(Toshimi sawada) (04/09/90)
[ in <>]: |Hello! | |Has anyone tried to compile PCL with AKCL 1.470? I have tried, but |according to the PCL documentation I need to modify the "turbo-closure" |routine. The problems began when I made the changes to AKCL that PCL |requires: adding the two if statements at the end of the routine. These |two if statements, however, use cc.cc_start and cc.cc_size, neither of |which is defined, so the compiler chokes and dies when it tries to compile |them. The real problem is that part of PCL makes extensive use of these |parts of the cclosure structure. So, does anyone know a soultion? Is |there some bit that the docs for PCL don't mention? I've successed compiling PCL (victoria version), with AKCL 1.465. (I hope my solution could be also applied to verion 1.470 or later). Your main problem is that AKCL changes internal data structure of KCl. But you can compile PCL without changing AKCL by apropreate patch file and low.lisp for AKCL. Here are my akcl-patch.lisp and akcl-low.lisp modefied from (pure)KCL version. Try them please. If you have any questions or problems, please inform me. -- Toshimi Sawada(*) Computer Language Section, Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN TEL: +81 298 58 5890 E-Mail: -- (*)SoftwareResearch Associates, Inc., 1-1-1 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda, Tokyo; on leave at Electrotechnical Laboratory. -------------------(cut here)----------------------------------------------- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". # # Wrapped by on Mon Apr 9 15:29:33 JST 1990 # Contents: defsys-changes.text akcl-patches.lsp akcl-low.lsp echo x - defsys-changes.text sed 's/^@//' > "defsys-changes.text" <<'@//E*O*F defsys-changes.text//' CHANGES IN "defsys.lisp" AKCL contains both kcl and akcl in *features*, we must distinguish akcl from (pure) kcl in our akcl version of pcl. (1) change *port* like... (defvar *port* '( : : #+(and kcl (not AKCL))KCL #+AKCL AKCL : #+:coral coral)) (2) and *pcl-directory* (defvar *pcl-directory* : #+(and KCL (not AKCL)) (pathname "/usr/pcl/") #+AKCL (pathname "/usr/users/sawada/CAFE/dist/pcl/") : ) (3) finally, system definition of pcl: (defsystem pcl *pcl-directory* ;; file load compile files which port ;; environment environment force the of ;; recompilation ;; of this file ((rel-6-patches t t () rel-6) (kcl-patches t t () kcl) : ;; add enty for akcl-patches (akcl-patches t t () akcl) : (kcl-low (low) (low) (low) KCL) ;; and low for akcl (akcl-low (low) (low) (low) AKCL) : (7debug t t () rel-7) )) @//E*O*F defsys-changes.text// chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r defsys-changes.text echo x - akcl-patches.lsp sed 's/^@//' > "akcl-patches.lsp" <<'@//E*O*F akcl-patches.lsp//' ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(PCL LISP 1000); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Xerox Corporation. ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works ;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this ;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United ;;; States export control laws. ;;; ;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;; specification. ;;; ;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their ;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to: ;;; CommonLoops Coordinator ;;; Xerox PARC ;;; 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. ;;; Palo Alto, CA 94304 ;;; (or send Arpanet mail to ;;; ;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome. ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; (in-package 'system) (eval-when (compile eval load) (setq compiler::*compile-ordinaries* t) (push :turbo-closure *features*)) (eval-when (compile) (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (space 3)))) ;;; ;;; setf patches ;;; (defun get-setf-method (form) (multiple-value-bind (vars vals stores store-form access-form) (get-setf-method-multiple-value form) (unless (listp vars) (error "The temporary variables component, ~s, of the setf-method for ~s is not a list." vars form)) (unless (listp vals) (error "The values forms component, ~s, of the setf-method