hohl@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de (Hubertus Hohl) (02/28/91)
Bug Report for CLX R4.4 (and older versions) ============================================= There is a bug in CLX concering changes in keyboard input focus. Calling SET-INPUT-FOCUS with the REVERT-TO argument specified as :pointer-root erroneously reverts the input focus later on to :parent. If REVERT-TO is :parent, the focus erroneously reverts to :pointer-root. Bug Fix :2;180;0;28c(file: requests.lisp) ================================ The SetInputFocus request, generated by SET-INPUT-FOCUS specifies a wrong order for the :pointer-root and :parent fields of the REVERT-TO argument. (defun set-input-focus (display focus revert-to &optional time) (declare (type display display) (type (or (member :none :pointer-root) window) focus) (type (member :none :parent :pointer-root) revert-to) (type timestamp time)) (with-buffer-request (display *x-setinputfocus*) ;;((data (member :none :parent :pointer-root)) revert-to) ; WRONG ((data (member :none :pointer-root :parent)) revert-to) ; RIGHT ((or window (member :none :pointer-root)) focus) ((or null card32) time))) -- ============================================================================== Hubertus Hohl e-mail: hohl@dia.informatik.uni-stuttgart.dbp.de Institut fuer Informatik Herdweg 51 D - 7000 Stuttgart 1 Tel.: (+49|0) 711 121 1358 ==============================================================================