[comp.lang.c++] Call for Papers: ASPLOS-II

mfreeman@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (Martin Freeman) (01/01/87)

                      Call for Papers

  Second International Conference on Architectural Support
for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-II)

                    Rickey's Hyatt House
          Palo Alto, California, October 5-8, 1987

         Sponsored by ACM and IEEE Computer Society

This is a reprise of the highly successful symposium held in
1982. Many of the ideas discussed at that time are now
reaching the marketplace.  This time, we intend to focus on
experimental analyses of architectures and performance
evaluations of prototype systems, including application-
specific designs. The time is ripe to review progress and
identify future directions.

Full papers (approximately 5000 words) are solicited in:

* Language and OS-Influenced Processor Designs

* Architecture-Influenced Compiler and OS Design

* Experimental Analysis of Instruction Set and Other
Architectural Design Choices

* Performance Evaluation of Prototype and Newly Available
Commercial Systems

We also solicit short (1000 word) high quality technical
abstracts on innovative commercial and prototype systems
that address topics of relevance to this conference. Full
presentations will be expected.

Five copies of submitted papers should be sent to the
program chairman at the address below, and will be accepted
for evaluation until February 1, 1987. Submissions will be
read by members and designated reviewers of the program

Randy Katz, U.C. Berkeley (chairman)
Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics
David Ditzel, AT&T Bell Laboratories
James Goodman, University of Wisconsin
John Hennessy, Stanford University
Edward McCreight, Xerox PARC
Steven Muchnick, Sun Microsystems
Richard Sites, DEC Hudson
Alan Smith, U.C. Berkeley
Chuck Thacker, DEC Systems Res. Center
Philip Treleaven, University College London
Mario Tokoro, Keio University

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May
15, 1987.  Accepted papers must be typed on special forms
and received by the program chairman by July 1, 1987.

A number of special activities are planned in conjunction
with the conference, including tutorials, invited papers,
and a special journal issue. The best submitted papers will
be considered for publication in this issue.

Program Chairman: Randy H. Katz, Computer Sciences Division,
U.C. Berkeley, Evans Hall, Berkeley, Ca  94720

General Chairman: Martin Freeman, Center for Integrated
Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca  94305