[comp.lang.lisp] Updating window events in Coral Common Lisp

kern@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (John Kern) (08/10/89)

	I am trying to specialize the window-update-event-handler method
in Coral Common Lisp, using an ancient version (1.1), as follows:

(defobfun (window-update-event-handler *fred-window*) ()
          (let* ((temp nil)
                 (left nil)
                 (bottom nil)
                 (height nil)
                 (width nil)
                 (upper nil))
            (setq hold (window-position))
            (setq left (point-h hold))
            (setq bottom (point-v hold))
            (setq hold (window-size))
            (setq width (point-h hold))
            (setq height (point-v hold))
            (setq bottom (+ bottom height))
            (format t  "~%left~T~D~Tbottom~T~D~Twidth~T~D~Theight~T~D" left bottom width height)
            (format t "~% And the object is ~S" (self))
            ) ;; let star
          )  ;; event queue
  )       ;; defun
Unfortunately, when I try to run this code the editor window isn't
proper updated and it doesn't appear to be updated every time. Is my 
code incorrect or is this caused by the older version of CCL I am 
running?  Any comments or sugguests are greatly appreciated.


John Kern				The Attic		
Seeker of Knowledge			kern@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu
Michigan State University		13501jsk@MSU.bitnet
Knowledge Based Systems Group