[comp.lang.c++] C++ for MS-DOS or Macintosh

mikem@otc.OZ (Michael Mowbray) (11/21/86)

I heard a vague rumor that some firm was selling C++ for IBM-PC and/or
Macintosh. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Thanks in advance.
			Mike Mowbray
			Systems Development
			Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia)

UUCP:   {seismo,mcvax}!otc.oz!mikem              ACSnet: mikem@otc.oz

miner@ulowell.UUCP (Richard Miner) (11/30/86)

In article <44@otc.OZ> mikem@otc.OZ (Michael Mowbray) writes:
>I heard a vague rumor that some firm was selling C++ for IBM-PC and/or
>Macintosh. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

I am not sure who currently has such products, but I talk to Jim Goodenow
of Manx at a recent Amiga developers conference and he said 
that they had recently purchased a C++ licence from AT&T.  

For those who may not know, Manx has a high quality C compiler
running on most popular PCs, Aztec C86 on MeS-DOS and other environments
on 80x86 PC's, Aztec C68K for the AMIGA and other 68k workstations + the
Apple MAC PC, also  for 65xx based machines.  

I would imagine that if they get serious about C++ that once they get
it up on one environment they would port it to all the rest.  I think that
the first target machine the the Amiga because it is what Jim said its what he
does all of his development on, I would imagine others would follow soon.
If I hear more or ,since I am an Amiga Aztec C beta tester, If I recieve
a beta of a C++ compiler I will post a note.

news@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Usenet netnews) (11/30/86)

Organization : California Institute of Technology
From: jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech)
Path: oddhack!jon

In article <802@ulowell.UUCP> miner@ulowell.UUCP (Richard Miner) writes:
>In article <44@otc.OZ> mikem@otc.OZ (Michael Mowbray) writes:
>>I heard a vague rumor that some firm was selling C++ for IBM-PC and/or
>>Macintosh. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

    There are several companies advertising C++ for PCs in BYTE. 
If I recall correctly (not having a BYTE handy), Lifeboat and Oasys
are two of them.

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group

gary@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Gary Samad) (12/01/86)

In article <44@otc.OZ> mikem@otc.OZ (Michael Mowbray) writes:
>I heard a vague rumor that some firm was selling C++ for IBM-PC and/or
>Macintosh. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

  Yes, I have a copy of C++ from Lifeboat, ported by Glockenspiel, with
AT&T release notes (!) on my desk.  Unfortunately, it has been sitting on
my desk for a month now because it only runs on version 4.0 of the Microsoft
C compiler and we only have version 3.x right now.

	Waiting for an update...