[comp.lang.lisp] Numerical gotcha's

kend@data.UUCP (Ken Dickey) (11/22/90)

I heard an interesting talk recently on interval arithmetic.  One of
the messages was about getting bogus answers due to numeric
instabilities but not knowing the numbers were bogus.  I am interested
in knowing what results are obtained for the following on various
Scheme & Lisp implementations.  Please indicate machine, OS, and what
numerics are available {floats, bignums, rationals}.  I will post a
summary [kend@data.uucp].

f(x,y) = 333.75 y^6 + x^2 (11 x^2 y^2 - y^6 - 121 y^4 - 2) +
	5.5 y^8 + x / (2 y).

for x = 77617 and y = 33096

The Scheme code for the above follows...

;; from talk on interval arithmetic by G. W. Walster, 1990 Nov 19.

(define (f x y)
  (+ (* (/ 1335 4) (expt y 6))
     (* (expt x 2) 
        (- (* 11 (expt x 2) (expt y 2))
	   (expt y 6)
	   (* 121 (expt y 4))
     (* (/ 11 2) (expt y 8))
     (/ x (* 2 y))
) )

(define (tryit) (f 77617 33096))

;; with flonums is {IBM FORTRAN note wrong sign!}
;; f = 1.17260...		single precision
;; f = 1.1726039400531...	double precision
;; f = 1.172603940053178...	extended precision

;; PC Scheme: f = 1.17260394005318   [Intel 386] {bignums, but not rationals}

;; ELK 1.1: f = 1.18059162071741e+21 [Sun3]	??? {floats only}

;;  (tryit) ->  -54767/66192	{Gambit 1.4; sun3; rationals+bignums}
;; flonum approx of (- (/ 54767 66192)) is -0.827396059946821  {ELK 1.1}

;			---- e o f ----
;; Thanks,
;; Ken Dickey				kend@data.uucp

ted@nmsu.edu (Ted Dunning) (11/23/90)

In article <431@data.UUCP> kend@data.UUCP (Ken Dickey) writes:

   I am interested
   in knowing what results are obtained for the following on various
   Scheme & Lisp implementations.

in t3.1 running on a sun3 under sunos4.1, with a small change because
'-' only takes two arguments, i got

==> (define (f x y)
  (+ (* (/ 1335 4) (expt y 6))
     (* (expt x 2) 
        (- (* 11 (expt x 2) (expt y 2))
	   (+ (expt y 6)
	      (* 121 (expt y 4))
     (* (/ 11 2) (expt y 8))
     (/ x (* 2 y))))

==> (TRYIT)

I don't think the stories are "apocryphal".  I did it :-)  .. jthomas@nmsu.edu

barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) (11/23/90)

Here are various results on a Symbolics 3600 running Genera 8.0.  The "d"
is the double-precision exponent indicator, and "e" is the single-precision
exponent indicator.

Command: (f 77617d0 33096d0)
Command: (f 77617e0 33096e0)
Command: (f 77617 33096)
Command: (f 77617 33096e0)
Command: (f 77617e0 33096)
Command: (f 77617d0 33096)
Command: (f 77617d0 33096e0)
Command: (f 77617e0 33096d0)
Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.


ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) (11/23/90)

In article <431@data.UUCP>, kend@data.UUCP (Ken Dickey) writes:
> ;; ELK 1.1: f = 1.18059162071741e+21 [Sun3]	??? {floats only}
> ;;  (tryit) ->  -54767/66192	{Gambit 1.4; sun3; rationals+bignums}

On an Encore Multimax, T 3.0 gave the correct answer.
However, when the numeric literals were changed to floating point
(e.g. 333.75 instead of (/ 1335 4), 121.0 instead of 121) and the
x, y arguments were written as floats, the answer came out at
roughly -1.1806e21.  Since the Sun3 and the Encore both provide
IEEE 754 arithmetic, I imagine other IEEE 754 machines will give
the same answer.

