[comp.lang.lisp] Prolog or deduction/Unification in Common Lisp, Scheme or Pearl wanted

frobozz@well.UUCP (Jordan Bortz) (11/21/89)

Does anyone out there have common-lisp code (pref. runs under Pearl
on the Mac) to do Prolog-style deductions and unification??

Could you mail me the code??

(Also, Xscheme code would be workable, also)

*  Jordan A. Bortz, Higher Level Software, Santa Cruz, CA             *
*  well!frobozz frobozz@well.sf.ca.us   408 - 476 - 8464              *

jbs@fenchurch.mit.edu (Jeffrey Siegal) (11/23/89)

There is Scheme unification and deduction code in
_Structure_and_Interpretation_of_Computer_Programs_ by Abelson and
Sussman.  However, I recall (vaguely) that there is a bug in the
unification code.

Jeffrey Siegal

adams@crcge1.UUCP (Drew Adams) (11/23/89)

Concerning  unification and  SCHEME, you  might be  interested in the
following article.  The authors have implemented unification etc.  as
a SCHEME 'primitive'.  

	"Nondeterminism and Unification in LogScheme: Integrating Logic and
	Functional Programming", by Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise, pp. 340-346 in 
	Proceedings of the 4th Intl. Conf. on Functional Programming
	Languages and Computer Architecture, ACM, September 11-13, 1989,
Drew ADAMS, Laboratoires de Marcoussis, Centre de Recherches de la Compagnie 
            Generale d'Electricite, Route de Nozay, 91460 MARCOUSSIS, FRANCE
            Tel. +33 (1), adams@crcge1.cge.fr ["one", not "ell"]