp1.prl.philips.co.uk (gupta) (05/23/89)

I'd like to implement a facility (on an Apollo running Lucid Lisp 2.10) that    I've seen on the Xerox Lisp machines, but am having *considerable* trouble !

What I want is for comments to appear in a different font to code.
Therefore  typing #| or ; must change the font and typing |# or hitting <CR>
must reset the font.  (Of course hitting <CR> after having typed #| should not 
reset the font).

I've tried to set traces on some low-level read and write routines so as to
determine which routines could be advised to set/reset the font.

I can change the font but I haven't been able to figure out which routine needs to be advised to do this (and undo it). A few "nasty recursive error in editor" and "fatal stack overflow"s have convinced me that I need to get some clues from*out there*.

Any help - from the people at Lucid would be sincerely appreciated. Perhaps the people at Xerox could give me some clues ...


Ashok Gupta