[net.sf-lovers] The Doctor's name is...

rlb (06/09/82)

In the last episode of the Cube-of-time series, 
"The Armageddon Factor", the Doctor encounters a time lord
named Drax who calls him "Theet, Theeta Sigma".  
Subtracting off the cockney accent, this may translate into "Theta

Now a request for information - at the end of the Baker series, the
Doctor makes several references to the fact the he came by his Tardis
using less-than-honorable methods.  Comments like "It's not my forte
(forty)" and the desire to avoid Galifrey for a while (leaving Romana
behind isn't good enough) make things seem a bit fishy.  Does anyone
have answers/theories?

Finally...does any reader have info on the Peter Davison episodes?  Our
local Dr. Who station (WTTW in Chicago) is running the original Baker
epsiodes - copyright 1975.

Bob Brown
at Purdue-CS