for ~s is not a list." vals form)) (unless (listp stores) (error "The store variables component, ~s, of the setf-method for ~s is not a list." stores form)) (unless (= (list-length stores) 1) (error "Multiple store-variables are not allowed.")) (values vars vals stores store-form access-form))) (defun get-setf-method-multiple-value (form &aux tem) (cond ((symbolp form) (let ((store (gensym))) (values nil nil (list store) `(setq ,form ,store) form))) ((or (not (consp form)) (not (symbolp (car form)))) (error "Cannot get the setf-method of ~S." form)) ((get (car form) 'setf-method) (apply (get (car form) 'setf-method) (cdr form))) ((or (get (car form) 'setf-update-fn) (setq tem (get (car form) 'si::structure-access))) (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) (cdr form))) (store (gensym))) (values vars (cdr form) (list store) (cond (tem (setf-structure-access (car vars) (car tem) (cdr tem) store)) (t `(,(get (car form) 'setf-update-fn) ,@vars ,store))) (cons (car form) vars)))) ((get (car form) 'setf-lambda) (let* ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) (cdr form))) (store (gensym)) (l (get (car form) 'setf-lambda)) (f `(lambda ,(car l) (funcall #'(lambda ,(cadr l) ,@(cddr l)) ',store)))) (values vars (cdr form) (list store) (apply f vars) (cons (car form) vars)))) ((macro-function (car form)) (get-setf-method-multiple-value (macroexpand-1 form))) (t (error "Cannot expand the SETF form ~S." form)))) @//E*O*F akcl-patches.lsp// chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r akcl-patches.lsp echo x - akcl-low.lsp sed 's/^@//' > "akcl-low.lsp" <<'@//E*O*F akcl-low.lsp//' ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(PCL Lisp 1000); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works ;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this ;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United ;;; States export control laws. ;;; ;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;; specification. ;;; ;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their ;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to: ;;; CommonLoops Coordinator ;;; Xerox PARC ;;; 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. ;;; Palo Alto, CA 94304 ;;; (or send Arpanet mail to ;;; ;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome. ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; ;;; The version of low for Kyoto Common Lisp (KCL) (in-package 'pcl) ;;; ;;; The reason these are here is because the KCL compiler does not allow ;;; LET to return FIXNUM values as values of (c) type int, hence the use ;;; of LOCALLY (which expands into (LET () (DECLARE ...) ...)) forces ;;; conversion of ints to objects. ;;; (defmacro %logand (&rest args) (reduce-variadic-to-binary 'logand args 0 t 'fixnum)) (defmacro %logxor (&rest args) (reduce-variadic-to-binary 'logxor args 0 t 'fixnum)) (defmacro %+ (&rest args) (reduce-variadic-to-binary '+ args 0 t 'fixnum)) (defmacro %- (x y) `(the fixnum (- (the fixnum ,x) (the fixnum ,y)))) (defmacro %* (&rest args) (reduce-variadic-to-binary '* args 1 t 'fixnum)) (defmacro %/ (x y) `(the fixnum (/ (the fixnum ,x) (the fixnum ,y)))) (defmacro %1+ (x) `(the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum ,x)))) (defmacro %1- (x) `(the fixnum (1- (the fixnum ,x)))) (defmacro %svref (vector index) `(svref (the simple-vector ,vector) (the fixnum ,index))) (defsetf %svref (vector index) (new-value) `(setf (svref (the simple-vector ,vector) (the fixnum ,index)) ,new-value)) ;;; ;;; iwmc-class-p ;;; (si:define-compiler-macro iwmc-class-p (x) (once-only (x) `(and (si:structurep ,x) (eq (si:structure-name ,x) 'iwmc-class)))) #| (CLines "object Str_Name (obj)" "object obj;" "{" "struct s_data {object name; int length; object raw; object included; object includes; object staticp; object print_function; object slot_descriptions; object slot_position; int size; object has_holes; }; #define S_DATA(x) ((struct s_data *)((x)->str.str_self)) " "return(S_DATA(obj->str.str_def)->name);" "}" ) (defentry str_name_aux (object) (object "Str_Name")) |# (dolist (inline '((si:structurep ((t) compiler::boolean nil nil "type_of(#0)==t_structure") compiler::inline-always) ;;(si:structure-name ;;((t) t nil nil "Str_Name(#0)") ;;compiler::inline-unsafe) )) (setf (get (first inline) (third inline)) (list (second inline)))) (setf (get 'cclosure-env 'compiler::inline-always) (list '((t) t nil nil "(#0)->cc.cc_env"))) ;;; ;;; turbo-closure patch. See the file kcl-mods.text for details. ;;; #+:turbo-closure (progn (CLines "object tc_cc_env_nthcdr (n,tc)" "object n,tc; " "{return (type_of(tc)==t_cclosure&& " " tc->cc.cc_turbo!