[net.sf-lovers] Doctor Who's scarf

rlb (07/19/82)

The following pattern came as an insert in a catalog I received
recently.  It seems to me that the Doctor's scarf has changed colors
over the Baker years.  The one I remember best doesn't have purple
in it.  Has anyone sorted this out?

Bob Brown

Knitting Pattern for the Doctor's Scarf

Size 4 knitting needles
(American size #9)
25 gram balls (1 oz American) of double knitting wool as follows:

3 purple			The tassels are made from
6 camel				1 foot lengths of wool
3 bronze
3 mustard			Seven tassels on each end and
4 rust				each tassel combining all 7 colors
3 grey
4 greenish brown


Cast on 60 stitches.  In plain knitting, always slip the first stitch,
and knit in the following order:

8 purple rows			10 camel
52 camel			8 grey
16 bronze			40 rust
10 mustard			14 mustard
22 rust				20 green
8 purple			8 purple
20 green			42 camel
8 mustard			12 bronze
28 camel			20 grey
14 rust				8 rust
8 bronze			12 purple
10 purple			6 camel
42 green			14 mustard
8 mustard			54 green
16 grey				16 rust
8 rust				12 grey
54 camel			8 mustard
10 purple			20 bronze
12 green			10 purple
8 mustard			12 camel
18 rust				32 grey
8 purple			10 rust
38 bronze			16 mustard