[comp.lang.lisp] Fortran to Common Lisp Translator

patrick@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU (patrick fitzhorn) (04/10/90)

We are looking for a (public distribution hopefully) translator that 
makes a reasonable attempt at converting Fortran to Common Lisp.
Specific versions of each, e.g. Fortran 66/77 are not important.
If you have any knowledge of such a translator, I would appreciate
hearing about it.  Please E-mail directly to me at

Thanks in advance.


Patrick Fitzhorn
Colorado State University

odell@bu-it.bu.edu (Jim O'Dell) (04/10/90)

Kent Pitman wrote one many years ago to translate fortran to MacLisp.
I suspect that it could be easily converted to produce Common Lisp code.

I don't know his current whereabouts. Last time I heard from him he was
at Symbolics.

news@usc.edu (USENET News) (04/11/90)

give away student projects, but could give pointers to students who have
done such.
	Keith Price
From: price@iris.usc.edu (Keith Price)
Path: iris.usc.edu!price