lute (06/08/82)
About six years ago I went to an SRO presentation by Gene Rodenberry at my college. At the end of the talk there was a Q and A session and someone asked him what was the difference between a trekkie and a trekkor and he didn't have the answer. So someone else in the audience offered this answer and he approved of it. A TREKKOR is a person who saw at least a majority of the episodes over the years and got into the socio-psycho-philisophical points of the episodes and their significance to man and his present and future conditions. A TREKKIE is a person who has seen EVERY episode (at least twice) and knows which button Sulu has to press to fire phasers, the name of all the episodes, what quadrotriticayli is, the names of all the ships in the fleet (and all of Kirk's lovers), etc. ad infinitum. TREKKIES are microcosmic viewers and TREKKORS are macrocosmic viewers (no puns intended). I used to be a Trekkor, then became a Trekkie and now I'm neither. So there you have it, the difference between trekkies and trekkors, what are you? Jim Collymore ps I don't know the answer anymore, but some of you Trekkies might to wrack your brains over this trivia question I got from a sf-convention ST quiz. In what episode did Dr. McCoy NOT say: "He's dead, Jim." Send me the episode titles that you think this occured in and I'll post the three most popular guesses.