[comp.lang.c++] C++ fine for work now ??

mo@seismo.UUCP (02/18/87)

Until I can get C++ up on a non-VAX (read SUN 3/160) without
making a career of it,  C++ is NOT fine for work now, no
matter how badly I want to use it (which is pretty badly).
I don't have time to port and debug the compiler and do
the work I need to do.  I could find a source for a SUN
version of C++ (pun intended), I would try it out. 
Having to use a VAX (or more ideally, a 3B2)
to port it is (1) silly and (2) unworkable for me.


johnston@uiucdcsb.UUCP (02/20/87)

>/* ---------- "C++ fine for work now??" ---------- */
>Until I can get C++ up on a non-VAX (read SUN 3/160) without
>making a career of it,  C++ is NOT fine for work now, no
>matter how badly I want to use it (which is pretty badly).
> ...

I disagree.  The fact that C++ is implemented as a front-end to
the C compiler is a big win.  I "ported" C++ version 1.1 to our Encore
Multimax (NS32000 series based shared memory multiprocessor running under
4.2bsd Unix (UMAX)) in under 3 hours.  It is serving well as an OS
development language.  I can't believe that it would be very difficult
to port to a MC68000 series based 4.2bsd system.

Gary Johnston
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1304 West Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801

USENET:	{pur-ee,convex,ihnp4}!uiucdcs!johnston
ARPA:	johnston@b.cs.uiuc.edu
CSNET:	johnston%uiuc@csnet-relay

robison@uiucdcsb.UUCP (02/21/87)

Another testimonial to the ease of porting C++:  I "ported" it to a
PC/RT (running 4.2 BSD UNIX) in an afternoon.  

Arch D. Robison
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
UUCP: {ihnp4,pur-ee,convex}!uiucdcs!robison
ARPA: robison@B.CS.UIUC.EDU (robison@UIUC.ARPA)

root@sdd.UUCP (02/26/87)

In article <43105@beno.seismo.CSS.GOV> mo@seismo.CSS.GOV (Mike O'Dell) writes:
>Until I can get C++ up on a non-VAX (read SUN 3/160) without
>making a career of it,  C++ is NOT fine for work now, no
>matter how badly I want to use it (which is pretty badly).
>I don't have time to port and debug the compiler and do
>the work I need to do.  I could find a source for a SUN
>version of C++ (pun intended), I would try it out. 
>Having to use a VAX (or more ideally, a 3B2)
>to port it is (1) silly and (2) unworkable for me.
>	-Mike

	Why do you anticipate problems with getting C++ up on a non-VAX
computer.  You can now buy it on a PC! from Lifeboat.  Oasys sells it
for a number of machines, which I believe includes Sun and Apollos.  I
heard that the initial version was hard to part,  but it is my understanding
from talking to Bjarne Strourstup and Stan Lipman of AT&T that the
new version that is now being released (1.2?) is easier to port.
I hope so, because I intend to port it to our Convergent Technologies
MightyFrame (a 68020 based V.2 + berkley extensions machine).  If any
of you feel that I may be heading into trouble, please post or email me.

								Daniel Corbett
								Vice President of Engineering
								Software Design & Development Corp
								Camarillo, CA
								UUCP: ihnp4!nrcvax!root

joecar@pyuxe.UUCP (03/04/87)

Porting C++ to another computing environment doesn't seem to me
to be the real issue.  I worry more about product quality, product
support, availability of new features and releases, program
support tools (eg. debugger).  As a manager of an organization
which is thinking of using C++ to write real world code, I need
to think about whether the code I write this year will work and
can be supported next year.
Joe Carfagno

bs@alice.UUCP (03/04/87)

> As a manager of an organization
> which is thinking of using C++ to write real world code, I need
> to think about whether the code I write this year will work and
> can be supported next year.

So do I. C++ has an excellent track record for compatibility. In fact,
many of the first CwithClasses programs (now about 6 years old) are still
in use. All changes will be upwards compatible extensions. Any exceptions
to this rule would be simple corrections of generally acknowledged mistakes
(like the change of C from using =+ to using +=); but no such are in the

AT&T alone has hundreds of thousands of lines of C++ code and is not about
to render them illegal. Even if we did want to do something silly it is
unlikely that we would manage to: most C++ installations are outside AT&T.

dan@prairie.UUCP (03/05/87)

   There is a rumour about that AT&T has plans to drop C++ as a product.
It's unsubstantiated and probably nonsense, but I'd like the comments of
informed people on it if possible.

      Dan Frank (w9nk)
	ARPA: dan@db.wisc.edu			ATT: (608) 255-0002 (home)
	UUCP: ... uwvax!prairie!dan		     (608) 262-4196 (office)
	SNAILMAIL: 1802 Keyes Ave. Madison, WI 53711-2006

bs@alice.UUCP (03/06/87)

Dan Frank (dan @ Prairie Computing, Madison, Wisconsin) writes

>   There is a rumour about that AT&T has plans to drop C++ as a product.
> It's unsubstantiated and probably nonsense, but I'd like the comments of
> informed people on it if possible.

You are right. That rumor is utter nonsense.

Maybe you just heard a very old rumor: Before C++ was made a product it was
decided NOT to make it a product several times. I believe such decisions are
habitually made for most ``unusual'' creations in most large companies.

In fact, C++ is enjoying significantly more support from the AT&T establishment
than ever before. See for example Larry Rosler's remarks about C++ in the
latest issue of The C Journal.