[comp.lang.c++] Release 1.2

mikem@otc.UUCP (02/26/87)

Ryerson Schwark of AT&T Unix Pacific tells me that release 1.2 is now
being shipped. I thought I'd post this info because I hadn't yet seen
it on the net.
			Mike Mowbray
			Systems Development
			Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia)

UUCP:   {seismo,mcvax}!otc.oz!mikem              ACSnet: mikem@otc.oz

marc@ghostwheel.UUCP (03/02/87)

Can someone please tell us what is new in Release 1.2?  A characterization
in terms of the differences and improvements over Release 1.1 (in terms of
functionality, ease in porting, etc.) would be very helpful.

Marc Smith, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Austin, TX

bs@alice.UUCP (03/03/87)

Release 1.2 is very similar to release 1.1.

The differences can be summed up as

	(1) etc. bug fixes.
	(2) removal of some, but not all, portability problems.
	(3) the overloading mechanism is now sensitive to ``unsigned''.

	Nothing drastic; about 6 months worth of business as usual.

	error() does not use varargs (relief for people porting to machines
		with nonVAXlike stacks - Pyramid, DGs, etc. ).

	cleanup of internal pointer type mixups (relief for people porting
		to word address machines - CDC, DG, etc.).

	removal of yet more dereferences of zero (relief for people on machines
		where *0 is an error - Suns, etc.).

	sizeofs generated whenever possible (rather than the value of a sizeof).
		This makes porting without a VAX feasible. The remaining snag
		is stdio.h use in error.c and print.c. It is now much more
		manageable to edit the generated C version of cfront to get an
		initial cfront that you can then use to compile the C++ source
		for cfront with your machines sizes and alignments specified in

	The 1.2 documentation includes a fairly detailed document describing
		machine dependencies and porting techniques.

	overload f(int), f(unsigned);	// now legal
	f(1u);		// the ANSI C ``u for unsigned'' suffix

	This should be completely compatible.

Re. Price:

	Universities pays $250 as usual,
	Companies $2000,
	Company re-orders $400.

(sorry about posting commercial info here, but a wrong guess was posted.
I took that for a question and asked AT&T sales for the correct answer).