[comp.lang.c++] Problem making cfront 1.1 on 4.3BSD

gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) (11/19/86)

Well, I've applied James Lee Johnson's patch to CC (1.1, for 4.3BSD)
-- thanks! -- and that got me through 'make munch'.

Now I have a problem with making cfront, and also a question about some
code in src/main.c.

Here's the compilation error I get:
cd src; /bin/make CC=CC CCFLAGS="-O -DBSD"
CC  -c main.c 
CC  main.c:
"/usr/include/CC/signal.h", line 10: error:  signal() type mismatch: int (*() )()  and int (*(int , PF ) )() 
1 error
Since /usr/include/CC/signal.h includes /usr/include/sys/signal.h, the
conflict seems to arise in /usr/include/CC/signal.h itself (as opposed to
src/main.c).  Line 10 there redeclares the function 'signal'.

Any suggestions?

The question I have is about a related portion of src/main.c:
	typedef void (*ST)(...);	// trick to circumvent problems with old
	ST sick = ST(&signal);		// (or C) versions <signal.h>
Now, if I understand this correctly, 'sick' is a pointer to the 'signal'
function.  In that case, shouldn't the call be "(*sick)(SIGILL,core_dump);"?

Jacob Gore
Northwestern University, Computer Science Research Lab

wescott@sauron.UUCP (Mike Wescott) (11/24/86)

In article <3960003@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
> Now I have a problem with making cfront, and also a question about some
> code in src/main.c.
> The question I have is about a related portion of src/main.c:
> ===================================
> 	typedef void (*ST)(...);	// trick to circumvent problems with old
> 	ST sick = ST(&signal);		// (or C) versions <signal.h>
> 	sick(SIGILL,core_dump);
> 	...
> ===================================
> Now, if I understand this correctly, 'sick' is a pointer to the 'signal'
> function.  In that case, shouldn't the call be "(*sick)(SIGILL,core_dump);"?

Not necessarily.  Both expressions are equivalent in C++ as well as in C.
For C++, see "The C++ Programming Language" by B. Stroustrup, from the 
Reference Manual section 7.1:

	"    A function call is a primary expression followed by parentheses
	containing a possibly empty, comma-separated list of expressions which
	constitute the actual arguments to the function.  The primary
	expression must be of type ``function returning ...'' or ``pointer to
	function returning'', and the result of the function call is of type 

I can't find a similar blessing in K&R, but my reading of of the July 9
draft of the ANSI-C standard leads me to believe that it is legit in C as
well.  Besides, the compilers take it.  There is, however a bug in the way the
statement is converted to C.  The original code (version 1.1) would, on most
machines work and produce reasonable C code.  A recent fix to print.c posted
by Dr. Stroustrup fixed one problem but made the situation worse for compiling
this section of main.c.  I am posting another article with this fix and

	-Mike Wescott

news@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Usenet netnews) (11/25/86)

Organization : California Institute of Technology
From: jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech)
Path: oddhack!jon

In article <765@sauron.UUCP> wescott@sauron.UUCP (Mike Wescott) writes:
>In article <3960003@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
>> ...
>> 	sick(SIGILL,core_dump);
>> ...
>> Now, if I understand this correctly, 'sick' is a pointer to the 'signal'
>> function.  In that case, shouldn't the call be "(*sick)(SIGILL,core_dump);"?
>Not necessarily.  Both expressions are equivalent in C++ as well as in C.
>I can't find a similar blessing in K&R, but my reading of of the July 9
>draft of the ANSI-C standard leads me to believe that it is legit in C as
>well.  Besides, the compilers take it.  ...

	ANSI C does not exist yet, and there are definitely compilers
that do NOT take the first usage; for example the Amdahl UTS C compiler.

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group