[comp.lang.lisp] Destructuring

krulwich@ils.nwu.edu (Bruce Krulwich) (09/27/90)

moore%cdr (Tim Moore) writes:
>bevan@cs.man.ac.uk (Stephen J Bevan) writes:
>>I've recently been reading a book on Scheme (The Scheme Programming
>>Language - R. Kent Dybvig) and in it, it uses a function
>>`record-case'.  This is similar to `case' except that it does
>If you want the more general destructuring provided by macros and your
>Lisp has destructuring-bind, you could use:
>If your lisp doesn't have destructuring-bind or you don't want to use
>the macro lambda list syntax, I can send you some code I wrote for

The following was translated from the T sources ((c) 1985 Yale Univ) into
CommonLISP.  It provides macros DESTRUCTURE and DESTRUCTURE* which are
destructuring versions of LET and LET*, respectively.  The syntax is the
same as LET/LET*, with the variable symbols in the LET clause possibly being
lists which are destructured.  Here's an example of its use:

> (destructure ((a '(1 2 3))
		((x y z) '(1 (2 3) 4)))
    `((a ,a) (x ,x) (y ,y) (z ,z)))
((A (1 2 3)) (X 1) (Y (2 3)) (Z 4))

> (destructure* ((a '(1 2 3))
		 ((a b c) a))
    `((a ,a) (b ,b) (c ,c)))
((A 1) (B 2) (C 3))

I hope it helps.

Bruce Krulwich


(defmacro destructure (specs &rest body)
  (expand-destructure specs body))

(defun expand-destructure (specs body)
  (let ((a '()) (b '()))
    (mapc #'(lambda (spec)
              (let ((foo #'(lambda (vars z val)
                             (cond ((null vars))
                                   ((atom vars) (push `(,VARS (,Z ,VAL))
                                   (else (let ((temp (gensym (string z))))
                                           (push `(,TEMP (,Z ,VAL)) a)
                                           (push `(,VARS ,TEMP) b)))))))
                (let ((vars (car spec)) (val (cadr spec)))
                  (cond ((atom vars) (push spec a))
                        ((consp val)
                         (let ((temp (gensym "TEMP")))
                           (push `(,TEMP ,VAL) a)
                           (push `(,VARS ,TEMP) b)))
                        (else (funcall foo 
                                (car vars) 'CAR val)
                              (funcall foo (cdr vars) 'CDR val))))))
    `(let ,(nreverse a)
       ,(cond ((null b) (cons 'progn body))
              (else (expand-destructure (nreverse b) body))))))

(defun expand-star-macro (specs rest mac)
  (cond ((null (cdr specs))
         `(,MAC ,SPECS ,@rest))
        (else `(,MAC
                (,(car specs))
                ,(expand-star-macro (cdr specs) rest mac)))))

(defmacro destructure* (specs &rest body)
  (expand-star-macro specs body 'destructure))