=NULL&& " " type_of(n)==t_fixnum)? " " tc->cc.cc_turbo[fix(n)]: " ; assume that n is in bounds " Cnil; " "} " ) (defentry tc-cclosure-env-nthcdr (object object) (object tc_cc_env_nthcdr)) (setf (get 'tc-cclosure-env-nthcdr 'compiler::inline-unsafe) '(((fixnum t) t nil nil "(#1)->cc.cc_turbo[#0]"))) ) ;;;; low level stuff to hack compiled functions and compiled closures. ;;; ;;; The primary client for this is fsc-low, but since we make some use of ;;; it here (e.g. to implement set-function-name-1) it all appears here. ;;; (eval-when (compile eval) (defmacro define-cstruct-accessor (accessor structure-type field value-type field-type tag-name) (let ((setf (intern (concatenate 'string "SET-" (string accessor)))) (caccessor (format nil "pcl_get_~A_~A" structure-type field)) (csetf (format nil "pcl_set_~A_~A" structure-type field)) (vtype (intern (string-upcase value-type)))) `(progn (CLines ,(format nil "~A ~A(~A) ~%~ object ~A; ~%~ { return ((~A) ~A->~A.~A); } ~%~ ~%~ ~A ~A(~A, new) ~%~ object ~A; ~%~ ~A new; ~%~ { return ((~A)(~A->~A.~A = ~Anew)); } ~%~ " value-type caccessor structure-type structure-type value-type structure-type tag-name field value-type csetf structure-type structure-type value-type value-type structure-type tag-name field field-type )) (defentry ,accessor (object) (,vtype ,caccessor)) (defentry ,setf (object ,vtype) (,vtype ,csetf)) (defsetf ,accessor ,setf) ))) ) ;;; ;;; struct cfun { /* compiled function header */ ;;; FIRSTWORD; ;;; object cf_name; /* compiled function name */ ;;; int (*cf_self)(); /* entry address */ ;;; object cf_data; /* data the function uses */ ;;; /* for GBC */ ;;; }; ;;; struct cfdata { ;;; FIRSTWORD; ;;; char *cfd_start; /* beginning of contblock for fun */ ;;; int cfd_size; /* size of contblock */ ;;; int cfd_fillp; /* size of self */ ;;; object *cfd_self; /* body */ ;;; }; (define-cstruct-accessor cfun-name "cfun" "cf_name" "object" "(object)" "cf") (define-cstruct-accessor cfun-self "cfun" "cf_self" "int" "(int (*)())" "cf") (define-cstruct-accessor cfun-data "cfun" "cf_data" "object" "(object)" "cf") ;(define-cstruct-accessor cfun-start "cfun" "cf_start" "int" "(char *)" "cf") ;(define-cstruct-accessor cfun-size "cfun" "cf_size" "int" "(int)" "cf") (CLines "object pcl_cfunp (x) " "object x; " "{if(x->c.t == (int) t_cfun) " " return (Ct); " " else " " return (Cnil); " " } " ) (defentry cfunp (object) (object pcl_cfunp)) ;;; ;;; struct cclosure { ;;; FIRSTWORD; ;;; ;;; object cc_name; ;;; int (*cc_self)(); ;;; object cc_env; ;;; object cc_data; ;;; object *cc_turbo; ;;; }; ;;; struct cfdata { ;;; FIRSTWORD; ;;; char *cfd_start; /* beginning of contblock for fun */ ;;; int cfd_size; /* size of contblock */ ;;; int cfd_fillp; /* size of self */ ;;; object *cfd_self; /* body */ ;;; }; (define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-name "cclosure" "cc_name" "object" "(object)" "cc") (define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-self "cclosure" "cc_self" "int" "(int (*)())" "cc") (define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-data "cclosure" "cc_data" "object" "(object)" "cc") ;(define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-start "cclosure" "cc_start" "int" ; "(char *)" "cc") ;(define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-size "cclosure" "cc_size" "int" ; "(int)" "cc") (define-cstruct-accessor cclosure-env "cclosure" "cc_env" "object" "(object)" "cc") (CLines "object pcl_cclosurep (x) " "object x; " "{if(x->c.t == (int) t_cclosure) " " return (Ct); " " else " " return (Cnil); " " } " ) (defentry cclosurep (object) (object pcl_cclosurep)) (progn (CLines " struct cfdata { FIRSTWORD; char *cfd_start; /* beginning of contblock for fun */ int cfd_size; /* size of contblock */ int cfd_fillp; /* size of self */ object *cfd_self; /* body */ }; #define CF_DATA(x) ((struct cfdata *)((x)->cf.cf_data)) #define CC_DATA(x) ((struct cfdata *)((x)->cc.cc_data)) " "int pcl_get_cfun_cf_start (cfun) object cfun; {return ((int)(CF_DATA(cfun)->cfd_start));} " "int pcl_set_cfun_cf_start (cfun, new) object cfun; int new; { return ((int)(CF_DATA(cfun)->cfd_start = (char *) new));} " "int pcl_get_cfun_cf_size (cfun) object cfun; {return ((int)(CF_DATA(cfun)->cfd_size));} " "int pcl_set_cfun_cf_size(cfun, new) object cfun; int new; { return ((int)(CF_DATA(cfun)->cfd_start = new));} " "int pcl_get_cclosure_cc_start (cc) object cc; {return ((int)(CC_DATA(cc)->cfd_start));} " "int pcl_set_cclosure_cc_start (cc, new) object cc; int new; { return ((int) (CC_DATA(cc)->cfd_start = (char *) new));} " "int pcl_get_cclosure_cc_size (cc) object cc; {return ((int) (CC_DATA(cc)->cfd_size));} " "int pcl_set_cclosure_cc_size (cc, new) object cc; int new; { return ((int) (CC_DATA(cc)->cfd_size = new));} " ) (defentry cfun-start (object) (int "pcl_get_cfun_cf_start")) (defentry set-cfun-start (object int) (int "pcl_set_cfun_cf_start")) (defsetf cfun-start set-cfun-start) (defentry cfun-size (object) (int "pcl_get_cfun_cf_size")) (defentry set-cfun-size (object int) (int "pcl_set_cfun_cf_size")) (defsetf cfun-size set-cfun-size) (defentry cclosure-start (object) (int "pcl_get_cclosure_cc_start")) (defentry set-cclosure-start (object int) (int "pcl_set_cclosure_cc_start")) (defsetf cclosure-start set-cclosure-start) (defentry cclosure-size (object) (int "pcl_get_cclosure_cc_size")) (defentry set-cclosure-size (object int) (int "pcl_set_cclosure_cc_size")) (defsetf cclosure-size set-cclosure-size) ) ;; ;;;;;; Load Time Eval ;; ;;; ;;; This doesn't work because it looks at a global variable to see if it is ;;; in the compiler rather than looking at the macroexpansion environment. ;;; ;;; The result is that if in the process of compiling a file, we evaluate a ;;; form that has a call to load-time-eval, we will get faked into thinking ;;; that we are compiling that form. ;;; ;;; THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE RIGHT!!! ;;; ;(defmacro load-time-eval (form) ; ;; In KCL there is no compile-to-core case. For things that we are ; ;; "compiling to core" we just expand the same way as if were are ; ;; compiling a file since the form will be evaluated in just a little ; ;; bit when gazonk.o is loaded. ; (if (and (boundp 'compiler::*compiler-input*) ;Hack to see of we are ; compiler::*compiler-input*) ;in the compiler! ; `'(si:|#,| . ,form) ; `(progn ,form))) (defmacro load-time-eval (form) (read-from-string (format nil "'#,~S" form))) (defmacro memory-block-ref (block offset) `(svref (the simple-vector ,block) (the fixnum ,offset))) ;; ;;;;;; Generating CACHE numbers ;; ;;; This needs more work to be sure it is going as fast as possible. ;;; - The calls to si:address should be open-coded. ;;; - The logand should be open coded. ;;; ;(defmacro symbol-cache-no (symbol mask) ; (if (and (constantp symbol) ; (constantp mask)) ; `(load-time-eval (logand (ash (si:address ,symbol) -2) ,mask)) ; `(logand (ash (the fixnum (si:address ,symbol)) -2) ,mask))) (defmacro object-cache-no (object mask) `(logand (the fixnum (si:address ,object)) ,mask)) ;; ;;;;;; printing-random-thing-internal ;; (defun printing-random-thing-internal (thing stream) (format stream "~O" (si:address thing))) (defun set-function-name-1 (fn new-name ignore) (cond ((cclosurep fn) (setf (cclosure-name fn) new-name)) ((cfunp fn) (setf (cfun-name fn) new-name)) ((and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda-block)) (setf (cadr fn) new-name)) ((and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda)) (setf (car fn) 'lambda-block (cdr fn) (cons new-name (cdr fn))))) fn) #| (defconstant most-positive-small-fixnum 1024) /* should be supplied */ (defconstant most-negative-small-fixnum -1024) /* by ibuki */ (defmacro symbol-cache-no (symbol mask) (if (constantp mask) (if (and (> mask 0) (< mask