[comp.lang.c++] Object-oriented programming/systems

eghbalni@artecon.UUCP (02/11/87)

Recently, I have seen a variety of  postings  regarding
Object-oriented  languages/systems.   I have been using
this methodology with  three  different  languages  for
the  past three years.   I have  also  been  reading  a
lot of related literature.  So, I have formed  somewhat
of  an opinion on them.  I am definitely  convinced  of
the power and utility.  HOWEVER, I am not sure  of  the
claims   and  counter-claims  of  performance  or  lack
thereof.  I would highly appriciate  references  and/or
opinions  regarding systems that  sup- port  this  pro-
gramming methodology.   Both qualitative and  quantita-
tive data or any other reply is appreciated.

                                  Thank you in advance.

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