[comp.lang.lisp] Apropos of extension languages: SIOD

gjc@paradigm.com (01/29/90)

SIOD: Scheme In One Defun (also, Scheme In One Day).

There is a new version available, Version 2.3 which has been modularized
into main program and library, and extended in various ways for the
explicit purpose of being an extension language for applications.

FTP to the machine BU.EDU
login anonymous, password anonymous
cd users/gjc
get siod-v2.3-shar

Also siod-v2.3-hqx a binhex'ed archive containing a Lightspeed C 4.0 project
for the Macintosh. (Also get siod-v2.3-hqx-fix, and the siod-v2.3-shar file
for the documentation). siod-v2.3-vms is a vms_share file.

Structure: SIOD.C contains a main program of a few lines.
           SLIB.C is a library of scheme functions including EVAL, READ, GC, 
                  PRINT, and REPL. Executable size on VAX/VMS: 17 Kbytes.

-GJC (gjc@paradigm.com)