[comp.lang.lisp] Eternal fixnum question

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (05/01/91)

In article <641@zogwarg.etl.army.mil> hoey@zogwarg.etl.army.mil (Dan Hoey) writes:
>The fact that GET/GETF use EQ instead of EQL needs to be emphasized
>more.  Such as a remark that it is an error to use a number as an
>indicator in the property list.
>It's all the worse that for many implementations EQL fixnums are EQ,
>so you don't see the bug until your problem gets into bignums.

I suppose this isn't the _best_ place to raise this question,
but when EQ, fixnums, and FAQ appear in the same place it's
almost irresistible.

As you all will recall, Common Lisp allows EQ to return false
for fixnums that are EQL.  Indeed, it can do so even in a case
like this:

[1]   (let ((x z) (y z)) (eq x y))  ; CLtL II p 288

or even:

[2]   (let ((x 5)) (eq x x))        ; CLtL II p 104

Indeed, at least one compiler (AKCL 1-505) has EQ always return
NIL when the arguments are known to be fixnums.  There is no 
significant efficiency reason for this.  EQL for known fixnums
compiles into the same code as EQ for objects: (x == y).  The
only difference is that x and y are C ints in the EQL case
and pointers in the EQ one.

A number of people find cases like [1] and especially [2] difficult to
understand, even if they are experienced users or even implementors of
Lisp.  They could understand if the reason were just to keep the rule
simple: EQ can _never_ be relied on for fixnums.  What's hard to see
is why in any reasonable implementation [1] or [2] would actually turn
out to be false.  And, as I will try to show below, the usual answers
to this are not very convincing.  I'm hoping there's a better answer 
and that someone can say what it is.

It's easy to understand a case like this one:

[3]   (eq 1 (- 3 2)) ==> ?

Why?  Well, in some implementations fixnums might be implemented
as pointers to locations that contain the actual values and new
fixnums might be allocated whenever a fixnum result is returned.
In [3], 1 and (- 3 2) might be pointers to different locations
that both contain 1; but since EQ compares only the pointers it
would return NIL.

So much for [3].  But we need a different argument to show why [1] or
[2] might return NIL, because if all fixnums were pointers-to, both
[1] and [2] would be true (unless we imagine that merely referring to
a fixnum causes a new one to be allocated, an implementation that
would be bizarre, to say the least).  Moreover, they would also be
true if all fixnums were always represented as tagged immediate
values, because they would have the same tag (fixnum) and the same
value.  Indeed, it's hard to imagine any reasonable representation
that, if used for all fixnums, would have [1] or [2] be false.

This suggests that the relevant case is when more than one
representation might be used.  The official reason (CLtL II p 288
again) seems to be that the "breakdown" of EQ for numbers is needed
for a compiler to be able to produce "exceptionally efficient
numerical code".  We can imagine an implementation that normally
allocated fixnums on the heap and represented them as pointers
to heap locations but also put fixnums directly in registers or
stack locations for manipulation by efficient compiled code.

But this isn't very convincing either.  KCL uses two representations
in the way suggested and could make [1] and [2] return true without
any efficiency loss -- unless you count the efficiency of being able
to skip the comparison altogether.  It is, moreover, hard to see why
KCL should be a special case.  If fixnum values are being used
directly, the compiler knows and can emit a direct compare.  If
the values are not direct, the compiler knows _that_ and can emit
a direct compare of the pointers.

This seems to account at least for [2], (let ((x 5)) (eq x x)), where
there is only one variable.  But what about [1], (let ((x z) (y z))
(eq x y))?  Maybe x is represented one way and y another.  But again
the compiler has to know this, because if it didn't it would also
be unable to handle cases such as

[4]  (let ((x z) (y z)) (+ x y))

So we seem to be left with the conclusion that there isn't an
efficiency reason after all.

There is still a conceptual argument, namely that if x and y are
different registers or stack locations they shouldn't count as EQ.
This will not work as-is, because it would imply that x and y should
not count as EQ when they contain other values such as (pointers to)
cons cells.  Instead, we'd have to say something like this: when
fixnum values are used directly, they aren't Lisp objects any more
and so it isn't meaningful to compare them with EQ.

That's better, but it still seems to be wrong.  This treatment of
fixnums is an optimization.  We should let optimizations have an
impact on the semantics only when some important efficiency gain is
obtained.  Otherwise, we leave the semantics alone and allow only
those optimizations that respect the semantics to the extent that any
violations have no impact on the behavior of programs.  That some
objects might be manipulated internally as non-objects is not in
itself a reason for saying they weren't objects in the first place.

It therefore seems that examples such as [1] and [2] are useful
only to make the problems due to examples such as [3] more universal.

