[comp.lang.c++] c++ reading list

pjdevries@watrose.UUCP (01/30/87)

I am looking for a reading list on C++.
I would appreciate any titles, along with the publisher and date if possible.
Of special interest are primers,tutorials on using C++ that go beyond a very
elementary level.
Does anyone know of a computer based training package for C++ ?


hrh@well.UUCP (02/23/87)

In article <8422@watrose.UUCP>, pjdevries@watrose.UUCP (P. DeVries) writes:
> I am looking for a reading list on C++.
> I would appreciate any titles, along with the publisher and date if possible.
> Of special interest are primers,tutorials on using C++ that go beyond a very
> elementary level.
> Does anyone know of a computer based training package for C++ ?
> Thanks.

The Waite Group and Sams Publications will be publishing a collection
called *The UNIX Papers* in late spring. This includes an excellent
tutorial on C++ by Keith Gorlen, which includes a discussion of data
structures with built in operators and functions, and a look at 
object-oriented programming with C++. Other papers cover a variety of
topics of interest to serious UNIX users and developers. (Caveat: I
am the editor of this book, but it's good anyway :-)
The opinions expressed are my own, but you're welcome to share them.
Harry Henderson (freelance technical editor/writer).

rbl@nitrex.UUCP (02/24/87)

In article <8422@watrose.UUCP>, pjdevries@watrose.UUCP (P. DeVries) writes:
> I am looking for a reading list on C++.
> I would appreciate any titles, along with the publisher and date if possible.
> Of special interest are primers,tutorials on using C++ that go beyond a very
> elementary level.
> Does anyone know of a computer based training package for C++ ?
> Thanks.

Good primer article in Computer Language magazine, February 1987. Vol 4 #2.
"Out of the C World Comes C++" starting on page 29.

Rob Lake

kens@hpldorp.UUCP (02/24/87)

hrh@well.UUCP (Harry Henderson) writes:
> The Waite Group and Sams Publications will be publishing a collection
> called *The UNIX Papers* in late spring. 

I really can't let this go by.

DISCLAIMER:  I do not intend to disparage the skills or qualifications
of Mr. Henderson.

About 6 months ago I reviewed another book published by the Waite
Group, this time with Brady Communications.  My review is contained in
the February issue of Computing Reviews.  My (stated) impression was
that the book was a ripoff - that it conveyed little useful information
and its overall quality was so bad as to be harmful to its target
audience.  I've never seen any other Waite Group books, but from the
only data point I have they seem to take no interest in the quality of
what they publish.

Conclusion:  I believe that if *The UNIX Papers* is to be a good book,
it will be so solely due to the efforts of Mr. Henderson.  Any book
published by the Waite Group should be examined carefully due to
possibly extreme variations in quality.

    Ken Shrum

    (Yes, I'm aware of a factual error which I made in the review -
     forgetting that ANSI C supports passing structs by value and
     struct-valued functions.  The statements in the review still

bs@alice.UUCP (03/04/87)

The paper by Ron Kerr:

	``A Meterialistic View of the Software "Engineering" Analogy''

in SIGPLAN Notices March 1987 is well worth reading.

Ron's native language is Simula.