(Sunil Rekhi) (04/12/91)
I am a graduate student at the "George Washington University". I am currently working on a system written in Common Lisp with flavours. I have the versions of my program, both on the HP and the Sun4 workstations. I am running version 4.0 of common lisp on HP and on the sun it is the Sun common lisp 4.0. I am running into memory problems when i run my code. I do use a lot of bit maps, depending on the instances of windows i create (I am designing an automatic cameraman model for various types of simulations). Both machines i use has 16M of RAM. When i compile my code on HP, it does not give any errors or warnings. On running the program, some of the variables that i have defined gets set to NULL. This problem does not occur if i load my source files, without using the compiled binary files. The variables are set to NULL just after it does a garbage collection. The same code on Sun runs out of memory if i load up the source files. But it does not give me any warnings or errors. On compiling, i get some warnings of kind <#(Some numbers)> undefined. I was just wondering if any one has faced any problems of the kind. But if you know of a solution to such a problem, please let me know. Also: We want to define functions in Lisp, which can be called by other programming languages eg C. I know we can call C and fortran functions on running Lisp. But in this case, we want to define a fuction in Lisp, and export it to C. So the main program is C. Also: Has anyone used lispview with flavours? According to some sources, the lispview and flavours cannot be loaded at the same time. The common lisp users's guide does not mention any such restrictions. Thanks very much for you time and help. from: (Sunil Rekhi) Graduate Student The George wasgington University Washington, D.C elm