hdp@nmsu.edu (Heather Pfeiffer) (04/26/91)
We are having some problems bring up our new UX1200 ivory board embedded inside a Sun4/390. It appears that the UNIX host is either not answering the ivory boards RPC dispatch or it can not find the ivory host in order to complete the connection. If you have successfully embedded an ivory board into any Sun4 configuration, and you are running yellowpages on your Sun4, could you please call or email any information that may be related to the UNIX kernel or life support changes need to execute RPC between the Sun4 and the ivory board. Thank you. -- ============================================================= | Heather D. Pfeiffer | e-mail: hdp@nmsu.edu | | Computing Research Laboratory | Voice: (505) 646-5782 | | New Mexico State University | or | | Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003 | (505) 646-4143 | =============================================================
hall@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (Marty Hall) (04/27/91)
In article <HDP.91Apr26082845@nikita.nmsu.edu> hdp@nmsu.edu (Heather Pfeiffer) writes regarding the Symbolics Ivory system: [...] >If you have successfully embedded ivory board into any Sun4 configuration, [...] You might try SLUG: The Symbolics Lisp-machine User's Group at slug@ai.sri.com. Messages there get reflected to the entire group. If you want to subscribe yourself, send to slug-request@ai.sri.com. I would also expect that Symbolics themselves would help on this one: customer-reports@scrc.symbolics.com. Even if you didn't buy any support you get it for 90 days... - Marty ------------------------------------------------------ hall@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu, hall%aplcen@jhunix.bitnet, ..uunet!aplcen!hall Artificial Intelligence Lab, AAI Corp, PO Box 126, Hunt Valley, MD 21030 (setf (need-p 'disclaimer) NIL)