[comp.lang.c++] AT&T has no Xerox machine

lawitzke@msudoc.UUCP (03/26/87)

Apparently AT&T, one of the world's richest companies, has no Xerox
machines. I finally received release1.2 of C++, however I got one
document entitled, "C++ Translator Porting Guide and Release 1.2
Addendum to the Release Notes" a set of 8 1/2"x11" papers clasped
together. I also received a letter stating "The Document "C++ Release
Notes" is on back order and will be shipped ASAP. If these release notes
are as teh addendum, they could be easily photocopied!!!!

Could some kind soul out there send me a copy of theirs? I attempted
to install by looking at the makefile, but that does not seem to be

###!/@?*&^#! phone company!

John H. Lawitzke                 UUCP     ...ihnp4!msudoc!eecae!lawitzke
Division of Engineering Research
Michigan State University        Office:  (517) 355-3769
E. Lansing, MI, 48824            Home:    (517) 332-3610