pop@cs.umass.edu (Robin Popplestone) (06/13/90)
Pantechnicon, or `Lets suppose the Inmost Secrets of Emacs, Tex and Hypercard Lie Open to Programmers'. Robin J. Popplestone Department of Computer and Information Science University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 01003 USA pop@cs.umass.edu ABSTRACT This paper describes the development of an environment, Pantechnicon, which provides for the active display of information predominantly in the typeset paradigm familiar to users of TEX. Pantechnicon provides an editing environment which allows users to compose a document in a manner similar to EMACS, but extended by the ability to compose technical matter such as mathematics, tables or figures using a technical keyboard which appears in a window and is mouse-activated. The internal form of the document is manipulable by programmers in Common Lisp, ML, POP-11 and Prolog, running under the POPLOG system. Functions written in these languages can be associated with a displayed object as scripts, making the document active with Hypertext like qualities. The system is designed so that the incremental operations associated with editing have O(log n) time complexity, so that it scales appropriately to treat large documents. THIS IS AVAILABLE AS A TECH REPORT OR TEX FILE