-- jd

ram+@cs.cmu.edu (Rob MacLachlan) (05/01/91)

In article <4580@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.UUCP (Jeff Dalton) writes:
>I suppose this isn't the _best_ place to raise this question,
>but when EQ, fixnums, and FAQ appear in the same place it's
>almost irresistible.
>As you all will recall, Common Lisp allows EQ to return false
>for fixnums that are EQL.  
>[2]   (let ((x 5)) (eq x x))        ; CLtL II p 104
>What's hard to see
>is why in any reasonable implementation [1] or [2] would actually turn
>out to be false.  

This is more convincing with floats, since fixnums normally have immediate
representations in modern lisps, but here is the scenario:
 -- X is known to be a fixnum, so the compiler allocates in a register
    without any tag bits.  This is an unboxed (or non-descriptor)
 -- The compiler notices some references to X in contexts that require a
    tagged Lisp object.  For each such reference, it heap allocates a copy
    of X.
 -- This results in EQ being passed two difference copies of X.

Now, you might argue that this is a rather silly thing for the compiler to
do, especially when both arguments are known to be fixnums.  But consider
something like:
    (let ((x 1)) (eq x (if yow x (gloob))))

Basically, there was a langauge design tradoff here.  Is it more important
to have a well-defined pointer identity for numbers, or is it more important
to be able to generate tense numeric code?

The only way to ensure that pointer identity is preserved for numbers would
be to always retain the original object pointer, as well as any untagged
value, and then to use the original object pointer in any tagged context.
But this causes nasty problems with set variables:
    (let ((x z)
          (y z))
      (declare (fixnum x y))
      (when (gloob) (setq x (+ x (the fixnum grue))))
      (eq x y))

Now what to you do?  Keep a shadow tagged X, but invalidate it whenever it
is set, and then cons X at the EQ when the shadow X is invalidated?  Cons
the result of + just so that you can store it into the shadow X?

If this were an important problem to solve, I'm sure a solution could be
worked out that wouldn't be too terribly inefficient most of the time, but
why bother?  As near as I can tell, object identity (EQ) is only an
important operation on objects which can be side-effected, and numbers

You can also use EQ as a probabilistic optimization of general equality: if
two objects are EQ, they are definitely the same.  If not, they might be the
same.  But number copying only makes this hint slightly less sucessful, it
doesn't break the semantics.

Robert MacLachlan (ram@cs.cmu.edu)

haltraet@gondle.idt.unit.no (Hallvard Traetteberg) (05/01/91)

In article <4580@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) writes:

   As you all will recall, Common Lisp allows EQ to return false
   for fixnums that are EQL.  Indeed, it can do so even in a case
   like this:

   [1]   (let ((x z) (y z)) (eq x y))  ; CLtL II p 288

   or even:

   [2]   (let ((x 5)) (eq x x))        ; CLtL II p 104

   ... we need a different argument to show why [1] or
   [2] might return NIL, because if all fixnums were pointers-to, both
>   [1] and [2] would be true (unless we imagine that merely referring to
>   a fixnum causes a new one to be allocated, an implementation that
>   would be bizarre, to say the least).  Moreover, they would also be
   true if all fixnums were always represented as tagged immediate
   values, because they would have the same tag (fixnum) and the same
   value.  Indeed, it's hard to imagine any reasonable representation
   that, if used for all fixnums, would have [1] or [2] be false.

   -- jd

It may not be all that bizarre always to allocate new fixnum-objects when
referring to then. The whole thing depends on what fixnums are used for.

       (dotimes (a-fixnum *max-fixnum*) <some code>)

This code would generate an enormous amount of garbage fixnums, since one
cannot in general know if the values of a-fixnum are alive e.g put into a
list after the loop. But if one can guarantee that no fixnum-object is shared
between structures, one can always garbage collect fixnum-objects that lose a
(its only) reference. How can an implementor make this guarantee?

The code above may expand to:

     (let ((a-fixnum 0))
       (tagbody #:start <some code>
                        (if (< (setq a-fixnum (1+ a-fixnum)) *max-fixnum*)
                          (go #:start))))

Every time a-fixnum is set, the old fixnum-object that it refered to is
garbage collected. This is safe if a-fixnum is the only reference to the
fixnum-object. And with the above-mentioned guarantee this is true. The
technique is to generate a new fixnum-object every time eval returns a fixnum.
In the loop above, this new object will be the old fixnum-object just garbage
collected. So the total amount of new fixnum-objects allocated in the loop is
very small (2). Compare this with the *max-fixnum* fixnums that must be
allocated without this technique, which would you prefer?

KCL has a fixed set of already-made fixnum-objects that is reused instead of
allocating duplicates. Short loops will thus not generate garbage like the
example above suggests it should. The same trick can be used with the
technique described above to prevent calling the allocator all the time. 

If one writes code that normally generates fixnum-sharing datastructures, the
technique will slow the system down. But if this isn't the case, i believe it
will be considerable faster as long as the implementation optimizes the
recycling of garbage collected fixnums. Also, the technique depends on that
copying fixnums is fast, e.g. one memory read/store. Extending this to bigger
objects than fixnums may not be wise.

