(Mike R. Cheselka) (04/10/91)
Hi, Someone gave me a xerox 1109, because they said that the hard drive was broken but when I got it home, I found the hard drive locked for shipment. Naturaly, when I unlocked them, the machine came up fine. I think they got them at a MCC corp. auction, there are some stickers to indicate some thing like that. I have some questions: 1) The version I have is Koto Lisp 2.0, and I have heard about the "medley" release. Since I got into this for free, I will have to decide whether to get this release or not. Is it worth it, and how much is it? I am not a major corporation. 2) Can the 8 inch floppy drive be tossed out and a 3.5 inch drive be used? Can the 3.5 inch drive be used in 720 or 1.44 with a patch? 3) Where can I get software for this beast? FTP,LISTSERV, user group, etc. 4) Are there any Japanese users out there? I would like to be able to use the kanji font for irc( Internet Relay Chat) and e-mail. 5) How can I bring the machine back to a clean state without going to the sysout on the Koto release floppies? 6) How can I learn more about the hardware, and upgrade boards? This machine is in an 1108 case so some upgrading has been done already. Can I expand the memory? It has 4 megs already. 8191 pages( REALMEMORYSIZE). 7) I assume the modem cable to rs232( J11) is just a regular one, note: not a null connection, a true modem( I want to take advantage of the big screen for logging onto some UNIX bbs's). What is a rs366( J12)? 8) What is a good book on lisp? I picked up "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman ( 1985) at the library, and am thinking about a book I saw called( I'm guessing)"Lisp: an Interactive Approach"( a paper book bound with a plastic ring binder). Thanks for any information you may send my way! Esp. if it points to xerox 1108/9 specific information. Again, Thanks! PS: One of them bears a sticker "i love mupid". Any meaning to that? (Tony Sweeney) (04/12/91)
Mike, I've been trying to mail you, but keeps getting bounced by I looked in the maps from comp.mail.maps but couldn't figure out where you really were, since you didn't include an organization before. Should I infer from your organization that you really are, since that is the mail site with organization Capital Area Central Texas UNIX Society? defaults to, 'n they don't know you... Mail me again, I'll try the bang path from your last mail. If all else fails, we can resort to the phone. Tony.