[comp.lang.c++] Simulation in C++

joel@gould9.UUCP (Joel West) (11/21/86)

C++ The Book makes reference to the language being designed to
help with a simulation problem.  The book and the current distribution
seem otherwise to make no mention of that.

Is there a set of classes for doing simulation, event or process-driven?
Any information (description, include, implementation) would be most
	Joel West			     MCI Mail: 282-8879
	Western Software Technology, POB 2733, Vista, CA  92083
	{cbosgd, ihnp4, pyramid, sdcsvax, ucla-cs} !gould9!joel

bs@alice.UUCP (11/21/86)

In article <874@gould9.UUCP>, joel@gould9.UUCP (Joel West) writes:
> C++ The Book makes reference to the language being designed to
> help with a simulation problem.  The book and the current distribution
> seem otherwise to make no mention of that.
> Is there a set of classes for doing simulation, event or process-driven?
> Any information (description, include, implementation) would be most
> appreciated.
> -- 
The task library provides Simula-style simulation:
	class task:		 scheduled co-routines
	class qhead, qtail:	 task communication
	class urand, erand, ...: random number generating
	class histogram:	 data collection
and a bit more. It is an old workhorse; not perfect but often adequate.
Runs on VAXes and M68K boxes.

The task library is on the standard C++ tape. Documentation is part of
the stuff you get from AT&T with the translator. See also <task.h>.