[comp.lang.lisp] Golden Common LISP for sale

geller@bnlux0.bnl.gov (joseph geller) (12/04/89)

Golden Common Lisp 1.01 for sale

Includes original manuals :   User Manual
                              Reference manual (Steele)
                              LISP (Winston)

Master disk was replaced recently by factory

Best offer recv'd by DEC 10, 1989 (I will pay shipping)

This is an interpreter.  It includes a really nice instructional section
which teaches LISP from the ground up.

I will be away for a while so I won't be able to answer email until about
the 10 th.  Sometimes email replies don't work, so include a phone #
or mailing address to guarantee reply.

Joe Geller
bldg 911A (ags)
Upton, NY 11973
(516) 282-4859