I have never tried this although I intended to implement it in a Lisp
interpreter I wrote some years ago. Is this really and old idea that everybody
has thought of, tried and discarded as inefficient? Has anyone experience with
systems implementing it?

                            - haltraet, Norwegian Institute of Technology

                                                           - hal

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May1.015534.27054@cs.cmu.edu> ram+@cs.cmu.edu (Rob MacLachlan) writes:

>In article <4580@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.UUCP (Jeff Dalton) writes:

>>I suppose this isn't the _best_ place to raise this question,
>>but when EQ, fixnums, and FAQ appear in the same place it's
>>almost irresistible.
>>As you all will recall, Common Lisp allows EQ to return false
>>for fixnums that are EQL.  
>>[2]   (let ((x 5)) (eq x x))        ; CLtL II p 104
>>What's hard to see is why in any reasonable implementation [1] or [2]
>>would actually turn out to be false.

>This is more convincing with floats, since fixnums normally have immediate
>representations in modern lisps, but here is the scenario:
> -- X is known to be a fixnum, so the compiler allocates in a register
>    without any tag bits.  This is an unboxed (or non-descriptor)
>    representation. 
> -- The compiler notices some references to X in contexts that require a
>    tagged Lisp object.  For each such reference, it heap allocates a copy
>    of X.
> -- This results in EQ being passed two difference copies of X.

This is a good explanation (just what I was looking for), and it
suggests a number of examples.  However, it's not clear that
expressions such as [2] are among them.

>Now, you might argue that this is a rather silly thing for the compiler to
>do, especially when both arguments are known to be fixnums.  But consider
>something like:
>    (let ((x 1)) (eq x (if yow x (gloob))))

It's still a silly thing to do, isn't it?  If the compiler allocates
an unboxed fixnum and then needs to create heap copy for every
reference, then the compiler's made the code slower rather than

What we really need is an example that mixes fixnum (or float)
arithmetic with other operations.  The problem with examples
like [2] is (I still think) that they're there to make it clear
that the rule is fairly absolute but are somewhat confusing in

>The only way to ensure that pointer identity is preserved for numbers would
>be to always retain the original object pointer, as well as any untagged
>value, and then to use the original object pointer in any tagged context.

>But this causes nasty problems with set variables:
>    (let ((x z)
>          (y z))
>      (declare (fixnum x y))
>      (when (gloob) (setq x (+ x (the fixnum grue))))
>      (eq x y))
>Now what to you do?  Keep a shadow tagged X, but invalidate it whenever it
>is set, and then cons X at the EQ when the shadow X is invalidated?  Cons
>the result of + just so that you can store it into the shadow X?

When I was thinking about mixed examples before, it seemed to me
that a compiler might follow the rule "if a pointer is ever needed,
allocate on the heap".  Purely numeric subexpressions that did not
contain assignments to the fixnum variables could still be optimized
by dereferencing once at the start.  This would be simpler than
maintaining the shadow X, or at least more like the optimizations
compilers normally perform.

>If this were an important problem to solve, I'm sure a solution could be
>worked out that wouldn't be too terribly inefficient most of the time, but
>why bother? 

I'm inclined to agree, especially since EQ doesn't perform a value
comparison on (boxed) numbers in any case.

-- jeff

ram+@cs.cmu.edu (Rob MacLachlan) (05/08/91)

In article <4613@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.UUCP (Jeff Dalton) writes:

>>>[2]   (let ((x 5)) (eq x x))        ; CLtL II p 104

>This is a good explanation (just what I was looking for), and it
>suggests a number of examples.  However, it's not clear that
>expressions such as [2] are among them.

I think that the real problem is that simple examples such as these are trying
to demonstrate that pointer identity doesn't work on numbers.  The
justification for this restriction is that it helps numeric code, but as you
point out, these particular examples are not helped (and are rather silly).  In
fact, CMU CL will optimize [2] to T, even if an arbitrary expression is
substituted for "5".

>When I was thinking about mixed examples before, it seemed to me
>that a compiler might follow the rule "if a pointer is ever needed,
>allocate on the heap".

This would be a reasonable rule were it not for loops and seldom-taken branches
(like error checks.)  Consider:
    (let ((sum 0.0))
      (dotimes (i (length vec))
	(incf sum (aref (the (simple-array single-float (*)) vec) i))
	(when (> sum 1e3)
	  (error "Sum too big: ~S" sum)))

In this case, we have a pointer use in an inner loop that is in reality never
used.  It is also possible to have pointer uses outside of a loop when the
variable is referenced in a loop.  For example, if we wanted to accumulate the
sum in a global variable, then it would be a good idea to do:
    (let ((sum *global-sum*))
      ...summing loop...
      (setq *global-sum* sum))

  Robert MacLachlan (ram+@cs.cmu.edu)