[net.sf-lovers] A fifth Xanth Book?

guest (06/21/82)

I have heard rumors about yet another book in the Xanth "trilogy".
I forget the title but I heard about it quite a while ago.Also
is Xanth said "Zanth",Ecksanth,(opps,put quotes around that)or something
even more obscure?

-Ben Walls

thomas (06/21/82)

Xanth 'trilogy':
A Spell for Chameleon
The Source of Magic
Castle Roogna
Centaur Aisle

(so far)

kramer (06/22/82)

In his last book to come out in paperback here in Toronto
(the one continuing in the aura transmission universe) Piers
Anthony had a post script which indicated that he was leaving
SF for other genres such as historical fiction ....  This probably
removes any chance of more Proton/Phase books and could doom the
Xanth series

aka779 (06/25/82)

Frank Kelly Freas, Hugo-winning SF artist, and Richard and Wendy Pini,
publishers of ELFQUEST fantasy comic, will be guests of honor at the
INCONJUNCTION II SF convention, Indianapolis Airport Hilton, July 3-5,
1982.  Fan GoH is Roger Reynolds, publisher of FUTURE FOCUS, and MC is
Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr., recently published in OMNI and ANALOG.  All
fanac will be available--bheer, video, films, masquerade, and a musical
--Arlan Andrews, Bell Labs, Indianapolis 

jcwinterton (06/29/82)

If Piers Anthony doesn't publish another sentence about Xanth after
Centaur Aisle, I will not only be delighted, but massively relieved.
John Winterton.