(Bill Birch) (11/29/89)
Sirs, Your discussion of incremental garbage collection interested me. I have implemented a LISP interpreter which uses "erasure by reference-counting" instead of garbage collection. I use this in conjunction with MIDI, because I can get reliable response times from LISP. In doing this I have tried to collect as many papers about reference-counting LISP systems as possible. Unfortunately the trail of papers has gone cold, it seems reference-counting was discarded as early as 1958. Does anyone have references to papers describing reference-counting? I would be grateful for some help on this one. Thanks in advance, Bill Birch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tel: + 44 1 637 9111 x 1311 (Work) Snail: Flat 7, 1 Brookfield Ave. Sutton, SM1 3QP, U.K. -- Automatic Disclaimer: The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group. (Robert Strandh) (12/01/89)
We have written a Scheme system based on reference counters as the main mechanism of memory management. The reason we decided on reference counters was mainly that Scheme uses first class functions and continuations. This kind of semantics require that the stack be saved and restored from time to time. Experiments with T (Scheme like system from Yale) shows that the cost of garbage collection can be extensive when first class continuations are used extensively. In our system, we do not use the hardware stack. Instead, we allocate all objects on the heap. The reference counter mechanism makes sure that "stack frames" are returned immediately to the system, in case there is no capture of continuations. Of course, reference counters have a major disadvantage. They cannot handle circular structures. For that reason, we are going to add a traditional garbage collector as well. We predict that the traditional garbage collector will be invoked fairly infrequently. The reference counter mechanism also makes the system fairly portable. We do not need to divide the heap into zones of different data types, nor decide in advance on the size of the heap. In fact, we use a minor variation of "malloc" and "free", which seems to work fine. A generational garbage collector is almost as good as reference counters. It requires that the program behave "the lisp way": Objects are either short lived or long lived, but not in between. Reference counters do not require this kind of behavior. Like generational garbage collectors (when the program behaves correctly), the cost of reference counters is proportional to the amount of memory allocated but thrown away, whereas other garbage collectors have a cost proportional to the amount of memory allocated but *still in use*. Finally, we have noticed an interesting feature with reference counters: In our system, we have a "window" data type. For instance, we can write: => (define x (window-create ...)) x and a window appears on the screen. Now if we do: => (set! x 4) the system can no longer reference the window, so the reference counter mechanism destroys the window, and the window disappears from the screen. In a system with a traditional garbage collector, one would have had to wait for the garbage collector to be run. Robert Strandh University of Bordeaux I (Bill Birch) (01/03/90)
This is a summary of the replies I received to my enquiries about "erasure by reference-counting". Apparently reference-counting is alive and kicking in Smalltalk-80's garbage collector. It has also been used in Xerox's Interlisp. A source of references is "The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages" by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Thanks are due to the following: Ray Fink, Robert Strandh, Mike Gigante, Peter Norvig, dmfloy, Keiji Kanazawa and kythera. Regards, Bill Birch -- Automatic Disclaimer: The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group.