jug@itd.dsto.oz (Jim Grundy) (07/06/90)
There have been a couple of articles recently about problems with building AKCL under SunOS4.1. I've got AKCL built under 4.0.3 and its still running now we are using 4.1. I guess I will have to rebuild sometime and I would like to know what the solution to the problem is. I've tried mailing those people who posted on this, but I cant get through. Jim Grundy jug@itd.dsto.oz.au
nagle@well.sf.ca.us (John Nagle) (07/12/90)
I'm posting the following for Fred Lakin, who has a temporary fix to the problem. Please contact him for further info, not me. John Nagle From: apple!csli.Stanford.EDU!lakin (Fred Lakin) To: nagle@well.sf.ca.us Cc: jug@itd.dsto.oz Subject: Sparc hints for AKCL under 4.1 john, i have kept this under my hat and just mailed it to requesters since it's rather informal. also, i can't figure out how to post to comp.lang.lisp . however, looks like the time to forward it if you could help me out. tnx, f ;;************************************ TO BUILD AKCL UNDER SUN OS 4.1: (completely unauthorized quick hacks -- a new release should come out soon with the official fixes, but in the meantime works for me) In the akcl directory, make these changes 1) add exit(0); to the end of main(..){... exit(0);} in ../unixport/rsym.c (this fixes another problem you havent seen until you fix the magic prob) 2) Change in file ../cmpnew/cmpmain.lsp #+unix (defun compiler-build (o-pathname data-pathname) #+(and system-v (not e15)) (safe-system (format nil "echo \"\\000\\000\\000\\000\" >> ~A" (namestring o-pathname))) #+(or sun sgi) (with-open-file (o-file (namestring o-pathname) :direction :output :if-exists :append) #+sgi ; we could do a safe-system, but forking is slow on the Iris (dotimes (i 12) (write-char #\^@ o-file)) #+sun ; secondary magic (dolist (v '(0 0 4 16 0 0 0 0)) (write-byte v o-file)) ) (when (probe-file o-pathname) (safe-system (format nil #-dgux "cat ~A >> ~A" #+dgux "~Abuild_o ~A ~A" #+dgux (namestring si:*system-directory*) (namestring data-pathname) (namestring o-pathname))))) 3) Finally, altho i think step 2 above should insert the required secondary number (1040 and 0), do this also just for luck: Create a file ../h/secondary_magic with the following 8 chars in it: "^@^@^D^P^@^@^@^@" (even tho i had to email them as 16). NO carriage returns. and then modify ../h/sun4.defs by adding the line NULLFILE = ../h/secondary_magic this should set the env var, but just in case i also do setenv NULLFILE ../h/secondary_magic in the shell before the build 4) Clean out old stuff if nec in akcl dir: rm o/*.o rm lsp/*.o rm unixport/*.o rm cmpnew/*.o setenv NULLFILE ../h/secondary_magic and THEN make -f Smakefile good luck, f