The moral is (if (and (inexact? x) (not (numerical-analyst? *you*)))
		 (doubt *you* x))

I am not now and never have been a member of Mensa.		-- Ariadne.

vladimir@prosper.EBB.Eng.Sun.COM (Vladimir G. Ivanovic) (11/23/90)

MacScheme 2.0 produces -1.805916207174113e21 which (apparently) is similar to
other IEEE 754 machines.  MacScheme has {flonums, bignums} but no rationals.
The manual says, "Flonums are real numbers approximated by a 32-bit floating
point format similar to the IEEE standard."  Hmmmm.

Elk 1.2 on a SPARCstation 1 produces the same answer as reported for Elk 1.1
on a Sun3.  BTW, Elk has bignums at least.

-- Vladimir
   Vladimir G. Ivanovic				Sun Microsystems, Inc
     (415) 336-2315				2550 Garcia Ave., MTV12-33
    vladimir@Sun.COM				Mountain View, CA 94043-1100

      Disclaimer: I speak only for myself.  Your mileage will vary.

kend@data.UUCP (Ken Dickey) (11/27/90)

Thanks to all who responded to my call for numerical results.  They
came in pretty much as expected.  Implementations without rationals
(even with bignums) lost.  This includes all those based on C.  All
implementations with rationals apparently also have bignums (not much
of a suprise).  CL (Common Lisp) implementations are required to have
both rationals and bignums.  Barry Margolin's Symbolics numbers were
especially interesting!

It seems that not many numerical analysts are into interval
arithmetic.  I have not yet heard of a reals implementation based on
rationals, despite the advantage of getting error bounds.  I have
heard that Ray Moore's group at Ohio is getting super-linear
performance with some convergence algorithms using interval arithmetic
[3+ times speedup upon doubling the number of processors].  

Gosh, computers are fun!  [I do all my floats on Halloween to frighten
the adults 8^].

Thanks again,
-Ken					kend@data.uucp

Implementation	result				system
==============  ======                 		======
Scheme->C	-1.180591620717411e+21 		Sun4/110 SunOS 4.03 	
C-Scheme 7.0	 1.18059162071741e+21
XScheme		 1.18059162071741e+21
ELK 1.1		 1.18059162071741e+21		Sun3
ELK 1.2		 1.18059162071741e+21		SPARCstation 1
MacScheme 2.0   -1.805916207174113e21
T 3.0	 approx -1.1806e21 (w reals instead of rationals) Encore Multimax

Chez Scheme	  -54767/66192			SPARC
Chez Scheme 3.9g  -54767/66192			SPARCstation 1+ SunOS 4.0.3
AllegroCL 3.1.12  -54767/66192			DEC 3100/Ultrix
Mac Allegro CL	  -54767/66192			Mac IIci
T		  -54767/66192			SPARCstation 1
T 3.0		  -54767/66192			Encore Multimax
T 3.1		  -54767/66192			Sun3 SunOS 4.1
Lucid CL	  -54767/66192			SPARCstation 1
Lucid CL	  -54767/66192			HP 9000/835
Utah CL		  -54767/66192			HP 300  BSD 4.3

Here are various results on a Symbolics 3600 running Genera 8.0.  The "d"
is the double-precision exponent indicator, and "e" is the single-precision
exponent indicator.

(f 77617d0 33096d0)	-1.1805916207174113d21
(f 77617e0 33096e0)	 6.338253e29
(f 77617   33096)	-54767/66192
(f 77617   33096e0)	 6.338253e29
(f 77617e0 33096)	-6.338253e29
(f 77617d0 33096)	-2.3611832414348226d21
(f 77617d0 33096e0)	 1.022335026998684d30
(f 77617e0 33096d0)	-2.0895373854550075d29

Gambit 1.5: (digits from Marc Feeley)

(floor (* (tryit) (expt 10 100))) ->


;;			     --- E O F ---