[comp.lang.lisp] Call for Papers

lins@Apple.COM (Chuck Lins) (06/14/90)

Announcement and Call for Papers

Aims and Scope:
The international journal "Structured Programming" serves the professional
computing and engineering community. It includes technical contributions
and short communications in the area of
	o programming
	o programming methodology and style
	o programming languages
	o programming environments
	o compilers
	o interpreters
	o applications

The journal reports on technical advances in the field, announce and review
systems, implementations, and relevant publications. "Structured Programming"
emphasizes innovative concepts in programming (such as literate programming)
and practical solutions for real problems. "Structured Programming" is not
intended to be an archival journal, but instead, an informal forum for the
timely exchange of ideas and information.

computer scientists and engineers, software developers

Call For Papers:
The journal encourages contributions of original papers on any aspect of
programming methodology and style, programming languages, programming
environments, compilers, interpreters and applications. All papers will be
reviewed. For papers of high quality, the journal can offer timely publication.
Papers should be submitted to:

Prof. Dr. Gustav Pomberger
Johannes Kepler University of Linz
A-4040 Linz

Tel.: +43-732-2468-683
Fax: 732-2468-10

or to
815 De La Vina Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Tel.: (805) 963-7960
Fax: (805) 966-3491
E-Mail: rossbach@hub.ucsb.edu

Chuck Lins               | "Is this the kind of work you'd like to do?"
Apple Computer, Inc.     | -- Front 242
20525 Mariani Avenue     | Internet:  lins@apple.com
Mail Stop 37-BD          | AppleLink: LINS@applelink.apple.com
Cupertino, CA 95014      | "Self-proclaimed Object Oberon Evangelist"
The intersection of Apple's ideas and my ideas yields the empty set.