[comp.lang.lisp] New to lisp due to free xerox 1109

cheselka@cactus.org (Mike R. Cheselka) (04/10/91)


Someone gave me a xerox 1109, because they said that the hard drive was broken
but when I got it home, I found the hard drive locked for shipment. Naturaly,
when I unlocked them, the machine came up fine. I think they got them at a
MCC corp. auction, there are some stickers to indicate some thing like that.
I have some questions:
 1) The version I have is Koto Lisp 2.0, and I have heard about the "medley"
    release. Since I got into this for free, I will have to decide whether to
    get this release or not. Is it worth it, and how much is it? I am not a
    major corporation.
 2) Can the 8 inch floppy drive be tossed out and a 3.5 inch drive be used?
    Can the 3.5 inch drive be used in 720 or 1.44 with a patch?
 3) Where can I get software for this beast? FTP,LISTSERV, user group, etc.
 4) Are there any Japanese users out there? I would like to be able to use
    the kanji font for irc( Internet Relay Chat) and e-mail.
 5) How can I bring the machine back to a clean state without going to the
    sysout on the Koto release floppies?
 6) How can I learn more about the hardware, and upgrade boards? This machine
    is in an 1108 case so some upgrading has been done already. Can I expand
    the memory? It has 4 megs already. 8191 pages( REALMEMORYSIZE).
 7) I assume the modem cable to rs232( J11) is just a regular one, note: not
    a null connection, a true modem( I want to take advantage of the big screen
    for logging onto some UNIX bbs's). What is a rs366( J12)?
 8) What is a good book on lisp? I picked up "Structure and Interpretation of
    Computer Programs" by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman ( 1985) at the
    library, and am thinking about a book I saw called( I'm guessing)"Lisp:
    an Interactive Approach"( a paper book bound with a plastic ring binder).
Thanks for any information you may send my way!

Esp. if it points to xerox 1108/9 specific information.

Again, Thanks!

PS: One of them bears a sticker "i love mupid". Any meaning to that?

sweeney@ingres.com (Tony Sweeney) (04/12/91)

	I've been trying to mail you, but cheselka@cactus.org keeps
getting bounced by bigtex.cactus.org. I looked in the maps from
comp.mail.maps but couldn't figure out where you really were, since you
didn't include an organization before. Should I infer from your organization
that you really are cheselka@peyote.cactus.org, since that is the mail site with
organization Capital Area Central Texas UNIX Society? @cactus.org defaults
to @bigtex.cactus.org, 'n they don't know you...

Mail me again, I'll try the bang path from your last mail. If all else
fails, we can resort to the phone.
