aka779 (06/18/82)

INCONJUNCTION II, an SF convention, will be held July 2-4, 1982, at the
Airport Hilton Inn, Indianapolis, Indiana.  SF G O H will be Kelly Freas,
famous artist, and fantasy G O H are the Pinis, Wendy and Richard, creators
and publishers of ELFQUEST comics and books.  Fan Guest of Honor is the
bearded Roger Reynolds, publisher of FUTURE FOCUS fanzine, and the MC/
Toastmaster is Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr. (yours truly), whose short fiction
has appeared in ASIMOV'S, OMNI, and ANALOG.

Highlights will include GOH speeches and video tapes, and a musical
parody by AKA entitled "ELFTREK:  A TWO-PINI OPERA."  Wet kaftan contest,
BHEER, video showings of everything on tape, BHEER, masquerade contest,
dancing, and lots of egoboo for everyone are the promised events.  

Sound like fun?  GHU KNOWS, SHOULDN'T YOU?

aka779 (06/28/82)

INCONJUNCTION II SF convention begins 12 noon, Friday, July 2, 1982,
at the Indianapolis Airport Hilton Inn.  GoH is Frank Kelly Freas,
Hugo-winning artist; fantasy GoHs are Wendy and Richard Pini, creators
and publisher of ELFQUEST, an independent fantasy comic; fan GoH is
Roger Reynolds, editor/publisher of FUTURE FOCUS fanzine (featuring
in this month's issue, last year's popular Riverworld parody play
from Inconjunction I--"Up The Creek", by yrs. truly).  MC is Arlan
Andrews (yrs. truly).  This year's parody play is ELFTREK--A TWO-PINI
OPERA, by the "It's Not Our Fault" players.  Seminars, panels, bheer,
art show and auction, bheer, parties, wet kaftan contest, bheer, and
more bheer will be featured.  The play is 9:00 PM Friday
night.  As a special treat, INCONJUNCTION II has arranged for 
a giant fireworks display to be held nationwide during the weekend,
a Columbia shuttle landing with Presidential speech, a total lunar
eclipse on Monday night, July 5, and a few assorted volcanoes and
earthquakes (TBA).  Play it safe and come on out...

--Arlan Andrews, Bell Labs, Indianapolis

--(P.S.--Any other SFWAns out there in net.news land?)