most-positive-small-fixnum)) (if (constantp symbol) `(load-time-eval (coffset ,symbol ,mask 2)) `(coffset ,symbol ,mask 2)) (if (constantp symbol) `(load-time-eval (logand (ash (the fixnum (si:address ,symbol)) -2) ,mask)) `(logand (ash (the fixnum (si:address ,symbol)) -2) ,mask))) `(logand (ash (the fixnum (si:address ,symbol)) -2) ,mask))) (defmacro object-cache-no (object mask) (if (and (constantp mask) (> mask 0) (< mask most-positive-small-fixnum)) `(coffset ,object ,mask 4) `(logand (ash (the fixnum (si:address ,object)) -4) ,mask))) (CLines "object pcl_coffset (sym,mask,lshift)" "object sym,mask,lshift;" "{" " return(small_fixnum(((int)sym >> fix(lshift)) & fix(mask)));" "}" ) (defentry coffset (object object object) (object pcl_coffset)) |# @//E*O*F akcl-low.lsp// chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r akcl-low.lsp exit 0 (Jeff Dalton) (04/10/90)
In article <> writes: >I've successed compiling PCL (victoria version), with AKCL 1.465. >(I hope my solution could be also applied to verion 1.470 or later). Is it really this hard? I compiled Victoria Day PCL in akcl 1.122 without any special effort at all. (Ian "Wildebeest" Flanigan) (04/13/90)
In article <> writes: > >I've successed compiling PCL (victoria version), with AKCL 1.465. >(I hope my solution could be also applied to verion 1.470 or later). > : > : >Here are my akcl-patch.lisp and akcl-low.lisp modefied >from (pure)KCL version. > >Try them please. If you have any questions or problems, please inform me. > The fixes work quite well . . . to a point. After making the changes, PCL compiled right up to the fixup.lisp file where is produces the following: Finished compiling /local/cics/src/pcl/dfun.o. Loading binary of DFUN... Compiling FIXUP... Compiling /local/cics/src/pcl/fixup.lisp. Error: LAMBDA-CLOSURE is not a function. Error signalled by an anonymous function. Backtrace: > eval > fix-early-generic-functions > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall > |(METHOD COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES (GENERIC-FUNCTION T))| > remove-if-not > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall > |(METHOD COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES (GENERIC-FUNCTION T))| > remove-if-not > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall > |(METHOD COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES (GENERIC-FUNCTION T))| > remove-if-not > lambda-closure > prog > return > funcall ; (FIX-EARLY-GENERIC-FUNCTIONS) is being compiled. ;;; The form (FIX-EARLY-GENERIC-FUNCTIONS) was not evaluated successfully. ;;; You are recommended to compile again. No FASL generated. Loading binary of FIXUP... Error: Cannot open the file /local/cics/src/pcl/fixup.o. Error signalled by LOAD. Broken at LOAD. Type :H for Help. >> I've been wnadering around trying to find something wrong, but not being a Lisp guru, I haven't been too successful. If anyone has any tips or pointers, again, I'd be very greatful. >-- >Toshimi Sawada(*) >Computer Language Section, Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) >1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN >TEL: +81 298 58 5890 >E-Mail: >-- >(*)SoftwareResearch Associates, Inc., 1-1-1 > Hirakawacho, Chiyoda, Tokyo; on leave at Electrotechnical > Laboratory. Ian Flanigan "You can never have too many napkins."!ai!flan@uucp (Toshimi sawada) (04/13/90)
[ in <>]: | |In article <> writes: |>I've successed compiling PCL (victoria version), with AKCL 1.465. |>(I hope my solution could be also applied to verion 1.470 or later). | |Is it really this hard? I compiled Victoria Day PCL in akcl 1.122 |without any special effort at all. I don't know about version 1.122 of AKCL at all, but at least in version 1.465, structure of compiled function and closure are changed from original (pure) KCl, so kcl-low.lisp of PCL doesn't works well. Yes, it is not hard ofcourse, only you must do is to examine internal structure of compiled function and closure of AKCL, and to patch kcl-low.lisp approprietely. -- Toshimi Sawada Computer Language Section, Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN TEL: +81 298 58 5890 E-Mail: