(Yasuhiko Kiuchi(SSL)) (10/08/90)
The discussion period for a CLOS newsgroup has passed. The responses were generally positive. There was some discussion about the name, most people seem to prefer comp.lang.clos over the originally proposed comp.object.clos. We are sending this call for votes to the news.announce.newgroup, comp.object and comp.lang.lisp news groups and the mailing-list. This is the official call for votes for the creation of comp.lang.clos. NAME: comp.lang.clos CHARTER: Create a new usenet bboard (probably called "comp.lang.clos".) The charter of the bboard would be discussion of the use, future development and implementation of the Common Lisp Object System. MODERATION STATUS: unmoderated HOW TO VOTE: Send your vote to any of these addresses: (Internet) CommonLoops-request:PARC:Xerox (Xerox CIN) Please include a clear indication of your vote, either yes or no for the creations of comp.lang.clos, in subject or body of your message. Only votes received at the address given about, during the voting period will be counted. VOTING PERIOD: The vote will last 21 days from the date that this message is posted to news.announce.newgroups. Yasuhiko Kiuchi Gregor Kiczales ----------